A Wander Through the Gates

Ah, special objects can have special meanings. Mine is dual use in that arena. It takes the burning offerings larger than my small burn bowl can accommodate. But I also sweep incense ash into it. I used it as my fire scrying bowl in the Kasdeya, but already ruined a smaller one doing that in the beginning.


Depends on what crickets mean. Hearing crickets in my house would mean the natural spiders aren’t working :joy:

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I have a special one for incense and stuff and one specifically for burning petitions or sigils or what have you.

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Crickets are symbol of good luck where I’m from. Idk if it means the same thing in the states.

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They’re in the US… But I’m in Australia, the spiders are ALWAYS working lol

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No, outside of a cultural reference, it would not.

But I did purposefully stop to let a small little one (cricket) hop to safety. I don’t kill them or spiders here without safety concerns.

Taking life is simpler than creating and nurturing it. Coming from a necromancer and a Death practitioner.

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A cricket crossing your threshold is mean to symbolise either an unexpected guest coming to bestow good fortune or grant a wish. So killing one is bad juju lol.

Just looked it up, it’s also a Belief in Feng Shui too… Never knew that

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They inhabit my wood shed, too, so I’ve had unrealized guests for the past year on a 2-3x/wk basis over the past 1.5 years…

But they’re common here, so maybe different

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It’s funny how it varies from culture to culture.

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I feel like I had a major breakthrough last night.

Oh wow.

I feel like I reached a new level of connection with the main spirits I’ve been working with of late and it’s bleeping amazing.

I feel like my aura is positively BUZZING today.

I will no longer hide this part of me from those who are meant to be “friends”. If they cannot accept it, I do not accept them. That’s a them problem not a me problem. This is the package, this is me and magick is now a massive part of it. I refuse to alter or hide myself (within clear reason of course) for supposed friends.

My mind is clear. This is my purpose.

The left hand path is a lonely path to walk. But I will walk it with my head held high for this is the path I chose to walk.

Glory to Belial!
Glory to Abaddon!
Glory to Orobas!
Glory to Andromalius!
Glory to Lilith!
Glory to Forcalor!

I will walk separate from people, but not from you!



Now enjoy a random photo I took.


I really need to take your advice on this. Well said and fucking go you!!!









I found all of those stones outside while walking my son to school this morning… I am a very happy lady today


What finds! I don’t have anything like that on the ground here. I can find dirty quarts and granite.


These were all just sitting on a fence pillar, like someone had intentionally left them out for me to collect lol. I couldn’t just leave them…

Seem to be having some luck finding gemstones/crystals of late, often in the most random of places. Even kiddo found a cool bracelet/bangle thingo

Idk what stone it is though. Possibly some sort of agate? Or maybe it’s fake and just glass. Doesn’t feel that way, but it could be