Kindraathe's Darkside Chronicles

Sorry @Kindraathe i am spamming your thread

I cannot edit my message soo

Here the link Mike


Awesome bro


You should be. Hyper-real interactions aren’t every time occurences for grounded, stable people.


Thanks brother, yes Indian LHP is intense man.

But what I’ve noticed is that although Pantheons may differ the Darkside is the Darkside. The energies are very similar.
With Goetics, Indian LHP God’s and even Nyx.

I will start work with Nyx once I’m done with my work with Kali.

That sounds very RHP to me. It can’t hurt though. I would stay away from these gurus. Real gurus aren’t available easily and will be impossible to find until you’re ready.

I’ll also have you know that Left rituals and practices and Mantra Sadhanas (Rituals) require Deeksha (Formal Initiation) from a Guru.

For those who don’t have a guru, must make your intention clear while taking Sankalp (formal intent expression) that you consider Kali Ma or Bhairav as your guru and seek their Guidance.

I’ll also put out a word of caution. Aghora and Tantra Sadhanas are NOT for beginners, intermediate or even newly advanced practitioners. Do not compare them to Goetic Rituals, although the enrgies are familiar, they’re still a different pantheon. Also while working with Tantra and Aghora a lot of the rituals need to be performed on cremation grounds, so there’s that.

Yes there are rules, but for the advanced rituals the practitioner does need to take Deeksha (formal initiation) for each rite from another Initiated Aghori.


November 15, 2022

The day I was Marked by Lilith

It was night and I sat down for my daily meditation. I put on Lilith’s Enn on repeat and dove right in.

I used a method suggested by @Celestia where I reached her through water.

Dive deep into dark water, all the way to the bottom and when you come up and step out, you enter her realm.

I came out and reached the same old heavy Iron gates that I saw during my Gamaliel recitations.

I went through and reached her.

There she was, majestic on her throne.

Dark blue clothes, horns, black hair, crown and a badass attitude.

She also had her tongue hanging out like Kali Ma. Which was weird. She’s Dark, very Dark. The Dark mother.

Lilith: Come
Me: Thank you for seeing me
Lilith: Today is a good day to solidify your permanence with me. Would you like to officially be under my protection and care?
Me: I thought I already was, you told me during the Qliphoth that you’ve been around since I was a kid and I only found out when I started my practice.
Lilith: Yes this is different, are you ready? Yes or no?
Me: Yes
Lilith: Are you sure? It’s not easy. But I will elevate you.
Me: Yes I’m ready, let’s do this.

I then see a man in a turban, an older man walking towards me with a golden plate between his hands and a Black Pill on it.

Me: Who are you?
Lilith: He is from my staff. Swallow the pill.
Me: Ok

I did. The moment it was inside me, it exploded. I physically felt HOT all over my body, a rush of energy coursed through me, from the bottom of my spine and through my scalp. It was intense. The temperature was cool and pleasant but I was sweating like a racehorse (horses don’t really sweat).

Lilith: It’s done. You’re my Child now. If anyone touches you, I’ll rip them to shreds.

She stands up, human skulls at her feet. The skulls roll around as she walks close to me. Comes within two inches of my face and I look into her eyes, she looks into mine. Her eyes are blood red, but they’re also black. They have a depth that I’m unable to fathom.

Lilith: Have a peek into the Abyss.

She kisses my forehead.

Lilith: We are done today, you are free to leave.
Me: Wow thank you! It’s truly an honour.

Lilith Smiles a smile that is the warmest and most loving smile there is. It’s a smile that’s brighter than a thousand Sunflowers. So much brightness from such darkness. :black_heart:

I’m overcome with Emotion.

Hail Lilith Queen of the Underworld :black_heart::snake:


Fantastic bro :clap:


May I ask you for your thoughts on “the many different Liliths”? Mesopotamian screech owl demon, Jewish baby killer demon, Neo-occultist vampire succubus queen; etc. Her image has morphed so much and she is such a controversial figure. Extreme fetishization as the erotic dark mother on one hand, extreme condemnation as a legion of parasites exploiting foolish occults on the other. Then the many opinions that fall in between. I would love to hear your thoughts, if you are up to sharing.


Might I add, that pathworkings are of the individual mind, and therefore susceptible to every delusion or visualization as to what we want something to look like and be like.

Ok so these are just not my thoughts but also Lilith’s. She’s here.

So refer to what Nyx told me earlier in this thread. All the Dark Goddesses are same but different. She said to me, the energy is same, roots are same but we must consider them as separate.

Each have their own energies and powers and you tap into those that you chose to work with.

I’ll also take an example of Kali Ma. She has 10 forms. Ranging from super scary and dangerous to RHP forms.

Consider a Mango Tree. It has branches. Some fruits are ripe, some are raw and some overripe. Each has a different purpose. Raw mangoes are used for tonics and pickles, Ripe mangoes are eaten and Overripe ones are pulped. But each of them is from the same source and is called by the same name. I.e. Mango with a different Prefix.

This is what I believe from SPG (from other practitioners and mine). Hope this helps.


This is truly brilliant. I can find no flaw in this. Excellent @Kindraathe

Hail Lilitu :black_heart:


A pathworking is not just a Visualisation or Imagination. It IS an actual path to the God/Entity/Spirit you want to work with.

Delusions can be for individuals but when it is SPG from thousands of years then there is something to it.

I never go by spirit descriptions but eventually I see that their characteristics and powers match what has been talked about by others. It matches my UPG. The form doesn’t always match though.


Thank you @Kindraathe
Hail Lilith :rose:


It’s cool, you’re fine. I prefer open discussion on my journal. It helps us all connect and clarify ideas.


Spirits work with only those they consider worthy. If they refuse to work with you. It’s time to introspect and do a fuckload of shadow work to understand why they aren’t working with you. There are no “rumours” in the Spirit world. It is what it is.

That was quick, it took only a single comment from me.

Also I like my journal for open discussion, which includes free speech.

Open discussion helps us all grow. Which is why we’re here in the first place and not just to shoot the shit.

If multiple people are saying something about you, maybe take it in the right spirit (pun intended) and work on yourself.

This path is all about levelling up. Being a better person than who we were yesterday. That includes accepting opinions from people that differ from ours. There is probably a reason why they’re saying the things they’re saying.

Introspect, Meditate, Elevate.

P.S. I don’t appreciate you flagging comments on my journal. And no the Spirits didn’t tell me it was you who did it.


@Kindraathe , since you are on the Aghori path and encouraging discussion in your thread, may I ask you about the intersection of compassion and wrathful magick in Vedic LHP? Apologies if Vedic is not the appropriate term for this. My limited insight comes largely from Tibetan Tantra and Vajrayogini practice; I am very curious about Aghori and (Vedic?) LHP.


Could you clarify this a little for me? I think I know what you mean, just want to be sure.


My understanding is that the spiritual growth and transcendence of the personal that is aimed for, would mean ultimately residing in a state of compassion for all beings. Wrath can be necessary and beneficial to those receiving it, and is not “evil”. But I am wondering about how baneful magick is perceived. Is it encouraged? Discouraged? Viewed with indifference?


Perhaps I have misunderstood.


I agree with @Kindraathe is saying. If the spirits don’t want to work with you, chances are you’ve done something to alienate them. Introspection and shadow work are best bets.

And remember @Nocte.Ac.Die

“Your ego is NOT
Your amigo…”


That would be a very RHP view on things. Ghora means Terrible. Aghora means one that is beyond terrible.

Aghoris believe nothing is bad, because it’s all created by the Creator.

Aghoris use everything that is forbidden to overcome those desires and transcend. I.e. in normal RHP Hindu structure consuming meat, alcohol, cannabis, debauchery is strictly forbidden and looked down upon. It is also a hindrance to ascending.

In Aghora all of these are encouraged. It is very common for Aghori Sadhus (ascetics) to be piss drunk and smoke copious amounts of cannabis and meditate or carry out rituals in front of a live funeral pyre. This is to test limits and attain and face the most terrifying and terrible that is.

Because Aghoris consider nothing as bad, the need for a Compartmentalised Compassion system doesn’t arise.

Baneful magick is viewed with indifference. And here is why.

Because nothing is bad.

If the practitioner is “out of line” although there is no line. They will not receive permission from Kali Ma or Bhairav to carry out their magick.

Every formal ritual requires permission from the Dark Mother and then Deeksha (initiation) for that individual ritual. Once this approval is received only then can the practitioner practice that Magick.

Only formally initiated Practitioners into Aghora can perform any rites. Recitation of any Aghora mantras by a non-initiate is strictly forbidden and can and will cause permanent insanity, physical harm or death. @Vikson would you be comfortable sharing what you shared with me earlier?

I’ll give you my own brief example.

I recently practiced some Strong Magick with Dantalion and Queen Beleth. It was going very well. Then Kali Ma stepped in and put a hold on it. It is paused not negated.

I was told by her that the magick i have practiced will also affect me, because I am not ready for what I have asked for. I have been asked to do shadow work with her and once she feels fit she will restore my magick.

Shadow work with Kali Ma isn’t fun. She is relentless to the point of you breaking and then she lets up just a little so you don’t break. Fun stuff.

I hope I was able to answer your questions. If not please let me know. Thanks for your interest.