Public praising of the spirits

Thank you Belial for teaching my neighbor A lesson
Guy used to abuse and beat poor stray dogs
Now he’s jobless, broke And His health is ruined maybe this was an overkill lol But hail Belial💀


Thank you, Raphael. Thank you, Apollo. Thank you, troll-bro from Olympus.


Thank you great lord Lucifuge Rofocale for answering me in incredible 3 seconds.

Now I ask you to make it happen fast. :pray:t2:


Thank you, Zeus, for protecting me and making everything easier!


Thank you Lord Lucifer for taking time out of your schedule to come and talk to me! You have my deepest respect and gratttitude!

Hail Emperor Lucifer!


This isn’t praise, this is a question.

After everything, where are you yesterday when I needed you? You asked me to trust you and you wouldn’t allow me to be railroaded. But you weren’t there and I got railroaded.

Am I missing something or was it all a lie?

Still, besides that spirit I won’t name because the know who they know who they are, I will still day thank you to Bael for returning my wallet. I still owe you for that


UPDATE: Seriously… some people near got pretty damn fucked up. I got a very minor annoyance. Hail the Sky father, king of Olympus!


Hail Duke Zepar !! I never had such an intense experience with any spirit before.
:heart: :heart:


Thank you King Zagan!

The legend,Idk how but whenever a pact is formed the doors towards wealth seem to be wide open!
Made another pact for my brother and his business is booming​:money_with_wings::money_with_wings:

Call upon Mighty King Zagan for wealth,YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED!


If not for me, I’ll do it for you.
If I don’t believe in me, I’ll do it for you.

The best I could’ve ever asked for, eye for eye, heart for heart :black_heart::crown:

Much love,


Thank You Lord Lucifer for finding a person who ran away from home,he had been gone for about 4days,I asked Luce to get him found and in 2 days he was found!
Blessed to have a great relationship with him that I don’t even have to formally evoke,just mind communication works :slight_smile:

Love,gratitude and immense respect🙌


Thank you King Paimon​:crown::dromedary_camel: and Lord Lucifer for answering my call in last minute,The work was done beautifully and I didn’t expect it to happen but again,miracles have become very common with you by my side!

Lots of gratitude,love and respect


Thank you Asmodeus, for getting me back on track. And helping me see my true purpose.


Sitri. I’ve been having an on-going on and off back pain issue (caused by a specific posture is been fixing but wasn’t making me feel better soon enough). I was mostly asleep the other night and Sitri swooped in to make me somewhat uncomfortable but in such a pleasant way and when I woke up, all was absolved. So, thanks :heart::heart: Much appreciated and love seeing this side to Sitri, especially as I haven’t been as engaged with this part of my craft as much recently


Dua Setesh, Great of Magic, Beloved of Nwt, Lord of the Imperishable Stars, He Who Traverses the Sky, The Strongest of Kas, Eldest of the Gods.

Dua Setesh, Great of Valor, Beloved of Ra, Lord of the Deserts, He Who Leads the Divine Boat, The Overpowering One, Slayer of Apep.

Dua Setesh, Great of Strength, Beloved of Heru, Lord of the Darkness, He Who Makes the Earth Quake, The Separator, Slayer of Asar.

Dua Setesh, Great Bull of Nubt, Beloved of Amun, Lord of the Storms, He of Thunderous Voice, The Pouring Down of Rain, Slayer of Aten.

Dua Setesh, Great of Knowledge, Beloved of Djehuty, Lord of the Oasis, He Who Never Ceases, The Outcast, Regulator of the Night.

I have come into being as 𓁣𓇋𓇋 Seteshi, Man of Setesh, one who is with the god in his hidden mansion, whose step is great that I may traverse the sky, whose power is the power of Setesh-Nubti. As he endures eternally so too shall I endure.


Thank you Duke Astaroth for all your blessings and for your excellent advise! You are truly amazing!

Hail Duke Astaroth!


Thank you Lucifer ane King belial :100::skull::fire:


Thank you King Paimon​:dromedary_camel::crown: for removing obstacles and opening path towards wealth!
Thank you King Zagan​:money_with_wings::heavy_dollar_sign::money_mouth_face:for immense business boost in brother’s business! (Immense meaning IMMENSE)
Thank you Marquis Andras🗡️for almost completing the given task for breaking up my brother’s relationship and constantly reassuring me with repeated signs,I am confident and leave it to you for it to happen.
Thank you Lord Lucifer😈 for everything!!!

Lots of love and gratitude!


Thank you Marquis Sabnock :lion::shield: for the extended protection!

Ps:Don’t slouch or procrastinate on protection,learned it the hard way.The seal was right on my altar and it was in my mind to renew the defence but I didn’t and very next day family had a small accident,everyone’s safe but yes a lesson learnt!

Defence will definitely be taken seriously and thank you for the lesson.

Lots of love, respect and gratitude!


Belial, THANK YOU.

Visit more often plz.