
I will be posting random stuff here,not regularly but whenever something interesting happens!


Have been wanting to break up a couple who have been in a toxic relationship,she has him wrapped around his fingers.Eventhough Lord Lucifer clearly showed it to him,he still keeps going back to heršŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøClearly he has abandonment issues.
King Paimon and Lord Lucifer have did a wonderful job at bringing things to light,her familyā€™s ugly face has been revealed too but still he feels itā€™s cheating to leave her despite her threatening to break up with him over 50 times that too at minor things,she uses his money,drains him mentally and isnā€™t even good for his future.The readings reveal how itā€™s like a karmic debt and he has to suffer or that sheā€™s gonna ruin his life,well me being a good brother canā€™t let that happen :person_shrugging:.


Since King Paimon did the miracle and helped me move in with my GF with no issues from families whatsoever,I have been with company and canā€™t do rituals or set an altar properly.Also the work load is quite high,so few days ago I just put up King Pā€™sā€‹:crown::dromedary_camel: enns,meditated and tried talking,I asked him to create a conflict like he did earlierā€¦.I could feel conversation flowing where he said you are running low on money,you will get it in few days and that money I just recieved :pinched_fingers:,I couldnā€™t find more conversation about breaking them up or his acceptance but 2hrs later I end up watching a movie which I would have never watched considering itā€™s genre being horror comedy!
And the movie literally throws a demonā€™s name right at my face which has to be King Paimonā€™s sign!
Movie shows the demon ā€œAndrasā€ which has literally the description of creating conflicts and breaking relationships.I was stunned by this,the information with Solomonic description thrown right at my face,amazing show of power!

Respect for King Paimon x 9999ā€‹:dromedary_camel::crown:


Yesterday right before sleeping,I thanked Lord Luce,King Paimon and King Zagan for everything they have been doing for me then asked Andras to come by,so I keep chanting the name ā€˜Andrasā€™ ā€˜Andrasā€™ over and over and ask him to show up.
Saw a dream or two then sudden black out of dream and head started spinning

Fell deep into sleep paralysis thatā€™s when I realised shits getting real and to be ready,lol.
Felt almost same like Glasya,the feeling of spinning round and round,feeling as if you are about to get posessed :joy:

Then started the mind games

As I realised itā€™s a dream I struggled and tried to wake up as I felt possession and didnā€™t want to give control (itā€™s just me getting deeper into sub and meeting demons I feel)

I was tricked by making it seem as if I had woken up,I saw myself walking in my room walking towards my room mirror and for a split sec I could see me facing opposite way in the mirror but then it changed to normal.

My face was wounded my arms had wounds too,I was bleeding and I get scaredā€¦I go out and search for mom but yes againā€¦ā€¦
Things donā€™t sync for me,the minor details felt off and eventhough extremely realistic I could understand it wasnā€™t my mom and dad in the next room.

No remorse,no bad feeling I grab her neck and start choking her hardšŸ’€

She starts smiling and laughing a bit when am doing so.

Then it was like she was ticking me so I couldnā€™t choke more,so I get up pull both the hands while I keep my leg on her back and pull those arms almost off with all strength almost similar to Kratos ripping Heliosā€™s head off!

I listen screaming and boom I was out of the dream that I couldnā€™t get out of!

Regained conciousness

First thing I saw was something Arabic on my wall,I couldnā€™t take its picture nor draw it ,I tried looking harder looked something like flipped 6 then666,idk could be just some light reflecting out from small gaps in curtain

Felt like Andras was testing me!

I woke up in real world and said Good Try Andras,was a good test and am wrote all this stuff down!

I feel so great knowing I didnā€™t do the stupid stuff as seen in moviesšŸ¤£
Posessed person or a demon starts acting like your loved one and people fall for it,later end up getting stabbed or killedšŸ’€
I straight up went ahead and started killingšŸ¤·

Hereā€™s Kratos ripping head off of Helios!


Got a devastating news today saying a very lively,active person I knew a friend from college might not even wake up tomorrowā€¦.We danced together first day of college,talked,laughedā€¦She asked me once why I smoke,I should stop and all,even though we werenā€™t that close or always together,she was a good friend.
With my present situation and mental health I couldnā€™t do much,just lit a candle,tried connecting to Marbas mentally and asked to help heal her,to extend her life but I am not familiar with him or know him,I lit a candle next smeared blood on King Zagan,Lord Lucifer and King Paimonā€™s sigil asking them for help too,I even seeked help from AA Michaelā€¦. This disease she has called Takayasu doesnā€™t have a cure just medications and the current situation shows chances of survival very thin to none, hoping for the best.


Iā€™m very sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?


Any healing assistance would help,her name is Thanuja,I have did all I could but since itā€™s a rare condition I donā€™t know what to expect tbhā€¦

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I will do a working for her tomorrow. :heart:

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Thank you so much,much appreciated:)

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Your welcome.

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Just an update: She has responded atleast after being unconscious but she still requires a major surgery for survival.Her uncle has started a go fund me like campaign,the link is below where you can read more about her condition and situation.


Ok thank you! I will continue to help.

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Her surgery has been done and her bodyā€™s recovering is what I have been told,thereā€™s lot of confusion due to communication gap with her family,She hasnā€™t been conscious yet but my beloved demons did exactly what I asked forā€¦.extend her life as much as possible.She wouldnā€™t have survived the surgery thatā€™s what the doctors were saying but she didā€¦Hoping for a recovery :slight_smile:


Just got an update,holy fuck!
Sheā€™s conscious!:partying_face:


Thank you @Arianna for the healing you sent her way :slight_smile:


Your welcome :heart:

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I had tons of successful rituals,may it be for wealth or other needs but the best ever ritual I did which gives me immense satisfaction is extending life of my friend!
She is well and good,her feeding pipe has been removed and hence she can even speak now,I got a call recording where she spoke and sheā€™s like ā€œI am coming to college next monthā€.
Extremely grateful to you Lord Lucifer,King Zagan,King Paimon and Archangel Michael,all hopes were lost,but miracles keep happening with you guys by my side.She will never know what I and my demons did for her,maybe thatā€™s for the best and I hope you have great health always Thanuja!


Hearing that must have been itā€™s own treasure. Congrats on your success and for giving graditude to the spirits who helped you. May you have more growth and progress. Excellent work. :metal:t4:


Iā€™m so happy for you!! :heart:


Thank you @Arianna and @CosmicTofu !