A Wander Through the Gates

So, final red flag on dude raised, message received, action to be taken. But I shall do it with a clear head… And not just because I’m sending things; I firmly believe that just a relationship coming to a close isn’t enough to warrant any sort of magickal reprisal. I do, however, believe that dismissiveness, lying and disrespect are enough to say “see you never! Please let the door hit you en route out”.

Just because I know I’ve picked apart meant a person and fucked good things up MANY a time, I was willing to let a few things slide. So long as I could logically explain or see how my actions may have affected the situation thus giving me a skewed perspective. But no matter who you’re dealing with, whether it’s an official thing, a BF/GF (or whatever else) kinda thing it was, a FWB… Whatthefuckever. You should always have a line in the sand and decide how you think you deserve to be treated. Not one motherfucker on this planet has the right to make you less than either by their words or their actions. Sure, there’s times when spur of the moment, or without thinking, a person can say things they don’t mean. And that’s normal. It’s when that’s a pattern, that’s a problem. Now, my problem is I will intentionally scour a person over so much, I convince myself that someone that actually does care and isn’t doing this shit does this this shit. And I pick them apart til I find a flaw just because I looked and looked and looked until I convinced myself I found one.

I think that’s what I initially thought I was doing here. Picking this good guy to pieces when what he really could use was some support. But the red flags began to come thick and fast. And, as Maya Angelou once wrote “when someone tells you who they are; listen.” I let the first one slide, because it could easily have been misunderstanding. I let the next one slide, and put it down to a stressed out person saying something they didn’t realise how is sounded when drunk. The next one had an equally plausible separate possibility, so I didn’t think much of it. But then came my line in the sand. I won’t stand for disrespect and then CLICK all the other red flags fell into place and I’m just like “yeah, nah”. Can’t trust you, don’t want to hear any explanation, fuck you and the horse you rode in on you bearded C U Next Tuesday.

I’d be inclined to let the shit slide if not for a few small factors I’ve found as I’ve ruminated on the situation. There were a few things that I think require retaliation on my behalf. He disrespected Belial in my house. That’s a hard no. We’ve butted heads more than once, but Belial will have my back if I ask him. Not on all things as I can’t expect that, but I know you guys know what I mean. There were also some instances of disrespect that now I see them for they are should not have happened in my own home. That too, to me, warrants a little bit of a fuck you being delivered his way. I have a couple ideas, but we will see what happens

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Ok, so I shall preface this by saying I am somewhat inebriated and I’ve been doing that overthinking thing I’m so good at… And I’ve realised something.

I’m not above making a shithead suffer for lying to me and disrespecting me.

If that makes me not a nice person, then I’ll take that. I’m not a nice person… So? Just because I won’t take shit from an arsehole, if I don’t fit your definition of nice, that’s not a me problem.

Now, with the rant out of the way, it brings me to my actual point… As I’ve sat here and thought about this, I just can’t be a “nice” person on this one; especially when they claim to be an ex-practitioner. This requires hard and fast retaliation and protection of me and mine. No mercy, no remorse, hard fast and straight to the throat so that they don’t have a chance to come for me. Like, I doubt they would, but they could and I don’t wanna take a chance. So tonight, I consult a spirit I know will enjoy messing with him and see if we can come to terms for a bit of fuckery. Take any means of attack off him. He’s gotten at least one other spirit pissed off, so this should be relatively easy and fun.

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Ok, so I know I’m just putting my whole thought process out there this evening, but I’ve been doing yet some more thinking and I’ve realised something else; I don’t answer to anyone. Oh it’s so deliciously simple, but so easy to miss/be oblivious to. Well, of course, there are these things called “laws” and like, killing people is bad… But what laws an I breaking with magick?

What’s someone going to do, go to the police and go “excuse me senior constable, but I’d like to make a complaint… Someone’s been harassing me with witchcraft”? They’d either laugh his arse out of the cop shop or send for the CAT team to deal with him on a 24 hour hold.

In a sleepy, roundabout way, what I’m saying is. While I am bound by the same things or organisations (is that even the right word? Idfk), but I don’t answer to any one individual in my life. I’ll take advice, constructive criticism; we all have to eat of the humble pie occasionally. I’ll take that. But I don’t answer to them as the be all and end all or arbiters of wrong and right in my life. A comment said from a place of love that hurts, is very much different to a comment said with disrespect or as an attempt to be disrespectful towards you/something about and is meant to hurt.

It’s taken me a long time to learn this. And even longer to understand that I don’t have to be “nice” to be good. And I’m learning still that just because someone might appear nice, they might not be good. Sometimes their utter numpties with their head so far up their arse they think their shit doesn’t stink. And of those, a special few should have every damn ounce of our ire directed at them. A special person deserves special treatment after all lol.

Do I feel bad about what I’m going to do? No. I feel justified in whatever course of action and the spirits I’m choosing to work with on this deem appropriate. I have an idea that I have a feeling they’ll enjoy as they’ll see the humour in it. Not so much humourous for the target, but for us? Hilarious. Elegant in its simplicity. Few extra details I wanna add, but unsure how, so I figured they’d be the best to ask advice from the aforementioned spirits.

I think it was Winston Churchill who said “walk softly, but carry a big stick” or words to that effect. I think keeping your head down, but kicking ass and taking named when needed is necessary.

When I have hashed out my plan, I’ll update further. I won’t go too much into specifics about the rituals I do (unless I receive instructions to share aspects of the ritual NOT the whole thing).

Gosh, I don’t think my incense collection is gonna be able to handle this.

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Almost done one of the artworks…

Gonna cut the sigil out, stick it on backing paper and I’m thinking of doing his name both in Hebrew and English.

Any thoughts?

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Blood across the forehead?

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Doing the dedication tonight :smiling_face:

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Have had to temporarily move my altar space to my bedroom as my kid is sleeping in the living room. He has been the last few nights, but I’ll be doing ritual tonight and I don’t want anything affecting him.

As mentioned above, I’m going to dedicate the finished sigil to Belial. Got some blooded frankincense resin, his favourite other incense ATM (dark cinnamon) and a cup of his favourite beer. It will be good to catch up. I also have a small favour to ask as I’m sure he’ll have of me in return lol.

I also feel a bit bad… I offered three practice readings in a discord group I’m in because I’m not used to these cards yet and wanted to see how I went reading for someone else. This woman was like “yeah I’ll take one” so I said let me get my shit together (hit my vape, tidy up the area, ask Orobas if he’d do me a solid and guide the reading a little gave him some incense and some muesli) and I’ll get on it. Told her I’d do a 1 card yes or no, or three card past/present/future. Made sure to specify that these are practice and they won’t be my best work as new deck, that I’d have the check a few things as I go because they’re a different style (earth, air, water and fire instead of cups, wands, pentacles/coins and swords) and as they’re mostly all muggles added that they’re just for guidance.

Can you guess what she did?

If you guessed that she ghosted you’d be 100% correct. Like disappeared like a fart in the wind. I got everything set up, annoyed Orobas for his time and she just dipped. I gave Orobas an apology beer (which I hope was to his satisfaction) and burnt some actual sandalwood on charcoal.

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Some ritual porn for you…

Some frankincense and a beer for Belial. And if my guest doesn’t hurry the fuck up, I’m just gonna hang with Belial instead. Not that he isn’t here already. You know when you can just feel them in the air? It’s like the energy in the room becomes thick with the feeling of whichever spirit it is. Like, they’re not saying anything, but you can tell they’re there.

It will be very hard not to doze off tbh. We shall see…


Oh fates, which of ye have I tempted and how many I reverse it?

In the space of just over a week, I’ve nearly burnt my kitchen down and I’ve just finished cleaning a flooded bathroom. Warnings? Probably not. Examples of me being lazy/not paying attention, more likely lol.


At least you didn’t successfully burn it down :slight_smile:


Yikes!! Glad you’re ok. Sometimes things just happen and aren’t signs or warnings or anything.


@NavyBeans Well other than a natural not supernatural warning not to leave a pot on a stove unattended hmm?

Couldn’t get the quote to work it kept being covered up by stupid phone with “find selection” thingy today for no apparent reason

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I’m glad too! I’m also glad the spawn wasn’t at home, even if him not being home was sorta the catalyst for the fire. Little shit was playing with his mate outside and the other parent and I were watching them. Sometimes outside with them (we’re next door neighbours) sometimes from inside (they were playing where they could be seen from inside). We noticed that we hasn’t actually heard them for a bit, I must’ve been sidetracked with cooking and not looking up enough, so we went to find them. I didn’t realise I’d left the grill, which I think you guys in the US call a broiler on and some leftover fat caught fire. Fire department and all.

Luckily, I have this uncanny ability to be perfectly calm during a crisis and the shit really hits the fan… But I will have a full blown panic attack if the tram is too crowded. Go figure lol.


It was just a sign I need to clean my grill more and I should pay more attention lol.

It took a whole day for just how much worse it could’ve been to sink in. Very glad it wasn’t worse.


Was bored and I will neither confirm nor deny that I may have been inebriated the other night while chatting to Belial. I’m not sure exactly led to it, but I had a curse to start on apparently…

Someone had been rather disrespectful to Belial whilst at my house. Old mate thinks of this as his house, so it was rather daft of them to do. Especially considering they know what I do and why the fuck there’s an altar with Belial’s fucking sigil on it. I asked Belial (at the time they were here) to leave them alone and sorta put it down to them being too drunk to choose their words carefully. I’ve since learnt, no, they’re just a cunt.

Belial enjoyed his “I told ya so” moment, then asked me again if he could play with the guy a bit and j just said “have at it”. But we agreed that I should throw some shade at him too. Totally for practice, not because my dumb ass let my guard down and almost got feelings for a bloke that should’ve had a earning label on him because of how fucking toxic he is and Im totally not just glad I saw the red flags before shit went tits up. Totally just for cursework practice… So old mate says he’ll get back to me with something that would mek things interesting, but to give him a week in his own.

Well, the week was up on Wednesday (Australian time) and I was instructed to get a candle NOW. Only had tealights, and went to work. After I was finished, I was told to leave the candle to finish charging. Also possibly to allow a familiars energy to attach to it for the purpose of carrying out the dirty work maybe? I also have to repeat the curse, so that will be done too…

Let’s see what tomorrow’s will look like…

Gotta draw Lilith’s sigil, have a quick chat then sleep. Fell asleep in the bath just before so I think that may be a sign


Thought I’d add this too.

Found this eucalyptus branch a little while ago, fully intending to turn it into a wand. Then, life happened and I didn’t. But had a super successful ritual with Abaddon the other night and was told I should start making use of it. He was nice enough to give it a bit of a charge I guess you’d call it. Idk. I do know that it was positively humming with energy by the end.

I was told to trim it and leave the wood itself as natural looking as possible. Remove the sticky-outy bits and make a leather handle for it. I asked if I could decorate it and was told “you don’t have anything here suitable”. Because I totally have leather threading just laying around my flat, sure lol. So over the weekend, j gotta get some leather to make a handle, cut the jagged ends off and pick an appropriately shaped and type of stone


Me: so you want me to draw it in gold?
Lilith: yes
Me: are you sure, because you said silver earlier
Lilith: no, I think I will go with the gold
Me: (can’t find drawing shit and filling airtime) silver and blue would look nice
Lilit: yes, that does sound very pretty, or maybe purple? No, I’ll go with the gold. No silver and blue! Silver and blue!
Me: are you sure this time?
Lilith: yes. Maybe you’ll actually get this one finished
Me: oh my fucking lordy… I swear you’ll be the death of me
Lilith: keep taking the amount of d***s you do and we’ll see how correct that statement is, darling.

So after settling on silver and blue, this was the result


Its really pretty!


Thank you.

I’m slowly getting back into drawing again. I stopped for a long time, but I’m trying to get back to where I was with it in the past.


Have a picture