[Journal] From a bird's eye view


Magick by proxy

Tonight I guided someone who has never practiced magick. And it was quite a ride. I won’t give here details that are not mine to share, so excuse me if it sounds incomplete.

First, I used the trance technique Hypnos gave me some time ago to get them “into the zone”. I had to do it from memory, but since the technique is so easy it was really easy to do it.

Then I made up on the fly a meditation of sorts loaning contents from their memory. Images. Sounds. Textures. The concept of warm irradiated by the human body.

As I did this, I helped them to move forward into the most basic of the inner landscapes (note to self: write the damn article of inner landscapes). This is far, far away from the desert where lies that spirit that thelemites (wrongly) call Choronzon. This is as close to the material world as you get, but still part of the collective conscious. This is part of the great network that links us all together. As that great Finnish genius said:

I am. You are. All of them already.

First I set the scene by making my friend think, and then remember, a piece of furniture, a simple table. Seriously, you don’t get any more simpler than a damn table. I made them feel the texture. I made them note the size. Then I made them aware of the sounds: the music that was playing, but I’m sure they could hear other’s chitchatting around, since this is a public place after all. Then I opened their awareness to the room. And finally, I brought the person they wanted to meet.

This is the part where it gets risky. I just told them there was someone in front of them and to look and see who it was. It could have been anyone. There is no guarantee of anything. But yeah, it was who I was hoping would be. Told my friend to reach and hold their hand. Feel it. Feel the skin, the warm. And told them they were talking.

Again, this is risky. At this point imagination is just a via to connect. The experience is quite real and the person in front won’t necessarily say something we want to hear. I’ve been threatened by demons, mocked and bitch slapped (looking at you, Lucifer). Then again, this was not a meeting with spirits, but with an aspect of the real person.

This aspect of the person may have said absolutely anything. From fuck you to try to explain the theory of relativity to anything in between. And what they said was something positive.

From there, and barring a few things that I won’t log here but that I assure are good, I had to guide my friend back to normal life. What followed was quite emotional. My buddy doesn’t have experience of any sort with magick and visionary experiences can be quite intense.

My friend described it, minutes later, as if the meeting was real and they were telling me how it went. Which is basically what happened. For those not into visionary magick I can’t really stress this enough: the experience IS real. The contact IS real. My buddy even described having goosebumps remembering touching this person’s hand.

I usually don’t guide people on this kind of thing, closest was a couple of years ago when I walked someone through a basic exercise to feel energy, but I wanted to do this for my friend’s benefit.

It seems I’ll never cease to be amazed but the absolute power of imagination, understood as the biggest tool a person can have to practice magick. This and some knowledge (and lots of patience and discipline) are enough to make things happen, to actually make tangible changes in the world, in yourself, in your body, in your wallet.

I get tired and tired of people talking shit about the method, specially because they out themselves quite fast as people who doesn’t understand how visionary magick works. Yes, there are several books on pathworkings right now, imagine this, connect to spirit X. And it works. And sometimes things manifest and sometimes they don’t, as it happens with all sorts of magick. But trust me, I don’t care if pathworkings are the new in thing, this is probably the oldest form of magick known to man, way earlier than the Greek Papyrus, the psalms and the old lady gathering ingredients in the woods, the visionary met the spirits, traveled to the moment of his death and found the inner landscapes. This is a very old school of magick that few people understand, sadly.

For anyone who wants to learn more about it, read everything ever written by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki.