Rituals, Musings, and Misc

Was talking with Mikhael and Azrael for a bit tonight.

M: “You always wanted to be a priest, didn’t you? (I did). Then be one for them (the Dead and the Death Current.”

The larger conversation was about the need in some books to blaspheme a sacred altar to use as a corrupted on, based on a book I’m reading.

He didn’t mean to become a selfless servant of the Dead or the Death Current. That isn’t really possible in my world, as it would in the wonderful conversations @Kindraathe’s thread recently between himself and @Vikson starting Here

It’s food for thought.

I was told the other day that I’ll be going back to the place I was in Virginia recently. I’ll be going back to the graveyards, too. Last time, I didn’t accept the “stone” from a mausoleum inhabitant because I recognized it was a piece of mortar from the mausoleum. I can still feel him and his willingness. It would be wrong to not accept it twice. Or his help and willingness to serve and be served.