A Wander Through the Gates

Let me just say one thing…

I do NOT enjoy randomly projecting when I’m trying to sleep after not sleeping well for a few days. It’s not fun having no control of it at all. The feeling of being ripped out of my body, flung somewhere I don’t know, then shoved back in my body when I’ve been running on fumes and sheer spite is terribly disorienting. It also doesn’t help sleep one iota.

It’s a fairly recent phenomenon for me and I can’t control it. I don’t know how I’m doing it, but I’m pretty sure its Belial’s doing. He may be doing it for shits and giggles because he does find shit like that funny. Your experiences may vary, but I’ve found he has quite the twisted sense of humour that I rather enjoy. But he’s also a fan of harsh lessons that throw you in the deep end to see if you’ll sink or swim. Or, it could just be lack of sleep and my astral body finding it easier to “go for a walk” and because I’m so tired, my physical body/brain can’t control it. Or a bit of both.

All I know is that it’s quite unpleasant. I mean, the exploration part and the fact that I seem to suddenly have this new ability is cool… But the fractured sleep because of it kinda sucks.

Anyhow… How are you? Lol.


You’re more likely to end up with these experiences if you lay down to sleep in smaller chunks of time, like setting alarms every hour or napping for 2-4 hours at a time. Setting a regular sleep schedule where you’re in bed for 5+ hours at a time decreases the likelihood of these experiences. Music, earplugs, nightlights or curtains depending on the kind of person you are, and/or sleeping with something (like a big crystal dragon in my case) might help too.

I think OBE is fun sometimes, but I’ve had some rough experiences with it and don’t usually like it so often I try to stay away and mitigate my experiences with it.


It’s a really recent thing for me. It had never happened to me before a few months ago and the first time it happened was really crazy. It lead to some pretty effed up shit happening that could’ve put myself and others in a dangerous situation to put it mildly. But since then, it’s only happened when I’ve been severely lacking sleep.

I’ve noticed some similar things that happened last night before projecting happening tonight. So I’m going to run with it and see if I can control it at all. If I’m gonna fly, might as well be the pilot lol

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Sometimes, we just have to appreciate something of beauty for a moment. Like Tallahassee says in the film “Zombieland”, it’s the little things.


As a continuation of last night’s entry, things ended up being fairly uneventful. No projections, just a really strange dream involving my son’s father and myself. Not a nightmare for a change, just odd. I think it’s a sign, but of what? I don’t know.

I think I need to come to terms with what I went through because of him properly. Not forgive him - the last act of mercy toward him was not accepting a friend’s offer to make him disappear and probably be croc food. He gets no quarter from me. But at the same time, I need to move past the hurt he caused me. I’ve made amazing progress since I’ve buckled down on my magick, but I need to get past it instead of just accepting it if that makes sense. The dream was full of sadness and finality instead of the usual hatred, violence and pain. So I think I should just go for the Mortal Kombat “fatality” and then end it there.

It’s fucking hard to move past 12 years of trauma though. I mean, I have physical reminders of it every time I look in the mirror. But I need it to be done with. My son deserves a mum who’s at peace, not one who’s just faking it to get by.


Today is lighting incense for my little pantheon of spirits and dedicating a new candle for my main man Belial. Haven’t started that yet as I haven’t vacuumed yet and I want to do that and wipe down the new table addition to my altar space. I also have to duck out super quickly later for some stuff.

Tonight though, I want to focus on Andromalius as I’m going to be asking a favour of him again. He was so awesome last time that I kinda wanna focus on him alone when I ask him for stuff. It’s to help a friend whose family basically stole inheritance from him. And as Andromalius is effing AMAZING and sorting out a thief, I’ll go to his again as he works with the speed an accuracy of a military drone.


I love your sigil for Furcalor.


Yes, I’m quite proud of that one… He’s an awesome spirit who has done some pretty cool shit for me. And since I always enjoyed our chats, I made him that one as a gift

That’s it a little closer up. I wasn’t entirely happy when I first drew it, but he seemed to like it so I liked that he likes it lol.


Belial has been asking for a present. Originally, a lamp caught his eye, but yesterday he spotted this

So today…

It’s his.

Lirach tasa vefa welhc Belial!



As a side note… You know you’re into LHP magick when there’s blood on the wall around your altar


I’m convinced I’m never going to have a normal relationship with anyone ever again.

Allow me to explain how I’ve arrived at this conclusion…

Last night I had this guy I’ve sorta been seeing for a couple months stay over. It’s the second time he’s stayed the night. There were some odd goings on last time, but nothing I thought to be anything more than spiritual static basically. I’ve since learnt that this person claims to be an ex-practitioner themselves. Which at first was like “oh cool, I won’t sound crazy talking about demons and spirits and lighting incense every few hours”. Unfortunately, this didn’t seem to be the case.

Stuff starts getting weird for the guy last night. Minor stuff at first like shit being moved etc. So the guy asks me “do you have anything hanging around or have you called anything in? Because whoever/whatever it is will not leave me alone.” I tried to kinda de-escalate with him, but the guy was like “no, who is it, and why are they giving me grief?” At which point, I hear old mate Belial giggling away. Very pleased with himself, like a cat that got the cream. Anyone who’s worked with him knows the laugh I mean. That smug, satisfied “yeah I did it, so fucking what?” laugh.

I was told by old mate he wasn’t even wasting his time at the start and sent one of his “employees” to be an annoyance. But when that didn’t work, he decided he’d do it himself. In his mind, he was protecting me. But in the guy’s mind, he was being seen as not good enough and was being bullied. Belial was having a blast tormenting this guy and I’d hear him laughing every so often.

I don’t think Belial didn’t like him per se. I’ve had spirits not like guests of mine (male or female) and this wasn’t like that. I don’t know what this was. It seemed like a show of power to be honest. Like he was letting him know that he could crush him if he wanted, but was toying with him because he could. The exact reasoning escapes me though. The guy claimed he was being “jealous and possessive”. I think he was just looking out for me slightly overzealously. But I don’t know.

It was honestly like dealing with children who are having a disagreement. Eventually, the guy offered Belial a drink as a peace offering and to sorta say “not here to step on your toes, my guy”. But I still had to have a quick word, give him a piece of chocolate he was coveting earlier and ask nicely to leave us alone so I could, well… I don’t have to spell it out I don’t think lol. Because he would NOT let up.

As a final fuck you to the poor guy, one of his socks went missing. Idk if Belial had something to do with that, but he found it funny nonetheless.

None of what I’m saying is me trying to sound like I’m some sort of favoured individual or anything. I know that I’m not. I’m just another intermediate that could be replaced with someone almost exactly like me. There are thousands, probably millions even, just like me. I’m nothing and no-one special. But it is nice knowing someone has my back, you know?

Even so, it does make me wonder a few things… Was this guy blowing what was going on out of proportion and Belial was just amused by the guy trying to impress me? Or was it really as weird as the guy was saying? If so, is this what is going to happen whenever I actually start liking someone?

Le sigh…

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I forgot to add earlier that he had also apparently had a run in with Lilith once a upon a time (possibly why he doesn’t practice anymore? Idk) and that they aren’t each other’s favourite people.

Her words were (and imagine this being said in the disdain and disgust that could only come out of the mouth of a queen of darkness) along the line lines of “oh… You. Ugh, no” and then she left.

Maybe it is him. For the sake of future conversations, we will call him ‘the tradie’. Maybe the tradie annoyed a bunch of spirits back in the day and they haven’t forgotten. Maybe he was just a cocky youngster. Maybe he’s lying about ever having done magick and that’s why they’re being shitty to him. I’ll figure it out. Gonna make Belial and Lilith some nice, new decorative sigils and gave a chat.

Then, I have a new project to try… A good friend of mine had a friend pass away recently from a heroin overdose. The guy had been clean for four years. Gotten a good job, wife, kid and another on the way. But some “friend” showed absolutely disrespect for that and put a bag of heroin in his birthday card KNOWING he’d been clean for years. And an addict did what an addict will do when given their drug of choice, and he was found dead in the bathroom the next morning.

As you can imagine, my friend is both devastated and LIVID. I’ve done a few nasty things sent his way, but he deserves more. What this person did shows no respect for the now deceased, for his family or for the fact he had gotten clean. I know there are some of you saying “but he didn’t have to take it” and you’re 100% right he didn’t. But as someone who’s battled addiction myself, that’s nowhere near as easy as it sounds. There’s a little voice in your head telling you shit like “a little won’t hurt” or “it’s been ages, treat yourself” etc. And it makes me FURIOUS to know someone could be so much of a skidmark on life’s underwear that they could put a “friend” in that position.

So, I’m gonna try something I’ve never done and evoke this person’s soul and trap it in an object so I can torture it at my leisure. I’m also going to see if I can find a spell to make someone more obvious and able to be found as my friend would very much like to introduce the guy to his fists. Repeatedly.

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Since I’ve been lazy with my work, die to both reasons including my mental health… But other totally daft stuff that should’ve pushed me toward it instead of making me sit around on my arse that were just excuses.

I’ve been afraid. That’s what it boils down to. I’m fucking scared, man. I’m scared I’m wrong about all this. I’m scary that I’ll lose what little security I have, I’m scared that I’ll lose the few muggle friends I have and that I’ll be alone even more than I am now and I’m scared that if I do take the plunge and commit wholeheartedly that I’ll by abandoned by those I’ve committed to just like everyone else has. I’ve also watched so many people unravel and lose themselves on this path either to thrall, madness or to their own shadow. They’re silly things to be afraid of when you really think about it. Mere paranoia. But its been making me make excuses and neglect my training.

I was tranced out the other night, just off wandering in my little astral cavern, chilling with Belial (who wasn’t very talkative aside from asking a few questions here and there that I don’t remember the specifics of) and I found myself in a new part of it. I was standing at the edge of this MASSIVE, sheer cliff. Behind me, all the things that I cling to in the mundane world; familiarity, security, things I know and understand and human logic.

At the foot of the cliff was the swirling, effervescent chaos that is magick and the spirits we deal with. The power to change my world. My power. My strength. Infinite possibilities and they are all mine for the taking. They’re meant to be mine. That’s not me being arrogant, it’s the truth. What’s at the foot of that cliff is mine by birthright. It belongs TO ME. And I want it. No, I don’t just want it, I crave and yearn for it like one longs for someone they’re desperately in love with or an addict craves whatever their addiction is.

The cliff seems to represent a choice needing to be made. Do I turn around and disappoint my future and run back to what I know? Do I seek comfort? Or do I jump and commit to this shit? Once the jump is made, I can’t un-jump. And it’s going to take a helluva lot of work to get to a point where I can climb back up that cliff a new, radiant being. The person I am destined to become.

I’ve asked advice and been told as such. That I’m just making excuses and that if I wanna be more than someone who just gives some spirits some sweets and asks the odd favour. If I want to become what I’ve dreamt about. What I was told by a spirit I was destined to be. I want to be a force to be reckoned with.

I just have to work. I have to force myself to work… And so it begins. A new era. I will work hard. I know I’m gonna fuck it up. I’m gonna be lazy from time to time and that’s ok. But I need to focus and do the work if I want to get what I want.

So I’ve started my sucking up to my pantheon for basically abandoning them for the last 3 weeks. I promised them all individual artwork based on their sigils. Attached is the work in progress for Belial


Progress… Gonna cut the sigil off the paper and glue it onto another piece of paper, probably coloured in gold, with the name around it rather than the calligraphy

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Starting on Lilith’s little “I’m sorry for neglecting our work” decorative sigil. The plan is for the thorns and the sigil itself to be black. The inside will go from and dark purple through to a red colour with the sigil trimmed in gold.

They get fancy when picking designs and shit lol.

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On to part two of my day. Well, technically, it’s parts one and three but anyway, that’s neither here nor there…

I probably should’ve thought more of it, but was sidetracked at the time. Before I dropped kiddo off at school, I noticed that the 2 of wands was on the floor near my altar. It was from a deck I no longer use for divination due to missing cards and only use it for talismans etc. Didn’t think too much of it as I was in a rush. Just assumed I’d knocked it over while trying to get the boy out the door. Did think it was odd it was a single card, but… Things to do and such.

I recently bought a new deck, but I haven’t really gotten to play with it too much. The standard cups, wands, pentacles/coins and swords with their corresponding elements. This is where it gets really quite interesting… I’d put the deck away, in a box and could’ve sworn I closed it. But I found the deck, a chunk of the cards out of the deck and the cards still in the box with the knight of fire upright on top of the pile in the box.

This second part confused me. I couldn’t logically explain why that card was out. The knight of fire represents the same values as the knight of wands basically. The Knight is motivation/drives you to find motivation. He brings out your truth from the depth of your being. To join with your passions, desires and that fire inside wanting to be expressed.

Thinking about that and then remembering the two of wands earlier; planning, making decisions and taking that first step. Which linked in with the knight… But I had a feeling I should look up which spirit’s card the two of wands is. And lo and behold; it’s Bael. The newest spirit I’ve added to my little secret club lol.

I call it a pantheon, but it’s really three main spirits (Belial, Abaddon and Lilith) with a few others on the sidelines (like Furcalor, Orobas and until recently, Bael). The sideline crew get offerings regularly, but not to the same level as the main three. I focus mostly on the main three, but the others are worthy of my respect for reasons I shall keep to myself. This roster also changes slightly from time to time, but the main three never change. Now, no pacts have been made and they won’t be for a little while yet (I don’t think I’m skilled enough to not get the shit end of the stick with a pact just yet) but I give those main three their dues for helping me. Belial gets a little extra here and there, but this doesn’t seem to cause any jealousy.

But today after finding the two of wands and the knight of fire in places they had no business being, I did some thinking. I mean, I’m trying to be more aware of signs and omens so that I fuck shit up just slightly less. I came to the conclusion that Bael was sending me a little message. That the plan that I have made in my head is the right one and to push forward. But that he thinks that I’m lacking guidance he will be able to assist with if given more focus from me. If I can be motivated and push myself, he will help bring out what I am currently lacking and bring some balance.

Hey, I might be wrong. This could all be a ridiculous coincidence that I’m reading too far into because I’m tired after battling a vicious headache. I could have things backwards and should run the fuck away and just give up magick altogether before I REALLY cock something up lol. Who knows? The only vision that is 20/20 is hindsight and I won’t have that until after I make my mistakes.

So off to chat to Bael to see what he has to say.

Tomorrow is clean up day for my altar space, so I’ll also buy new candles for each of the main four spirits and dedicate them. But holy heck are black candles getting hard to find. I also plan on spending some time with Abaddon during the day.


Bathtub invocation tonight.



This is doing my fucking head in. It really fucking is. I have to see these artworks through to completion; I have 6 in total I have to do. Or should I say, that I agreed to do. Three of which I’ve started… One has vanished, I got frustrated with not being able to get one to look right and the third I just can’t sit down to do anymore of. I tried to just before but I kept getting sidetracked.

I just need to focus… That’s part of the point of bloody well doing this. To concentrate. To focus. To pay attention to detail. And to see things through.


I used to sit and draw for hours and hours on end. People used to pay me to do drawings for them. I’ve helped design tattoos for people for flying fucks sake.


I just want to be able to finish one so I can show myself “see? You CAN do this.” but it’s like my brain is actively fighting against me. Why is something I enjoy doing so damn difficult? I knew I was taking a fair bit on, but I should be able to do this. It’s not like I’m doing fucking algebra.

It’s pencil. Paper. Charcoal. Watercolour.

I feel like I’m gonna scream…

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In other news…

I bought a moisturiser with bee venom in it.

It kinda stung.

Ba dum tss… Thank you, I’m here all week

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