Random thoughts etc (and other stuff)

My shots stopped when I get in high school. But I still have some benefits from it even now (too bad I react to trees instead of ragweed now so it sort of traded 1 allergy for a different one)

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Not a random thought.

First time telling this part that follows and This is hard for me to tell. Hope I don’t regret it jk only my ego would regret it because once revealed it’s no longer just mine and there’s always the possibility someone will take inspiration from me and out do me.

Without further ado…. Even though my magick had a bad result for me detailed in the linked thread

It’s fess up time.

I was talking with someone in pm about what I didn’t tell on the spirit experiences thread and had a realization.

I didn’t share what I did magickally before I got possessed because the truth is I succeeded in summoning something and the truth is I didn’t want to tell lest someone how to do the same magick ritual I did and then succeed and best me by having success without a negative entity possession and get the goodies from it that I didn’t get.

I kept lying to myself telling myself it was because I didn’t want to be responsible for someone copying me and getting possessed too.

I just realized that wasn’t why that wasn’t the truth.

I was keeping it to myself because I had success even though it went south went bad and I didn’t ant don’t want someone doing what I did and succeeding better then me and getting the goodies without the negative entity possession.

Yep that’s right I have been withholding it partly of of arrogance but mostly out of selfishness (both here and where I initially told of my experience).

So I’m going to share what I did magickally but then link the other thread to hear my consequences of the magick I did.

While it’s true I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, that isn’t why I held back and probably isn’t why I told my true bad experience.

I am realizing part is because subconsciously, I was hoping telling it would make it unlikely someone else would try and do what I did.

If i didn’t tell the technique I used, then I wouldn’t be bested. If I didn’t tell what I did then it would be unlikely anyone could or would copy it and succeed where I ultimately fucked up and failed.

So I am going to share what I did.

It was Hollywood and Satanic bible inspired (left out about the satanic bible previously).

I said I had no knowledge of the occult. Not quite true. I HAD got my hands on the satanic Bible and had used the sympathy magick to make a charm for someone before but that was literally the extent of my occult knowledge. No knowledge there were such things as negative entities (I arrogantly had inverted Christian beliefs at the time and anger at Christianity. If they sad it was bad it had to be good because they lie. That’s howI was thinking).

I am telling in retrospect so I have forgotten some details but here without further ado is what got me in such trouble when combined with my arrogant ignorance and downright stupidity…

Hollywood inspired I wrote out a pact to sell my soul for rock and roll (so cliche’ but I really did) in my own blood and signed in my blood too.

I made a makeshift alter on a piece of paper with a pentagram on it (I have forgotten if I drew it in blood or ink or pencil or traced over a pen or pencil with blood. I think I did the latter traced the satanic bible baphomet pentagram then traced over it in blood.

I put a candle in the center and one in the south with the single point South horns north and had a bowl of dirt in the north and water in the west. I don’t remember what I had if anything for air in the east but even if I had nothing spoken words would have fulfilled the air element requirement for the ritual (and did).

I flipped to the calling of the satanic names for each point of the pentagram including the Center and called them all then I read my pact out loud (I forget if I did it to each point or only once to the Center) counter clockwise

I Forgot, well actually I didn’t think to name who I expected to fulfill it or ask a specific demon to fulfill it.

I then took the part I was going to burn and the pact it didn’t light and I realized I shouldn’t burn it in my room so I took it to the bathroom and burnt it over the tub or sink I think it was the tub but so long ago I’m not sure anymore. It was over something that wouldn’t burn in the bathroom is what I am sure of (glazed sink or bathtub).

Then I was done.

I didn’t really know what I was doing so I didn’t close the ritual.

Something came obviously if you read what happened after.

The house stunk for a week or more after and I could feel and smell the smoke in me for a month after.

That was my magick sell my soul pact attempt that went bad afterwards.

I will link the thread where I told the rest it on the other thread after I say I thought when I did know something was there that my magick worked and I was going to get what I asked for. The gentle touches persuaded me it was not going to harm me and I wanted what I asked for so bad that I let it into me willingly and it gave me a cool guitar riff so I believed I was getting what I wanted it was close to a perfect possession before it revealed it’s true nature and I was too deep by then to get myself out of the trouble I was in. If you haven’t read the other threads post Please do

For details about the result of my magick read my posts In the linked thread because putting it here again is duplicate posting and besides would make this entry way longer than it already is.

Suffice to say it was not the desired outcome. Nearly dying was not what I wanted when I did the attempted sell your soul for rock and roll part thingy I tried to do. (You can’t be a rockstar if you’re dead before you make it after all).

So if you haven’t read the other posts do so especially if what I said has you thinking of trying similar magick because you need to know how bad it can go if you are thinking of trying to make a pact without open senses. That was a big part of what went wrong. That and my arrogant recklessness.

Add: neither post is a duplicate of the other I meant if I copied that 2 here or this to there then I’d have 2 duplicate posts.


Random thought…,

Why does it always seem to want to rain whenever you have plans in April?


Nature’s trying to keep the allergens down?

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I like that idea.

Random thought: time to shock up on Benadryl it’s almost that season again.

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Things are in full swing here and have been for a few weeks. People have been coming into work clearly sick and I’ve been wondering the whole time if it’s allergies or I got the plague.

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Look for the ringworm like marks if they haven’t got them you’re safe from both ringworms and plague.

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Random thought even though April fools is over…
Being ringworm and plague safe won’t save you from itching powder :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Not so random thought…

A reminder to self
Don’t eat Touhenboku Ramen again

It might have been coincidence but after eating it my asthma
is acting up.

Looked at the soy sauce pack that came with

Wouldn’t you know it.
Wheat in the mini soy sauce pouch they send in tho takeout bag

So the food probably had some wheat containing soy sauce.


Hope I can’t beat back the asthma and any other allergies my morning .

If you don’t work the shift right before
a stat holiday andyour first scheduled shift after the stat
holiday you don’t get stat holiday pay.

So I got my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: & hoping for the best

tomorrow is my last shift before the stat holiday so gotta make it if I wanna get paid.

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Semi- Random thought …

:thinking:Why does almost everything tasty in takeout tend to have wheat in the ingredients :pouting_cat:

Add: couldn’t decide which emoji was the right one so… Since I like cats….

I chose the kitty cat one

If I chose wrong :person_shrugging: blame it on apple
the emojis on the phone don’t say what’s what and several popped up when
I searched for pout (this kitty face included)

Oh well…


Update: I beat the asthma back.

I’m tempted to say’Happy Cross Day’ but they haven’t made that a thing yet for Good Friday.

Unfortunately next week I get shitty hours (punished for taking today and Easter Sunday off to spend with family I assume but can’t prove.

So… I guess the random thought would be…

Party like there’s no tomorrow because there’s no tomorrow work shift tomorrow I guess :person_shrugging:


Note to self and readers. Don’t believe a stores hours listed by Uber on a holiday AND also don’t order late on a holiday evening either. The food was cold. Major bummer. Glad of 1 thing, that’s that the order wasn’t to be served to guests. Oh the horror that would be.


Random thought there was imagine having cold delivery and your guests bite in and then you’d just die from embarrassment right?

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Bipity bopity boo. This random thought will do (to surprise you that is).

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I typically don’t server anything without checking it…

Find yourself in this neck of the woods and I just may prove it!

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May you find many untampered with chocolate eggs.


Sucks to be right sometimes.

Landline still not fixed. It was supposed to be fixed Saturday (didn’t actually expect it. They’re unionized so I pretty much figured I was being told wrong. Most union folk take holiday weekends off for the whole weekend. :person_shrugging:so got to phone from cell again and hope they’ll come fix it. My thoughts are it was out for a while before we found out. Like maybe a week or week and a half (since that storm west through). I just hope it gets fixed tomorrow. I don’t want to miss work for a no show (luckily I was off Saturday so didn’t miss work waiting for o no show technician.

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Random thought: How do you make corn dogs at home? (Am wanting a snack right now and that one came to mind but I don’t have any ).


Not so Random thought: can controller touch sense pads from old Nintendo controllers be fixed? Inspired by a post I did in the social thread

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Random thought that came off a reply to a post being done in lounge. It will sound really random so it’s here…

Non magicians often think magicians are insane what if it’s non magickians that are the insane ones?

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