[JOURNAL] Two idiots, a loop, and a dream

Sorry to double post–but I wanted to put this one separate, because I think it will get a bit long, though I’m sure you all expect that of me at this point. I am long-winded AND insane.


This is one of the recent, yet most interesting dreams. I believe–even in the old journals–that I thought Mysterious had something to do with the box, though not a direct contributor. I don’t believe it as a “curse” as originally believed by some of my collaborators, but definitely think there is something to his involvement overall.

Mid-journey, I thought maybe my “remembrance” of things was some sort of “penance for Nautela’s guilt” but realized that wasn’t likely. (I enjoy coming up with theories, as you can tell.) Most of my theories are wrong, but it’s all solving a puzzle.



I am in a large building, possibly a hotel or apartment complex. The building is dilapidated and smeared in a thick, dark substance. It’s on the walls, the floors, and the ceiling in various shapes and sizes. I come to the conclusion that it is blood or a blood-like substance.

I am ascending the tower with the intentions of reaching the top floor. At the top floor, I will showdown with “the emperor.” As I ascend each floor, I note that some of these floors are debts that I must repay.

On one of the later floors, I come to the conclusion that the debt I repay proves that my children are dead and it’s all my fault. I am heartbroken and experience extreme, painful guilt.

There is a woman in the tower with me, but she is part of the group of creatures in the tower. She fled light sources, which I used to keep her away from me. I was terrified of this woman. She was a dark grey, dead color. Her eyes were a deep red. She wore a crop top and shorts, which reveals black strands like veins all over her skin. She had on some sort of neon wig, but it was saturated with the dark liquid that was present everywhere in the building.

I face each floor until I reach the last room on the second-to-last floor. This last room contained a friend that died along the way, and I had to defeat them in battle before I could move to the next floor. I succeed and move to the stairs that take me to the next floor.

Looking at the “map” of each floor, I realize that the next floor has to do with my daughter, then I am on the floor where I will face the emperor. Knowing the next floor had to do with my daughter, I felt the guilt once more, and let the emotion take over me. I desperately wanted to bring her back.

After regaining myself, I went to the next floor. On this floor, I have no power. The woman of the tower, which I was fleeing, reveals that she wants to help me reach the top floor. She assists me in completing some of the puzzles. I suspected that after doing this, she’d try to stop me from reaching the emperor, but she did not stop me. Instead, she stopped others who wanted to stop me. These other men that descended on us from the top floor were easily dispatched by powers that the woman wielded.

I solve the puzzles on the top floor, which will lead me to the emperor in the last room of this floor. I am shown two “possible realities:”

  1. Everything that happened I blamed on myself (the death of my children, etc.) when really it was the emperor’s fault


  1. Everything that happened WAS my fault, and the emperor capitalized on that to turn me into whatever I am now

I am furious by the time I come to this conclusion. Throughout this whole journey I have had to raise the dead, fight beasts/blighted, or put together puzzles. It’s been a whole deal just to realize that I have carried a weight that wasn’t entirely my own.

A narrator spoke over the dream: “The only sure-fire way to bring back the dead is in hell.”

I kick open the door and enter the hallway where the woman stands. I hand her a bottle of lavender from the last puzzle, which was my “prize.” She stops torturing one of the bad guys to look confusedly at the bottle as I pass her. She opens the bottle, then returns to torturing the man, which I hear behind me as I go to the room that contains the emperor.

There is some sort of symbolism that suggests within the room is “the king of kings” as I finally make my way inside. I am seething. Inside was a man bound to a headboard by the wrists. He appears dead.

Funny story. Labolas called Mysterious the “king of kings” during my Goetia experience. I really need to post the rest of those.

I take a bucket of the mysterious liquid from beside the door, throwing it on the man. “This is all your fault.” I hiss. “I could torture you for this, but I just want revenge.”

I am overcome by anger, finding myself contorting as it moves through me. I now see myself in third person, taking on a similar appearance to the woman that assisted me. My eyes are black, by skin greys, and my lips turn black as well. Black ink drips from my lips. I bend backwards, then crawl backwards into a dark, adjacent room.

I am now observing a courtroom as a third person viewer. The members of this court feel bad for the emperor, and I find myself angry about this. They attempt to lessen his sentence, despite everything bad that has happened to all of us being his fault. They did this because they no longer felt sorry for me, seeing that I am getting my revenge on him.

There is a presentation. I cannot see the presenter, and am instead focused on the image of the tower. The land this tower sits on is directly tied to hell in some way, like a portal between the world these people exist in and hell itself. There appears to be a lot of superstition around it.

It is implied that through this, I am trapped in the tower similarly to the woman that helped me.

The Dark Saga

Interesting symbols pop up in the vision. The “dark self” that makes an appearance at the end of the dream isn’t new. There have been similar concepts:


On a Canvas of White

I am in my condo at first, cleaning.

A snippet appears. I see myself laying in a void of white. I am also painted white. It’s like someone sprayed everything with white spraypaint.

Familiar, orange eyes replace my own. I am staring at myself (well, third-person omniscient me) who slowly pans backward away from her.

She opens her mouth, black ooze drips out of her mouth, down her chin and cheeks. It is the only color aside from the eyes.

This version of me stands in the condo, except no longer painted in white. She attacks me, revealing shark-like teeth. The black ooze is replaced by blood. I fight myself off.

Black ooze from the mouth is 1000% a symptom of blight. I wonder if it’s tied to Nautela dying in this way. So INTERESTING.


The Mirror

It cut to me standing downstairs. I was listening to this music. It was vibrating/shaking my head.

I walked up to the mirror. I was overcome with anger. I lifted my arm and held it out. I started to scream. My hair wisped around and shook in invisible wind. I levitated off of the ground and flew towards the mirror. I swung around and moved towards the stairs.

I started crying for my mom, but I couldn’t control myself anymore. I managed to wake myself up

Of course, this could all be some cliche version of symbolism that means nothing beyond what normal dreams mean. But where is the fun in that?

Showdown with Mysterious

On quite a few occasions, I’ve seen visions where Mysterious and I have to “showdown” at the end of some journey, which I imagine is related to some revelation that I have (and maybe got some form of an answer about in the dream above).

Mysterious is the one creating all the puzzles in a few dreams, but–ultimately–he wants me to get to the end. It’s so weird.

This is one of quite a few dreams I have about Mysterious and I having this interaction. There are even dreams where the family seems to suggest that the only way to break the curse Mysterious put on their family is for me/Nautela to kill him.


The Black Hole

Apparently, to reach a certain ending to the story, a group of people have to fight [Mysterious], but I’m supposed to be there in this version. Throughout the team running through the mansion where he is barricaded, we solve puzzles. As we do this, Mysterious taunts us. I put together that he WANTS us to reach the ending to try and stop him, through the fact that he is angry every time we don’t make it to the end in time and it leads to him completing some action that creates a black hole.

The first time we enter the house, he taunts the other members of the party. The other scientists argue with him and are nearly discouraged. Hearing Mysterious’s voice, I break through the group and stare at him. Upon realizing I’m there he freezes, surprised to see me with these people. He retreats shortly after, no longer engaging with the others.

This happens a few more times, where he intentionally tries to stop the other scientists from reaching the end. I appear in the room where he is using his shadows to break the puzzles, and in doing so he retreats again further into the house.

We get to the end, but are too late. He opens a black hole in the courtyard. He then rewinds time and tells us to try again. I seem to be the only one who remembers the puzzles and their answers, so I rush forward to get to the end.

The last round, we managed to get to the end. We stand in the courtyard, on some steps, and Mysterious stands in the dirt, surrounded by an army of people. There are also machines that are directed towards us, guns ready.

The sky above is blackened, and a storm rolls in. The other scientists are at the front of the group. They state that they are here to stop him. Mysterious seems unmoved, "You bested the puzzles… surprising."

I surface from the crowd, “[MYSTERIOUS]!” I am gasping for air, sweating. “STOP THIS!”

He is still, staring at me. His expression unreadable. He steps backward into the crowd, turning his face away from me. I am upset by this. The others begin to approach, some readying their guns.

It would be easy to say: “All of this is Mysterious’s fault.” I even LIKE doing that, but it just doesn’t sit 100% with me yet. In another set of dreams, Sam discerns that Lantith Valerian has the power he has because of something that Sam did, and then vows to kill Lantith after Lantith leads to the death of Nautela by Sam’s hand (basically using blight to cause her to attack Sam).

Shit wild fam.