TOM's free tarot readings (and more)

Public is fine if that’s comfortable for you, thank you!

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Sure @Heathen_Hermit

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@Jk999 Does this mean there’s nothing I’m overlooking? Haha (/s)

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I’m sorry I’ll get right on it @Heathen_Hermit missed the previous message

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Haha, no worries!

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You’re missing using your occult talents as a full time professional job. You’ll be good at it.


You’re an honest guy and your customers will appreciate it…


@Jk999 Very intriguing! Thank you for that reading. I will take this into consideration!


@norse900 @ReyCuervo @Veil @Nephenthe, is the above a possibility? In case there are others wondering, or who need practice etc., and I just thought I’d ask.


We talked about it, but decided not to do it. We didn’t feel there was enough of a need.

Most of the people here are non-beginners, so the thread would largely languish or turn into a begging fest when no one wanted to help. Thinking largely of the Love spell begging/bumping that was getting ridiculous.

One of the reasons it was done elsewhere was because people were getting spammed for free work in PMs. That isn’t much of a thing here (we would warn them).

So, it didn’t get the blessing for having one. We haven’t revisited it in a while and I’d need to look over the decision thread for that again to get the exact wording we used for it.


Hey y’all, anyone down to trade readings?

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Thanks for clarifying @norse900


@Weckner here’s your reading, I’m so fucking sorry for the delay.

Ace of Cups, The Moon, Knight of Cups, 3 of Coins

I was really excited to see these cards as I think they actually fit your question incredibly well! Ace of Cups, newness, love, fulfilment. The Moon is all kinds of seductive, spooky, illusive energy here. Knight of Cups is a dreamer. And the 3 of Pentacles speaks to the jointness between personal craft(smanship) and recognition/wealth in such a beautiful way.

So, a bit more in depth: In the Ace of Cups, I see that you should open your heart and be the person you are, unrestricted by fear or pressures that others put onto you. Be who you are, be the parts of you that you love the most and that need the most love. Let your cup fill and overflow with the passions you have, be the person you want to be and showcase that. Focus on what you have (inside, outside, everything that’s you) that make you feel like you’re being yourself and like you are enjoying being yourself.

The Moon speaks to something darker. To the illusions of who you are and the reflection of that person that you show to others. Be cautious of giving away everything that makes you you, but highlight the parts of you that you want to be seen. Not everything has to be authentic, but reflections are much better than lies.

Be a dreamer, dream of everything that you want because that is so much of where magick comes from and so much of where chasing dreams and desires begins. Of course, you have to remember to balance this with real-world action(s). Think about what you want, feel what you want to have, and bring those things into your world through your actions. Don’t worry about whether they’re the right ones or not, they will be.

And finally, the 3 of Pentacles is such a lovely card for this question. To attract people, to have more visibility, you’ve gotta be out there doing things that you love, that you want to be better at, and you have to have something that others don’t have. Whether it’s your personality, your knowledge, your skill, or something else doesn’t matter. What matters here, above all else, is that you spend time with your craft (with whatever it is you’re looking for recognition on) and that you put in the time and effort to become a master of it. In some traditional decks, the 3 of Pentacles depicts a worker–an artist sometimes–and others watch as the worker works, in these cards, the artist is in a position of power (sometimes this is shown as the artist being taller than others via unnatural methods like a bench). You are the artist, stand in your power and do what you do.

People are drawn to truth, to confidence, and to skill. Dream and practice so you can be so good that others will flock to watch you work (to watch you stand in your power and in your light).

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@Jk999 my sincere apologies for the delay in your reading.

Ace of Wands, 10 Swords Reversed, 5 Coins Reversed, Knight of Coins

Look to where you feel the most passion about your craft and about the opportunities that you have had in your life. The 10 of Swords Reversed tells that a time of oppression, of sadness and stagnation is coming to an end, that you need to find what lights you on fire, what you love and admire and what drives your interest in magick and pursue that.

There’s a time coming that will feel liberating. Not because you will feel as though you are in control, but because weights will be removed from your shoulders and blocks from your path. When this comes, remember to have balance between the mundane and the mystical. The 5 of Pentacles reversed signifies a time of material growth, but it often comes paired with spiritual hardship. You may also be inclined to consider a type of necromancy.

The Knight of Coins makes slow, steady progression through everything. That is the energy that will carry you through what comes in the near future. Even if things are dark on the road ahead, sure steps forward will be an answer.

I see a passion that leads you to a feeling a freedom, and I see a graveyard of the past that you will walk through. Your next step is to move forward always, and it begins with looking into yourself and seeing what you are passionate about that will set you free from the oppression that you place on yourself, but especially that others try to hold you in place with.

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I’m offering three reading in honor of Prince Orobas.
Say, if you want a private or public reading…


Hi @Jk999 i want one in private please.

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Ok @King1911

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The reading was very accurate and meaningful,thank you @Jk999 my friend and dear prince orobas.

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no, he won’t be successful. His application is not strong enough he should wait.

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@Jk999 ill take one in pm plz

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OK @Dreamy