Gospel of the Ghouls I & II

Well, my skulls fell apart, so I have some coming to pick back up with the creation process.

In the meanwhile, a little more about this entry specific to the GoG.

The symbols on the right are for Pestilence Ghosts and Hungry Ghosts. According to GoG, the Pestilence ghosts are for causing disease and decay - makes sense. The Hungry ghosts are said to be tormentors and considered part of the “Vengeful Dead”.

Both circled to contain the symbol and any energy that comes from my thoughts on them. There were reasons for this.

When I decided to use those two, I had already started passing messages with Ti-tor and his suggestion was to not only circle them, but to not blood them until I had asked for his intervention with them and that he pass the blood onto those who help and he agrees with.

It was a defensive measure, not a gatekeeping one, because I could feel that the ones he was going to interface with are of the stronger variety and not having a standing practice/relationship with them, it was better to create that buffer. While I can call upon things like that, I’m not familiar enough with them in their various lore to feel like I can fully use them in the best way possible. The less “human” things become, sometimes the harder they are to control and work with and this group he was planning on using, of both types, fit that bill.