A Walk in the Qliphoth

Day 2 Golachab recitation done !

Let’s see what the night will hold


Night 2 on Golachab.

I hate this dream I had. I hate it. sigh

I was being held against my will by my sister, and she was torturing me. She would… take me apart, literally, to the point that the only part of me left was my heart. I was still “alive” at that point, not sure how but alright. Then she decided to cut my heart in 2, and that was it. I was losing consciousness slowly, until I died.
But then, I came back. I had burried a part of myself in the snow somewhere, so I wasn’t fully gone. My mom and cousin managed to find me, and helped me get the rest of my body back (I went in some kind of bath to have it again).
So I was at home with them, but then I heard my sister entering the house. I ran in the bathroom to hide, and just listened. I don’t remember what she was saying, but at some point she entered the room I was in, and found me. I wanted to hurt her, and kill her, but I couldn’t, and she knew that so she was making fun of me, saying she could help me do it if I wanted to. She left afterwards, but I felt… destroyed.

Fucking hell Asmodeus, what was that dream.


Welcome to Golachab :v:


It was horrible D:


On no less than 3 separate mornings I woke up crying like a child from what I saw. Real talk.


That’s crazy lol. And I was telling myself, just yesterday, that it was going pretty smooth for me, and that I didnt have many horrible dreams :rofl:


I tell you straightly this thing can go from sugar to sh!t really really fast. Buckle up…


The third night in Golachab was alright, nothing interesting to write down. I had dreams, but nothing worth remembering.


Fourth night in Golachab.

I dreamt that my mom had fallen down the stairs at our house. She wasn’t too hurt fortunately.
There was more to it before that, but I cannot remember clearly. Something about monsters again I think ?


Day 5 Golachab recitation done !

I didn’t do the recitation yesterday, as I was way too tired because of work, so I’m continuing today.


Night 5 in Golachab.

I don’t remember my dream that much, only some small things


We’ve officially caught up…I hope you’re enjoying Golachab as much as much as I am​:laughing::laughing:.

Every night I go to bed and say “what fresh hell is this?!?”

You’ll be ahead in a couple days though I’m doing 9 days. The extra two days has been cruel and unusual punishment.


Oh I’m cruisiiiing :rofl:
No it’s alright so far (famous last words). When I’m done with all the spheres, I will explain all the things that changed for me, that I’ve seen so far. I’m actually very happy.

I usually take a break of a day or two between each spheres, I take my sweet time. So I won’t be too much ahead.

Good luck in Golachab :stuck_out_tongue:


Day 6 recitation done. Time to see what good things the night will bring me.


Yeah me too for sure

Thanks, actually knowing that you and a couple others are going through it with me is of some comfort. I don’t know why that would be so because we all must face this alone though.


Night 6 in Golachab.

Dreamt that I was packing my stuff to leave. Then, I was in space. I was going around all the planets in our solar system, even seeing their moons. Someone was explaining something about black holes, and galaxies I think, saying how similar they are. They talked about an area in space, some kind of bubble, where there is hundreds of black holes next to each other.


Day 7 Golachab recitation !

Last day and last night in this sphere, let’s see what mighty dreams I will have


I didn’t have any dreams for the last night in Golachab. That’s fine.

I wanted originally to do the first recitation of Gamchicoth yesterday, but wasn’t able to. Had someone visiting. So I’ll do it later today.

I dreamt that I was visiting an island, with a group of people. Things were weird there. It was an experimental place, with monsters, and all kind of stuff


Day 1 Gamchicoth recitation done !

Let’s see what the night will hold.


Gl! Hopefully it goes well!

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