SpideršŸ•· Weaving šŸ•ø

This is a good point and myth recently asked about warding dream and astral space I think.

I use the same banishing I do in the physical in dreams, Iā€™ve also reached out and just absorbed all the energy blobs around me when I was being chased in dreams- I couldnā€™t figure out which body the chaser would take nextā€¦ so I figured If I took them all, whatever was left had to be itā€¦

:rofl::rofl::joy: the dreamscapeā€¦ that is a crazy place lol. Logic doesnā€™t seem to come to me quite as well thereā€¦:rofl:


I donā€™t leave my wards. Not awake, not asleep, not anything else. Iā€™ve had some weird things pop up on the astral, but the only time since I made my wards Iā€™ve been without them have been intentional on my part or intentional on the part of a spirit who gets a lot of weight in them.

Iā€™m happy Iā€™m not the only one. No one believes a kid seeing ā€œspookyā€ stuff, but that doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t real. Iā€™ve actually blocked out a few things Iā€™ve seen because I have a recollection of certain mirrors showing me things but not what I saw.

There are a few sayings about mirrors and bedrooms and I site as many as possible when I tell people that I donā€™t want to see any mirrors (or reflective surfaces) from my bed.

I tried a couple times. Iā€™m still working on it, but I have been seeing things in the mirror even if it isnā€™t a black mirror.

Yep! It messes with my practice too. I avoid it because I donā€™t want the dreams and because it makes me more likely to have not-good (biased especially) magick experiences.


Belial & Dantalion Notes (September 16, 2022)


Belial told me the first time we met that we would meet again before he gave me what I wanted. True to his word, itā€™s been a few days and I have an opportunity landing in my lap (obviously I put effort into it too, as I said when arrangements were made initially). Iā€™m hoping it works out the way I want. Iā€™ve ā€œgrown upā€ a bit from when I made my ask to now, at least Iā€™d like to think so. Iā€™m excited to see how it turns out and hoping for the best.

Tomorrow Iā€™ll have some time and maybe Iā€™ll put together a ritual, although Iā€™m not sure if I should wait a bit for that.


Dantalion and I had a rather intense ritual last night. I can still feel it and anticipate it lasting for another 2-3 days. It wasnā€™t quite invocation or possession; but those and serious energy trades are the only times Iā€™ve felt anything near this. Last night I wanted to crawl out of my body it was so just fucking much for me to handle.

We had a brief chat on glamours and then otherā€”at the moment confidential :zipper_mouth_face:ā€” stuff, and then headed to his ā€œmazeā€ where the intense stuff happened. Itā€™s ā€œastralā€? Iā€™m not all the way sure, but itā€™s not this plane. Iā€™m not gonna share those details now, but maybe later. It was new and different and holy fuck the tail end of that ritual had me rolling around trying to figure out what to do with myself and the energy, etc. I was feeling in me.

The discussion we had on glamours was actually really interesting and shined a new light on ways to use them for me. Aside from that standard getting people to perceive you how you want them to or shinning up a social media post/ resume/ advertisement, I learned a bit on another style of glamour. If youā€™d asked me a couple months ago, I would never have called this that word, but Iā€™m beginning to see it is glamour (magick). So Iā€™ll bet thereā€™s a real word out there, but Iā€™m going to call them ā€œstickly glamoursā€ because they latch onto (ā€œstickā€ with) any person that pokes them the right way. We talked about a couple types of these including ones the reflect desires (which actually gets a bit dark and convoluted).

Hereā€™s some of the talk that happened:

For context, thereā€™s a thing thatā€™s been stalking me for about 2 weeks and Iā€™m getting increasingly more fed up, havenā€™t felt it since early last night now though:

Me: Thereā€™s someone here, I can feel them. Itā€™s like a ghost of the thing thatā€™s been stalking me. I can feel it. Itā€™s still poking, trying to get through my wards and I donā€™t know why. Dantalion?

Dantalion: Yes, [ENDEARMENT].

M: What is this thing?

D: The spirit of another.
D: * Touches my arm *

M: How do I get it to stop watching me? Itā€™s making me uncomfortable.

D: It is trying to get in and you know it.

M: I do know. I donā€™t want it ā€œin.ā€

D: You wish to know who?

M: Yes.

D: [DESCRIPTION.] A human, I know not why.

M: I donā€™t believe you. I think you do know why and you donā€™t want to tell me.

D: Perhaps, [ENDEARMENT].

M: * Non-subtly changes conversation to glamours.*

D: * Is judgmental. *

D: [TYPE OF DESIRE] clouds.
[clouds reason, thought, etc.]

M: I agree.

D: It is what he was most wanting for.

M: A desire so to speakā€¦

We continued to talk about this line of reasoning for a few more moments. The idea that glamours can reflect at people the things they crave, desire, ā€œneedā€ without the thing being real. Not real, obviously, on the side that holds the glmour as a mask or ward, but also not real on the other side. Itā€™s a fabrication of feeling. A false creation/implantation of having a need or desire met. It was an interesting talk. And a way of using glamours (or a perspective on them at least) that Iā€™ve not thought too deeply about before; rather than have someone see you and see beauty, they see you as a reflection of some part of themselves or their own desires.

Some high key manipulation if you ask me. So my interest and has been piqued and maybe Iā€™ll have to play around with this a bit.


Being Bound to a Spirit (dantalion edition) :man_genie: :genie: :man_genie: :genie:

I want to start off by saying thereā€™s more than one but due to the nature of other (cough Furcalor cough) binding agreements I have, I only feel comfortable sharing on this one at present. Maybe Iā€™ll get to others later on.

So Iā€™m not talking about gentle bindings here, Iā€™m talking about specifically things that have come as a result of being pacted (or other similar arangements), firm and secure, and mildly unbreakable bonds. Itā€™s been a few months now since we entered into the pact, so I think itā€™s been long enough now that I feel okay sharing some things about my pact that Iā€™ve been really hesitant to disclose for a while. (Dantalion has also lifted a couple of his ā€œrequestsā€ on not sharing certain things.)

Just to note: Iā€™m not giving descriptions of Dantalion (appearance) here for a reason. I donā€™t feel like it, it would take so many words, and Iā€™m not sure I can use the right words.


The night I handled pact details and pacted with with Dantalion, we were really vague. The type of vague I would not recommend others to be, but love myself. I was told to expect to be taught, to be consistent in my practice, to keep certain things secret, and that I would be taken care of with regard to protection and requests (that did/would not bring me harm). Dantalion used a request of mine as leverage to get into this pact and then denied me that same requestā€¦probably Iā€™ve realized because it would have somehow hurt me. There was more, but these are really the main points. And when I asked what if Dantalion failed to comply, I was met with a terrifying sight indeed. It was like the gates of hell opening up and a vortex calling everything in sight deep into it; flames, a red swirly glitter tornado, black cracked rock around the edges, this immense feeling of fear and suffering that overwhelmed me. I wanted to know that we both had something at stake if things didnā€™t pan out. Knowing that both of us could be pulled into something unwantedā€“to that extreme at thatā€“was reassuring to me. I always wondered why we trust that theyā€™ll uphold their end without threat of ā€œpunishment,ā€ but the reality is I suppose they are bound to our agreements in their own way.

It was later that ritual that I understood the real meaning of exchanging energy, exchanging ā€œsoulā€ or self or whatever the fuck else itā€™s called with a demon, spirit, djinn, ā€œentityā€. I didnā€™t know then what I was getting into. I was told to sit with my back against a wall, breathe, and be still by a spirit I trustedā€“still trust. I was told to close my eyes and not put up resistance. I was told to trust.

He walked me into that so fucking well. The calmness, the authority, the ease, and the comfort he had was incredible. And there I was, no fucking idea what I was in for. I canā€™t really explain all of what happened. But I do know at some point I couldnā€™t breathe, at another point I was falling over onto my face, and at another point I was trying to figure out what the fuck had just happened.

He wove our energy together so seamlessly, so effortlessly from my viewpoint. It was exchanged, traded, made a binding. I was pulled into him and he was pulled into me. And thatā€™s what (gently) knocked me out (I donā€™t know how long I was laying there for lights out). I didnā€™t know they did things like that? I mean, I knew there were claims about energy entanglement with spirits, but I hadnā€™t known what that meant until I sat back up and understood.

Flames Shared & Shown

It was over a month later that he suggested something different for our ā€œpact ritualā€ (I call rituals that pertain to pact things ā€œpact ritualsā€). He told me to sit upright and to let him take me somewhere. I grabbed my phone to record because I wasnā€™t going to be able to take notes. Talking should come easily enough I figured. (Oh my fucking god, that recording is otherworldly, especially considering there are things/sounds that are not human made in there, fucking creepy).

I ā€œopened my eyesā€ (not physically) into a long hallway. It was dark and there were so many doors lining the walls. I looked around and walked a few steps forward, then tried to walk back. I was told to only move forward, everything would come around but back tracking was a sure way to get lost (near indefinitely for some Iā€™d guess). He told me to find his door, or a door that he wanted me to open Iā€™m not sure on the phrasing. It was a strange walk, I asked what was at the end of the hall and he said we could look. Iā€™m not here to talk about what was behind Door Number 1 though, just bindings so weā€™ll skip that for this post.

Eventually, I ended up in the room he wanted me at. It was cozy with some glowing purple accents and lots of darkness. Dark walls, seating, etc. He told me to have a seat on a ā€œcouchā€ so I did right across from this freaky giant black mirror and this big, human-head size claw machine claw hand that was perched in a wall indent/cubby facing outward. Out of a horror movie, guys. It was bordering terrifying. If it wasnā€™t for his energy rippling as loudly as it was throughout the space and his constant reassurances that I was with him and safe, and to be calm, that nothing bad would happen, I would have been inconsolable.

A spirit takes you to their ā€œhome,ā€ which is affectionately dubbed ā€œmazeā€ and into a torture chamber with comfy chairsā€¦ it was a bit intense, and not what I was expecting. Iā€™d never been in any similar type of situation.

So Iā€™m sitting on his comfy chair and he comes to sit down too. Iā€™m expecting a chat, not for the wall claw to start moving. Weā€™re going to skip over my fear and jump too the energy splicing part. It didnā€™t ā€œhurt,ā€ but I get the feeling he did some weird magick trick because it definitely felt like it was supposed to. It felt like I was being wrenched apart, my energy, my body, my sense of being forcibly made to separate and stop being a coherent single piece. Dantalion was very nice throughout this particular experience, I think anyone who knows him knows heā€™s pretty calm energywise and Iā€™ve never been so thankful than in these situations. Astral breathing tightness and hyperventilating aside, my physical body was nearly unable to breathe through that whole experience, I could feel what was happening in his ā€œlairā€ and knew it was tracking physically to my body. That was a bit unnerving, but again I felt safe so that was helpful and reassuring.

The audio on that is really something.

When Iā€™d finally calmed down enough, there was a fire floating in front of me. It felt really familiar, felt mine, felt like him, felt like so much else. He explained it was the flame heā€™d given to me when we pacted. It was his energy, within me. The flame of a djinn, his flame, his fire, his energy, what makes him. It was beautiful, I got to touch it and see it and it was breathtaking. It was the part of him ā€˜givenā€™ to me with our pact and bond/binding. (I got it back later in this experience, not nearly so traumaticā€”which I say lightly and with thanks for the experience.)

For weeks he had been making references to me being able to use his energy and I had been entirely missing the literal meaning behind his words. When I looked over past notes from our meeting, I found them littered with him talking about the energy trade. I hadnā€™t understood initially what took me out like that, but after this ritual, I knew it was the energy merge/trade that had just overwhelmed me.

Glossy Black Blood

Another evening/night I was shown glossy black blood. I was concerned someone had been watching me, I felt like there was an energy pushing at me that I didnā€™t want around. I reached out to Dantalion and the familiar heā€™d given me; he said: ā€œYou are marked in my blood.ā€

I was really taken aback. Like WTF? What ā€œblood?ā€ What ā€œmark?ā€ I waited a couple nights until there was similar event in which he reminded me what heā€™d said and showed me. I saw this black, glistening, glossy, sparkly, red tinted in some places, thick and clearly something at least akin to blood. I caught a glimpse of this running downā€“or already run downā€“along a net/shield/ward (intentionally vague) around myself.

I was confused and internally conflicted with this new info, and reached out to some friends to ask their opinions on the matters of spirits, blood, and whatever the fuck ā€œbeing markedā€ by a spirit meant. One of these amazing seers (if you see this, feel free to name yourself, or ask and I will) reached out to my energetic sphere and was able to show me a pattern of symbols that was made of this blood and surrounded me.

That was one of the first glimpses I caught of Dantalionā€™s true possessiveness, of his seeing me as a sentient possession of sorts. Itā€™s a mark that others, spirits, people on the astral, and what have you might encounter. Itā€™s a mark that shows some gentle (or not lol) type of ownership and binds us further. Itā€™s something that I know is a claim to me, whether in part or whole Iā€™m not quite sure.

It felt natural and then suddenly like being hit by a train when he said ā€œmarked in my bloodā€ to me. Like it was something reasonable, something I should have just known; and then all of the sudden I was confused, shocked, felt like I was inventing shit, like I needed a nap, second guessing my ability to hear and interpret spirits. Online searches were useless. And I felt like I was pretending to be superior because wtf kind of magician is actually ā€œmarkedā€ by a spiritā€¦how is that not the same as these pseudo-marriages and all that stuff. But Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that at least 2 others have seen what Iā€™m talking about on me and that idgaf, I need to trust me and the spirits Iā€™m close with above my worries of being judged.

Exchanging Blood

This is the most recent of what Iā€™m posting about. Itā€™s also something I still feel a little unsure about so please forgive any issues with my wording, etc. as I havenā€™t had as long to consider these themes as the others.

Iā€™ve been giving Dantalion blood for a while, but itā€™s not very common between us. Itā€™s not something weā€™ve made regular at all although his metal necklace/pendant sigil is blooded, his big giant candle is blooded, and sometimes (rarely) I blood a paper sigil or incense. The other night I raised a question of blood, super casually thinking heā€™d give a response and we might move on. That is not what happened.

I asked about his blood. I said I was curious and he answered super casually, as if heā€™d been waiting for this happen. He said blood my sigil and then Iā€™ll take you there (the maze). I made a new sigil to blood for him and blooded it.

He said, ā€˜Come with me,ā€™ and so I grabbed my phone to record and we went to that same maze place. A different room than I wrote about higher up. He said ā€œlay down,ā€ and I didnā€™t understand why, didnā€™t want to because Iā€™m always scared of falling asleep after that time with the candles burningā€¦ and it makes things feels more casual than I like in ritual. He repeated himself enough times that I laid down face down (as per his request) on my bed (his altar is at the foot of my bed and as per his specific request our pact rituals are held there).

In the maze room, he led me over to another long couch/seat/bed thing. He laid down on it and pulled me down. So Iā€™m laying on top of him and he says, ā€˜okayā€™. I was not expecting what happened next. He put a ā€˜handā€™ up and raked his nails (such a pretty dark color) down his throat. Iā€™m not relaying his words, but I think the implications are clear. I was beside myself. It looked like it had in my other visions of it, but pouring out of him (instead of driving from a clutched hand or already out of him). I did as he said. My (public, at this time) descriptions of that end here.

When that was ending/over, he said stay still. Iā€™m not sure exactly what happened but his left arm ended up opened and gushing blood. It was a very long tear. He dragged it upward against my back. I felt it. Another mark of possession, of claim, of ownership. Another mark of protection, binding, and kinship.

After that event I felt overwhelmed and insane and like I needed to crawl out from within my body. Like there was too much something inside me and it wanted out. He said I should release blood and that would help, but Iā€™m not about to slice into myself to handle that issue. It was so fucking intense. It took hours to wear off. The next day I felt weird. The next, next day I still felt kinda strange. I felt it in my body, in my blood, in my stomach, in my energy.

Making Sense of Meanings

Iā€™ve been made aware (thanks for the fucked up astral ā€˜nightmaresā€™ Dantalion, which I mean lovingly) that I have access to the fire within me as a spiritual ā€œweapon.ā€ But I was also told following this last night I referenced that anything that (actually) touches me will just burn. So even with my cushy warding system which Iā€™ve gotten some cool reviews on over the last couple months itā€™s been up, I have reassurances if anything gets too close. Iā€™m sure that blood mark is good for other things too and has other implications.

Bindings are two way streets. As I am bound, so is he. As he binds himself to me, so I am bound to him.

An exchange of energy, of being, of blood, of whatever may follow. Each is marked by a trade. While he might not wear my blood around, or hold a sigil for me, both energy and blood are necessary parts of what make a human human and make a human alive. What Iā€™d not realized before this pact is that ā€œdemonsā€ might operate by similar principals. What is given is received, and is given in return.

Anyways, I just thought it was about time I write something (other than half illegible texts) about being bound this way with a spirit, a demon, a djinn, a manipulative creature who is so fucking dear to me and such an amazing friend, protector, and much more. (Iā€™ll remind everyone that this relationship is 10000000% platonic real quick.)

Some of these ideas arenā€™t fully formed, but I wanted to post. Come add your thoughts if you want and have similar experience.


Markings may or may not be related to marriages. Think of them as a ā€œtogether foreverā€ pacts friends make, they may not marry each other but theyā€™ll always be with each other (assuming that markings are permanent). With my limited knowledge about them, can they be based on romantic interest? Yes. Is it always the case? No. There are some connections that really just go beyond them. Youā€™re really enmeshed and entangled with a spirit so much and in such a deep, intricate, intense way thereā€™s no word (no word in all the languages I know of) that can describe it or put it into perspective. And I know that you know what I mean. It is a 2 way street of possessiveness with mutual benefits. Not everyone gets marked I think. You may have a really close connection with a spirit but itā€™s not necessary that youā€™ll be marked. Iā€™m not sure of what a general criteria would be, but I hope to find out one day.


lol something I actually havenā€™t asked about. Iā€™ll need to. You always have such great points and bring up exactly the right things.

I also have yet to find any type of word that is semi-adequate. I think we magicians should just make one, a cooler one than ā€œpactedā€ or ā€œpatronā€ which can mean such different things to everyone who uses them. I have a Quechua word that comes as close to being a good representation as Iā€™ve found, but itā€™s still not representative of relationship.

Iā€™m possessive too. Iā€™m very aware that heā€™s a Big Bad Spirit ā„¢ and itā€™s ā€œwrongā€ to be possessive over spirits and shit, but Iā€™ve been allowed to exercise a small amount of possessive once or twice.

Definitely mutual benefits. Something I understand more and more with the spirits I do certain types of work with and the longer I listen to occultists (worth their salt) talk.

Me neither. I still have no idea what possessed him to extend this type of whatever itā€™s called (another word for possession? for ownership? kinship? friendship? claim?). Itā€™s something I donā€™t think I have with any other spirit. Not like this at least although I have some firm and longstanding agreements with a few other spirits.

@Celestia Thanks for the comment!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Youā€™re knowledgeable and enlightening as always.


It be like that sometimes ig :sweat_smile:

And youā€™re welcome, I try my best :sweat_smile::muscle:


Ok, I also experienced something similar in the 2019, at that time I was trying to stablish a pact with an 'infernalā€™ and I remember that one of the first things that this entity made was to cut his own throat and immediately gave me his blood.
Btw this description also fit of the texture of the blood I drank ā†“


Explains Dantalionā€™s casual attitude about it. I guess itā€™s a Thing. Just tear open a throat and feed/bind a human.

Interesting both of these have happened in pact circumstancesā€¦ explains for me why it felt like heā€™d been chilling and waiting for the right moment to have this moment.

Im so happy though that you have similar experience, I was starting to feel insane.

Thatā€™s the best I can describe it. Iā€™m so fucking happy to have a bit of SPG on the topic!!


Yap, all of this happened during a very dark period of my life, so I wasnā€™t fully conscious of what I was doing or if my intentions were fully approved by this entity, it seems it was accepted somehow.
Hmm, I think Iā€™m starting to understand the type of connection that we shared.


This describes a bit too much of my magickā€¦

I try to avoid serious magick when Iā€™m feeling unstable, but that doesnā€™t always work out. Mostly unrelated, sometimes I get out of ritual and just have no idea what just happened.

Yay! :grinning: :grinning:


Most of mine end when I move upwards. Actually all of them WOULD. But some have chosen to come with.

I recently dedicated to Leviathan. That is good until I move up. That said, this is likely my last go around, but I can still reach here then (UPG)


My experience is that not all are. Sometimes, they want to mark you for a period of time, largely for protection or territorial reasons. BUT(thinking of Lilith here), it wasnā€™t anything like what youā€™re talking about, which I HAVE experienced, but within the constructs of other entities (several). Those types of melding can be thought of as sporadic boosts/meldings or of more permanent bondings, like youā€™re talking about. They are alchemical (not in the edgy, nonsense way), attuning, and transformative.

You are never the same afterwards. Most havenā€™t had entity-initiate attunements, either. They open up your spark quite a bit. Tighter bindings, like youā€™re speaking of are more transformational, but in more specific ways. This should make sense. Some thing open up, things that are less important close or lessen, andā€¦

ā€¦you become a little more like the energy that entity representsā€¦ But your specific version/aspect of it.


This makes sense and itā€™s quite interesting. Really like your wording, youā€™re helping me out a lot with making sense of some stuff. Mine is more permanent for sure, I have an out but thereā€™s a reason timeframes were never built into the pact.

Yeah. Alchemical is the perfect word!! Itā€™s a real fucking change. And itā€™s something I felt with minutes each time Iā€™ve had this type of experience (with a couple spirits, but mostly with Dantalion). I know you mean the real use of the word lol, but itā€™s nice to distinguish sometimes too especially when talking about certain topics that are distanced from their meanings often.

:100: :100:

This does make sense. If I hadnā€™t been through it, it wouldnā€™t though.

I think it was a few days after I pacted I walked out of a 3 year long relationship. I also immediately started working on a couple specific things that were almost out of no where. I started the mind project Iā€™m still involved in within a couple weeks. Some of the things that followed our first energy trade were pretty drastic. Every time though, thereā€™s a distinct shift in myself.

Can you elaborate on this? Not (all the way) sure what you mean by it.


The first one I had wasnā€™t long after my second successful evocation (Leviathan). I have a sort of ā€œserviceā€ model approach with entities. I donā€™t mind mutual scratching backs. So, not long after, but before the Shadownomicon, I was told by Hecate to go on my daily ergo walk. She asked me it I would receive some of her energy. I was scared, to be honest, but I accepted.

A jolting of some type of electricity is what happened and kept happening mildly until I made it to the outdoor restrooms. I was flooded with so much energy (at the time) I was retching. My capacity increased a bit, my connection to her increased, and my connection to the Dead increased.

In my case, these have happened when one entity or another deems it beneficial to both. Itā€™s like a leveling up and all have come from hard work and service on my end. I work my ass off and they sometimes give me free XP :joy: Sometimes, when they want you to complete(just) one more ritualā€¦theyā€™ll give you a bump to see it through.

Reverse possessions (and planned partials) have resulted in similar transformations. I work with a variety.of entities, so that works for me. Lesser versions (delayed, less intense immediate changes) can happen through partial posessions.

Lately, itā€™s a little different. Iā€™m a dedicand to Leviathan (this month). We are bound while Iā€™m incarnated. Weā€™ve done some partial possessions in the past, but now, itā€™s like weā€™re almost side-by-side at times. Itā€™s like he and I are more attuned, but not bound quit like you. Heā€™d show up out of nowhere to help heal my leg cramps so I could limp home while exercising in Hawaii. At least I can return the favor. Meanwhile, I had a report from a friend that Leviathan started working on them because of our friendship.

I have a similar binding with Hecate, that you do to Dantalion.


Thank you for saying this. I always love hearing that others have been scared of similar things and in general. Makes me feel better about the times Iā€™ve been and itā€™s a good reality check that some of these things can be pretty intimidating.

I felt so fucking sick afterwardsā€“all the times. It was a blessing that I essentially blacked out that first time almost right away, but I ā€˜woke upā€™ feeling wrecked. Iā€™m pretty sure I have ā€œelectricā€ or some variation in my notes as a descriptor.

Iā€™ve noticed my ā€œcapacityā€ has gotten a higher cieling as a result.

Outside my knowledge here.

Yes!! I understand this one a lot.

Thanks for the longer explanation!! :pray:


Maybe itā€™s ā€œwrongā€ but I do it too, and I feel like itā€™s mutual with a certain entity I work with. Not even gonna even pretend to be all kumbaya about it, I get possessive as all hell. Jealous even. :laughing:


Oh my god thank you so much. Yeah I toned down my language several times.

Iā€™m straight up possessive and jealous. Sometimes I get vetoed and turned down, sometimes it works out.

Edit: obviously this level of possessiveness/jealousy isnā€™t something that comes up daily, but it does come up.


Yeah, I feel that ā€“ itā€™s not a daily occurrence but I do look on with a bit of side-eye when people mention entities Iā€™m close with. Depends on circumstances I guess. I know I have no claim to any entity, but I still canā€™t help feeling a slight flare-up of possessiveness if someone talks about being close to Metatron, or something like that, although Iā€™d never mention it. Metatron is a great being to work with.

Itā€™s mostly Melek Taus I am possessive of, but similar to you and Dantalion, the possessiveness seems to go both ways. He has made clear to other people that he is possessive of me in return, fucked if I know why though (Australian for ā€œalthough I am not sure whyā€).

If someone else showed up with a wealth of knowledge about Melek Taus I would be very open to hearing it, because there is so little information to be found about him. But the thought of me publishing, selling, my personal pathworking to him ā€“ having other people speak to him, outside the two close & trusted friends Iā€™ve shared the pathworking with in writing, and one other person in speech only ā€“ well, that makes me positively seethe with jealousy. :joy:

Thankfully I do have another, less personal Melek Taus pathworking, which I will probably someday publish. But itā€™s not the same as the original, itā€™s more tame, more ā€œsafeā€. Even then, itā€™s gonna take a lot of mulling over as to whether I make it public knowledge or not.

Iā€™d love to think Iā€™m above such things as jealousy, but unfortunately I am not that evolved as a human being, or something. :laughing: Anyway, sorry for going a bit off-topic there. But I understand the feeling, truly.


Forgive the double-post but I also had one of your entries bookmarked to come back to:

I have felt as though Iā€™ve been on the receiving end of this, too. Felt as though. (Not confirmed, in fact, denied by someone when asked. So maybe it is simply a product of my own mind.) But I read your post a few times and I agree itā€™s an oddly disconcerting feeling. I never had spontaneous visions, but I did have several spontaneous instances of what I can only describe as telepathy. As in, I would be minding my own business, fully awake, browsing reddit or doing some other no-effort, non-taxing activity, not talking to the person in question at allā€¦ but Iā€™d suddenly hear their voice clairaudiently, running a stream-of-consciousness inner monologue underneath my own. I asked the person about it and they confirmed that some of the things I heard matched up with things they had been either thinking, or saying to others, at the time. Even hearing things in a non-English language and having to transliterate them phonetically to try and figure it out.

And I agree with this point ā€“

I think I wrote a journal post about it not long ago. Itā€™s a bit of a blow to the ego. An odd sensation, when you look back at events and connect the dots and realise that maybe you acted under compulsion, intentional or unintentional, baneful or not. Perhaps not even individual-to-individual, but astrologically-speaking, if that is a chosen paradigm.

We always feel like weā€™re operating under our own free will; acting as the highest power. As mages, we should feel that way. But on the other hand, if thereā€™s no baneful intent, often thereā€™s nothing to point to any kind of outer influence until you look back in hindsight and notice a pattern or series of connected events. Itā€™sā€¦ humbling.