Rituals, Musings, and Misc

Some of you may remember that my younger brother (I’m 45) had stage 3 cirrosis a while ago.

No longer detected.

Pretty grateful.


Thrift store finds!

Azrael has claimed the candlestick for the time being. Since I’ll be working with him more in the second Gospel of the Ghouls book, this is fine with me. I don’t have a nice fat black candle for him, so a blue one will have to do. Well…I think it’s blue… Anyway…

How to smoke cleanse that dresser? Glad you askled!

See that charcoal disk and that fan? Yep, we blow the smoke into the cracks and crevices of each nook and cranny as best we can. Mostly using copal, since it produces much more smoke an frankincense or myhhr. Those two are also present.

Once it was smoke cleansed and I didn’t feel anything I couldn’t live with (the object has a sense of ‘self’ in a way I wanted to leave), I then donated the rest of the incense “to those I work with” and added a few pieces of dragon’s blood resin to it. No sense in wasting it and I light incense for them frequently as it is.


21 days since my last post on this camphor tablet. Same glass. Same water. It is noticably smaller and I do dunk it under the water about once a day. And…

It looks like it’s lost 1/16th of an inch. So, buying these for the $16 for 20 tablets seems fairly economical to me.

I went to the dollar store the other day and almost picked up some moth balls, but didn’t feel like looking up the alien-sounding chemical name to see if it was the same.
Two pics of the actual tablet and the a picture of the box.top for.the one I bought from Amazon.


Had it for hours now - use it already!

Hehe, found the candle to fit the holder. Blooded

Oiled (Azrael requested my Necromantic oil from @Czar’s mix) and lit. The red shine is me blooding and oiling 3/4 of the top. Would be wasted on the bottom.

Video plug


Rough night.

I started thinking aboit an old flame of sorts. The last woman I expected to be with before going off to War (and not expecting to come back). 2002. Friends since 1997.

Well, she’s reaching out in spirit tonight. It doesn’t happen often, now. Maybe this is because I’ve paid more attention since coming back to my spirituality.

That’s fine. She was a Catholic convert. Seems fitting that Santa Muerte came to ask me to help. And, being me, I did.

Don’t get me wrong…we were two troubled, lost, confused souls. We did what we could, but both of us needed…other things…

So, 20~ish years later, yeah, I will do what I can.

This was my song that reminds me of her. Of the souls I’ve experienced, this reminds me.of those early days when we both couldn’t say “yes”, but couldn’t say “no”.


Spirit keeping time!

I’m up to 33 now, with 6 that are safely tucked away. I may call for some volunteers soon to test the calling and return methods. They’ll work for me, but I’m not the intended customer, right?


Bit bummed. I spent quite a bit of time today boiling those quail heads that still had all of the feathers and whatnot attached. The ants around here haven’t woken up yet, I guess, despite them doing so the last time we had a warm stretch. The quail were so young that the skull sutures were really weak and broken apart. The beaks were coming off in 5 or more parts. They were all unusable :cry:.

I got them because a predator had gotten into the coup, but it also means that the males that get culled to keep the eggs producing population percentage will likely have the same issue.

I talked with the wife and said I may just buy a small freezer to keep that stuff frozen until the ants return in Spring. Doesn’t help me right now, though.

This sets back two of my threads a bit, so I may just buy some from Etsy to keep it rolling. Roadkill I see on my way to work is usually gone when I get back, so I’ll keep my eyes open and have stashed a plastic bag and some latex gloves in the car.


Have you tried burying and unearthing remains? For those to delicate to boil.


I hesitate to because of the foxes and cats around. They can squeeze through my fence and may dig it up. I stuffed a snake in a plastic bag and buried it in the wood pile the about a year ago and went back in the Spring to find the bag, but not the snake!

I’d likely have to make almost a cairn to try to ensure it would be there when I got back to it.


You could also leave them in buckets of water and dish soap, or start a dermestid beetle colony.


Have thought of the beetles, but wasn’t sure about the mechanics of it. Haven’t looked into it seriously.

I have a turkey spine in some water with soap now.



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Uh, all right. Hope John’s kicking it in style.


I had that feeling that I’d be in ritual today. Not for my daily offerings or similar. Something heavier, but I had no idea what for.

Eventually, I found out why. I came across a story of a child that was starved to death. I make no secret of being hungry as a kid. Not for malicious reasons, there just wasn’t much money. Without public assistance and free school lunches for super poor kids, I wouldn’t have eaten half as much as I did. When I come across a story like that, it really hits me in the gut.

I can’t bring the child back, but I can provide a heavier smack than the Justice system likely will. I want them alive and wasting away, broken.

I have called Hecate prior to this ritual to ensure the child was not stuck. I offered her some incense and she requested the cone (dragon’s blood) and a stick (Agarwood). Of course.

I started with drawing out Ti-tor’s seal and chose two other groups involved with wasting and torment. The target names are on the bottom, folded over. I had to exclude a photo because the victim’s name was visible.

During the calling of Ti-tor, he insisted I also bleed on Azrael’s candle, which I obliged to. Azrael sent the thought that this flame is what should burn the paper, when completed.

(@Veil I had a double plume this time) First was wasted on my hand.

But the second squirt all over the seal. Ti-tor asked that I leave that visible and largely alone.


I dont understand how anyone could starve a child. Most days I bring food with me when I go to keep the twins, because in a house with 6 kids there usually isnt much left.

On days schools out and I have them all I generally order pizza, I can get 2 med one topping pizzas, an order of parm bites, cinna bread twists, and 2 liter for 20 bucks.
It feeds them all a good lunch.

So, yes everything I make from keeping the babies, I actually just put right back into helping feed and cloth all six kids.

Ive bought the older boys, school clothes numerous times. Ive bought the twins clothes. And i generally have food items in my bag i bring with me so I know I have food for them.

Its nothing to look in my bag and find oatmeal, spaghetti o’s , cereal, baby food, popcorn, ramen noodles, ravioli, if it will fit in my bag I will bring it.


That’s good of you. I’m the oldest of 5, so yeah, there isn’t much left with numbers like that, single parent. My grandparents, mom’s side, didn’t lift a finger, but my dad’s mom did. It mattered.


Yea my mom and step dad had 7 kids. While we never starved there were really tough times. Luckily, we lived on a big farm and the man who owned the fields would let us go in after they were done and get corn, peanuts, cabbage or whatever was planted that year.

We ate alot of bologna sandwiches and stuff like that. I can remember my mom and step dad fighting because there was only one pork chop.

Mom never got food assistance it was frowned on down here and you could get made fun of at school because you had food stamps. Back then it wasnt a card, it looked like monopoly money. And i remember her giving me change to buy my school lunch.

Now here in our county school breakfast and lunch is free for everyone.

But yea, hard times make you appreciate the good times.


Yeah, I remember. Ours were labelled with our names and we got a hole punched in them.


My absolute legend of a single father was 18 when I was born, and we started out poor. He would regularly go hungry when I was little so that I could eat, until he managed to secure ( lie his way into :joy: ) a position that could provide for us both. Real parenting.


Props to your dad, Myth.

Mine paid support, but he was always gone, living elsewhere. His dad was similar, but as a traveling doctor earlier in his career and distant thereafter. Probably where my wanderlust comes from, but I didn’t repeat that with mine. Wanted to, but didn’t.