TOM's free tarot readings (and more)

Ty, all places filled up.


That’s kind of approach that I want to take.

And I think the Moon fits perfectly cuz that’s kind of the vibe that I give, kind of Goth, kind of spooky and a little bit of Halloween .

That’s exactly what I want to archive, it sounds like l’m on my way to… to gain what I’m looking for!!!

Your reading is so encouraging!
And I think all that you mentioned are 100% compatible with my context, so yap I’m definitely going to try all the elements that the cards suggested :black_heart:

Thanks a lot @Laurel_Spider that’s was amazing


I’m offering three readings to the honor of Duke Astaroth!

@ me and let me know if your questions is private or public. If private don’t forget to pm me your question!


@Vitriol I always love to hear other perspectives on my situation. I’ll take one if it’s not too late! Public is fine.

“Am I taking on too much right now?”

(Or am I at the sweet spot of adversity?)

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You’re first 2 more left!

Card 1 the Empress: I see abundance and passion. Lots of passion, whether it is a new project you’re working on or just passion in general. Notice the scepter and the heart in her hands, I sense there is balance there between the rigid ruler like vibe of the scepter and the emotion of the heart.

Card 2 6 of cups: this card gives me a reminiscing vibe. I’m getting the image of you being the older hooded person talking with the child. It seems to me that you may be remembering a time when you didn’t have to much on your plate and May have been doing better maybe in a time tule of way ie more free time. However look at the flowers on each of the cups, to me the flowers represent the fruit of the labor if you will….think of it like working hard to get a specific goal.

Card 3 the chariot: this is a very positive card and aligns with the other cards. The chariot is accomplishment moving forward….the will and determination to make thinks happen….after all you are the one driving the chariot not the sphinxes driving you. That being said you need to focus on your objective and drive past the goal.

So over all I think you may have a little too much on your plate now but nothing that you won’t be able to overcome. That being said I got some very “fertility” related vibes also….if you’re fertile and can become pregnant (if you don’t want it be careful) if you can cause somone to get pregnant and you don’t want it be careful…the empress is a fertility card also, and some say the six of cups is also fertility related. (Sorry for adding the last part about fertility and the like, just thought I should mention one of the vibes I got).

I hope this reading vibed with you, I wish you luck in your journey!

This reading is dedicated to the honor of Duke Astaroth!
Thank you Duke Astaroth for helping me with this reading!
Hail Duke Astaroth!

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@Vitriol HI, is it okay if I take a spot, please?

‘What should I do to succeed in my business to gain money?’

Contex: I have bad luck… I guess?
Almost tree months and nothing has worked, I’ve made spiritual cleanings and chanting mantras, and worked a lot in the mundane aspects… Honestly, don’t know what’s happening :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Sure! Would you like it public or private?

1 more spot left!

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Private it’s totally fine :sparkles:

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@Vitriol Wow! That was beautifully translated. Haha, thank you. It was extremely relevant and inspiring.

I am relatively passionate person, especially when it comes to my work and studies.

I am a counselor, so what you said about the 6 of Cups resonates there, too.

What you said about The Chariot is great advice for me. I tend to have several projects going at a time, so its important for me to align them toward a common goal.

The fertility may have to do with the garden I’ve been working on.

Again, beautiful reading! Thanks again.

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@Weckner reading is complete. One more spot left!

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I’m take one! Can I do private?
Thank you for offering!

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Send me your question in pm!

All spots taken!


Excellent reading from you and Duke Astaroth! I appreciate your time and insights.
Thank you!

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Offering four free readings in honor of Prince Orobas.


Can i have one please?Hail Prince Orobas

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I’ll take one, Jk.

DMing you now

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Can I please get one? Thank you for offering

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Hi @Jk999 ,I’ll take one too,in pv pls.

Yes @Czar pm or public?

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