A Walk in the Qliphoth

Day 3 Gamchicoth recitation done.

I dont really have interesting dreams lately, so I’m not writing them down.


Night 3 in Gamchicoth.

I don’t really remember my dream, it’s pretty blurry, but I know it was a good one.


I do remember what I dreamt about last night ! The first one I’m not sure, for some reason there was a celebrity in it, but in the second one, someone I know was talking to me on Facebook. She is someone I’ve been “following”, helping in her practice. In the dream, she was telling me how she wanted to focus on self-empowerment, and be a better person, and a more powerful witch. It feels like it was her higher self talking to me.


This would have been night 5 in Gamchicoth, but I did not do the recitation before going to sleep yesterday, I fell asleep :confused:
BUT, the dream I had makes me think that I was probably still in the sphere.

I don’t remember the details, but I was late to go somewhere. At first I thought I was going to work, but no, I ended up going to school. I had some troubles looking for my classroom, but managed to find it. When I sat in it, I could hear people around me say “Look it’s her, it’s … (my name)”. They knew who I was, even though I wasnt really present before, and skipped school all the time.
It was a really weird feeling to be back at school, but I somehow knew that it would be the best solution for me.
Everyone was kind with me. I remember this male teacher, who I think was interested to help me.

School is actually a big issue for me, always was. It’s something I’ve been stuck on since a very long time…


Continuing, day 5 Gamchicoth recitation done.

Today’s recitation was… special I guess. The whole evening was. I discovered something interesting about myself, that I will not disclose here. And it’s kinda mind blowing.


The 6th night in Gamchicoth went well, no dreams I can recall.

Really had a big break through in this sphere, I might end up explaining what happened.


Alright so, I finished Gamchicoth, and as I said in my previous message, I had a huge breakthrough in this sphere. Really mind blowing stuff. I wasn’t sure if I should talk about it, but fuck it.

I always had a weird sexuality, and relations with men, in a sense I don’t feel much during sex, takes me a while to get excited and well… I never finished while being with a man. I had many experiences with men, all of them very different, but it was always kinda the same. I also got abused a few times, either sexually, or mentally by toxic guys, creating traumas.

And so a few days ago, I was reading a fanfiction, and it went on the BDSM pretty fast. It wasn’t my first time reading that kind of stuff, but this time was different, I don’t know. It made me see a part of me I wasn’t really aware off, or at least, that I wasn’t accepting.
So I started looking up infos about BDSM, and it got me interested really fast. Thinking that maybe, that’s the thing that could help me. It already had caught my interest a few years ago, I had even met with a man (really sweet person), but then I kinda ran away, too afraid. I forgot everything about it right after. Until today !

It’s really a big thing for me, people probably don’t realize it, but it’s like finally accepting a dark part of me.


:muscle::muscle: always moving forward, never forget that your desires are valid, regardless of what society says :heart:


Day 1 Daath Recitation done !

After a break of a few days, I’m getting back into it. Daath it is. The sphere of Belial.


Okay, 2 very weird dreams so far. When I woke up it was so hot in my room, when it shouldn’t have.

In the first one, I was at my work, but something really odd was happening. Hard to explain honestly, it didnt make much sense. It’s like someone was controling the reality I was in. Then at the end, I decided to delete that reality, by using a black hole. Told you, weird dream.

In the second one, I was with my ex, the toxic one. I was getting upset at him, telling him everything I had against him. Then I decided to leave, go home. Not going to explain the whole dream in detail, but a spirit decided to show up to me, and help me after I told him that I needed help to get back home. I don’t remember the name, it wasn’t a spirit I know, that’s for sure. It felt like a trickster. Male spirit with a short name.


The ones i found were loki, pan, eshu, and saci. Any of these ring a bell?

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Well thanks, but as I said, not a known spirit


Ah, sorry about that :sweat_smile: thought you might have not known those, you mentioned he had a short name

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Night 2 in Daath, no dreams I can remember. I will try to take a nap later today.


Night 3 in Daath.

No interesting dreams. I was in a house with other people I knew. Looked at myself in a mirror, I was wearing a black dress.


Night 4 in Daath.

The dream was pretty long, but I can’t remember most of it. The world was separated in categories. People with powers, and people without. Powers were sorted with colors. Most people with powers were dark blue. Then there was a few others, like green, red, brown etc, even rainbow. The one at the top was yellow. Not sure if he was the only one, or if it was really rare.
I had the ability to see those colors on people (not sure how it worked normally), and so we were looking for the one at the top, called “The Golden Fox”. We needed his help with something. After finding him, thanks to me, he had brought us in a restaurant to talk. There, they were serving us food. There was a woman in my group, who was talking a lot of shit to me, and I don’t know, I was staring at her, imagining she would have a nose bleed.


Day 6 Daath recitation done !

I’m not sure how long I will stay in that sphere. I feel like I should stay longer than a week, but I really don’t kno. It’s a feeling I have, but I know Daath energies can be quite strong.
So far everything has been going very well, I’ve learned many new things, so I tell myself that maybe, it will not hurt me if I stay more than a week. I’m thinking 12 days.


Night 6 in Daath.

I had a rather interesting dream. Two actually.
In the first one, zombies were a thing. We were still discussing what we should do with our pets, since they could get infected.

Now, the second one… I was a man at the army. I don’t think it was in the past, but maybe, couldn’t tell. I was driving an helicopter above the sea, but was quite close to the shore. Then I don’t know what happened, I was losing control of it, I said something about the “direction” that was messed up. I then crashed in the water.
I got picked up by the medic team. Then, back to the base, we were having some kind of meeting. The sergeant, or lieutenant or whatever, I dont know the grades, someone above me, was calling me out, saying I fucked up. I was telling him that someone had messed up with my helicopter, out of jealousy. Of course he didn’t believe me, and instead said he was going to kick me out. Everyone else around me was upset, and kept telling him he was wrong, that I was the strongest asset. Then a woman, threw something in his arms. It looks like a small missile of some kind. It was making a hissing noise, like if it was about to explode. The man didn’t know what to do, panicking. Then the woman took the missile back (which had been fake), and said something about him being stupid, that if he wasn’t able to react on something that simple, then why should I be kicked out. Everyone behind us was so happy, shouting loudly.

This dream felt so real. It was so vivid too, with so many details. I could probably write more about this dream, but I don’t really have time right now.


Day 7 Daath recitation done.

I skipped yesterday’s recitation, was pretty tired. Right now, I have an awful headache. Hope that will stop.


Day 9 Daath recitation done.

I’ve been terrible at keeping tracks on this journal. Not a big issue, but still.