Vitriol’s Working Journal

Thank you great King Asmodeus for coming to me today and for your warning! You have my deepest respect and gratitude.

Hail King Asmodeus!


Monthly pacted evocation of Duke Astaroth!

Today was a very unique evocation, I had to do it in a part of the house where I’ve never evoked before. The workers are still inside the house remodeling and today was rather noisy and I had a hard time concentrating. However, after Astaroth arrived the house grew quiet and I had a better opportunity to concentrate. We talked for a while mostly about work related issues and how I’m growing impatient about the remodeling, but I have a feeling everything will work out soon!

Thank you Duke Astaroth for all you do for me and for always having my back.

Hail Duke Astaroth ! :heart::dragon::heart:


Monthly pacted evocation of Grand Duke Astaroth!
Today was an awesome evocation considering it was the first time in 4 months that I was able to leave the room and evoke on my dining room table. Seems as if the planets aligned and I was alone with no workers around so I took my magic to another room with more space and less dust. I had a good conversation with Astaroth, he gave me some advice on what the next month will bring me and he reassured me he is always with me and that I’m going to be fine. I was feeling weird since this remodeling started that maybe Astaroth would think I was slacking or not putting enough effort in magick, but I was reassured that I am keeping up with my part of the pact. He also said something along the lines of “I know what will happen before it ever happens, so if we are together be reassured” or something to that effect. The advice today was to ride out the remodeling he assured me it will be over soon!

Thank you Duke Astaroth for always having my back and for being a great and loyal patron! You have my deepest respect and gratitude!

Hail Duke Astaroth! :dragon::heart::dragon:


Sitting in my backyard bar having a beer and this little critter showed up. I usually have arachnophobia but this time I got up real close to take the pic, I figured she’s on the fence I’m in my bar we can live in peace!

However I must say it might be the Halloween energy flowing so live and let live!

Edit to bad it ain’t the orange tarantulas I usually see around the house those are very pretty….yet scary at the same time.


Monthly pacted evocation with Grand Duke Astaroth!

Today was my first ever evocation on Halloween. Duke Astaroth appeared quick, and we had a great chat. It is always good to hear his advice and his energy was strong today.
We talked a little about my next lessons in magick and I was told I would get a sign in a dream for a sigil of one of his generals. He said the spirit that will contact me via dreams will help me transmute negative energy into positive energy. The spirit I was told will contact me is a general of one of Duke Astaroths legions. When I asked how I should address him he said just call him by his name he answers to me. I guess this is pretty straightforward but still I am used to calling the spirits by their rank…albeit Astaroth has told me multiple time to just call him Astaroth, I still call him duke though.

Thank you Duke Astaroth for being by my side always and for always lending me your ear and for your sound advice!

Hail Duke Astaroth!


I think you can finally communicate crystal clear. I hope I can make it too.


Monthly get together with the great Duke Astaroth. Today’s evocation, was pretty straightforward. We talked for about 30 minutes. Duke Astaroth seemed a little laid back today, I had a hard time concentrating during the ritual. I told him I haven’t called on his general yet, to which he replied that he knows I haven’t. I asked him if it would be all right to call on him after the new year to which he replied it’s ok. His advice for me was to enjoy the rest of the year and relax. He mentioned I am getting better at tarot, and I thanked him for his help during divinations.

Thank you Duke Astaroth for always being there for me and for always coming when I call! You have
Y deepest respect and gratitude!

Hail Duke Astaroth! :dragon::heart::dragon:


The evocation of the great King Asmoday!

Well today was the first time I’ve ever evoked this great spirit. He’s talked to me before during an occult tarot reading I was doing when his card popped out, but this is the first time I’ve ever done a ritual with him. So his energy is strong yet he was very patient with me. It was a long ritual about an hour give or take.
The reason I called him is because I wanted advice on a curse placed on my brother in law and his wife. So we talked about that and he gave me a ritual and a list of ingredients and materials that we will need to perform the uncrossing spell. He said that he will break that curse and send it back “ten fold” to the person that cursed them. I was told time is of the essence and to get my materials quickly so that we can do this!

Thank you King Asmoday for hearing my call and showing me how to handle this situation! You have my deepest respect and gratttiude!

Hail King Asmodeus!


The evocation of Gtand Duke Astaroth.

And so it begins this is phase one of curse uncrossing! Thank you Grand Duke Astaroth for agreeing to help me on my request! Your powers never seize to amaze me, you are so kind to me!

This evocation wasn’t part of my monthly meetings with the Duke. Today’s evocation had a request that I will not share in public. But if you can see in one of the pictures he chose to appear in his dragon form!

Hail Grand Duke Astaroth! You have my deepest respect and gratitude!


Evocation for an uncrossing and return to sender spell with the great King Asmodeus!
As you know I’ve been trying to figure out how to go about breaking a curse cast on my brother in law and his wife by his ex girlfriend. When I found out King Asmoday was the first spirit I thought of to help me with this. After talking with a friend it was confirmed that indeed King Asmoday was interested in helping me. So earlier this week I evoked the great King to seek his counsel and counsel he did provide me. He gave me a curse breaker oil “recipe” and an actual curse breaker ritual to get rid of said curse. Yesterday I prepared the oil and King Asmoday charged it up!
When he gave me the ritual he said “time is of the essence, consecrate and charge the oil gather your materials and break this as soon as possible”. Well today we did just that.
I followed King Asmodays instructions and evoked him, after greeting him and welcoming him I asked if he would be staying during the whole process and he said yes, he will be staying with me the whole time. Well it took us three hours to get the job done and let’s just say King Asmoday is very very patient….and when I was fumbling during a manual part of the ritual he let me know I was doing ok. The things I saw and realized today made me grateful that I practice magick, while there are people pith there that leave everything up to chance/faith in their god or whatever I can actually make a difference in someone’s life and in my own.

King Asmoday thank you for being patient with me and for being willing to teach me to become a better a magician and a better human, a better human in the sense that I will not stand by while an injustice is being done!

Hail King Asmoday!

You have my deepest respect and gratitude, I look forward to working more with you!

Hail King Asmoday!


Monthly meeting with the great Duke Astaroth!
Today we chatted for a bit. He told me that next year we are going to work on not using the pendulum. He also gave me some advice for an upcoming work event. I asked him to give me a spell for a road opener for next year but he told me “just ask me now” and so we did that! Duke Astaroth is very kind with those he considers his own he truly is amazing spirit to work with, I am proud to have him as my patron, I have grown a lot spiritual wise with him as my patron!

Thank you grand Duke Astaroth for your countless blessings and for the wonderful advice!

Hail Duke Astaroth!


First pacted evocation of Grand Duke Astaroth of the year!

I had my first monthly (formal) meeting of the year with Duke Astaroth today. We talked about this years plans and what I should work on. I asked for his advise about a work related issue I’m having with some lazy subordinates, he recommended I talk with another Duke of of the goetia. He told me I need to listen to what said Duke has to say and also suggested I be careful with what I promise said Duke, for I will be held to that promise. :thinking: I’m usually pretty good about “paying the piper” with all the spirits I work with, so I’m thinking the listen to what he has to say is a bit of foreshadowing that said spirit might test my bargaining skills.

This year started out real hectic with a temporary promotion that I learned a lot from, not just about myself but on being a “leader” of people that are difficult to lead. Duke Astaroth was present during the whole three week process and I must say he didn’t leave me to the wolves the whole time! Duke Astaroth you were (and still are) with me and your power and love is indescribable your power never fails to amaze me! You have my deepest respect and gratitude!

Hail Duke Astaroth!


Today I did a little ritual with Emperor Lucifer. I needed some advice for a particular situation and he is a great bringer of light!

Thank you Emperor Lucifer for taking time from your schedule to come to visit me today!

Hail Emperor Lucifer!


Today I had a ritual with Emperor Lucifer. I wanted to thank him personally for the advice given that I out into action!

Hail Emperor Lucifer!


Monthly pacted ritual with Duke Astaroth!

It’s been a long month, between work and family responsibilities it was nice to have a sit down and chat with the great Duke. We talked about next months (March) pros and cons. I was given excellent advise on a work related matter, I was told I need to be “steadfast” with my words and be careful who I trust in work m. He mentioned me being evaluated for a future promotion/opportunity and that I must be on my feet. He said I’d get nervous during the interview I need to call him mentally so he can whisper answers to me.
He also said I need to get back in the horse and start practicing more magic, my intuition tells me that I need to start working with other spirits as in meeting new spirits and broaden my practice.

It was nice talking with Astaroth I love his energy and his advise is so precise!

Hail Duke Astaroth!



So today I did a little ritual offering to Lord Lucifer. Decided it was time to update my temple now that the remodeling is complete. Last night I did a cleansing to a statue that I placed in my temple to Lord Lucifer. Today I formally called on him and offered him the cleansed statue. I worked very closely for three months with Lord Lucifer and I loved his energy, so now I feel closer to him as part of my pantheon of spirits!

Thank you Lord Lucifer for always taking time out of your day to come and visit me at my temple! You have my deepest respect and gratttiude!


I’ve been wanting to gift Duke Astaroth a statue for a long time….not only to serve as a gift but also to serve as bit of a vessel for his energy to be present in my temple. Ever since I started working with “him” he usually comes in female form and the visions he gives me with the crystal ball and black mirror were of Ishtar gates in Babylon. So we’ve been together for over a year and different magicians say different things….i know what Duke Astaroth has told me and I know it will alway be my own UPG but I believe that he is linked to Ishtar/Astarte among other goddesses. So I found this lovely statue of Ishtar and one day during evocation I asked him if it could be used as an idol for him and he agreed he seemed to like it. So I ordered it and it came a couple of days ago. Today I cleansed the statue and did a ritual evocation of the Duke and consecrated the statue.

So todays ritual was very interesting, it seems as though all his faces came through but were united as one. During the ritual he asked for something specific for the consecration of said statue and for charging it. I obliged…I asked him what I should call him by and he said Ishtar/Astarte among others and then I felt a rush of sexual like not lust human lust but like a real heavy sexual presence in the room. This subsided when I started the consecration and charging.

Duke Astaroth you never seize to amaze me in all you teach, how you protect me and keep your watchful eye on me! Thank you for always being present and patient with me! You truly are amazing great Duke Astaroth!

Oh I forgot to mention I bought Duke Astaroth a dragon incense burner while on my work trip on Tuesday! It rocks!

Hail Grand Duke Astaroth!


Today I did I asked Emperor Lucifer for some guidance. We chatted for a bit. Emperor Lucifer’s energy is awesome!

Thanks Emperor Lucifer for taking the time to come and talk with me today!

Hail Emperor Lucifer!


Monthly pacted meeting with the Great Duke Astaroth!
Duke Astaroth and I chatted for a bit today. He kept showing me images of a cobras head when I closed my eyes. He gave me some advice for the coming month and also gave me a task I should complete.

Thank you Duke Astaroth for the advice it is always a pleasure to talk with you!

Hail Grand Duke Astaroth!


Did a ritual with Lord Lucifer today. As always he had excellent advice. It is always a pleasure having Lord Lucifer over at the temple!

Thank you Lord Lucifer for taking time to come for a nice chat!

Hail Lord Lucifer.