TOM's free tarot readings (and more)

Reading for @Czar complete :muscle:

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Wow that was fast! I will send feedback soon- thinking it over. It’s an excellent reading- thank you so much!

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Glad it resonates for you, I was just telling @ReyCuervo that I wish I could take credit for the accuracy of my readings but it’s like 90% Prince Orobas. I think he shows up and whispers the answers in my ear so I don’t make an ass of myself trying to divine for others. :joy::joy::joy: :wink:

@Rasper09 reading is finished.

This concludes the three divinations done in honor of Prince Orobas. Prince Orobas wishes all of you until the next time he comes around. :horse:


If I may be the first in the next reading, would like to ask now, “What is my current spiritual location and state of being”?

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Forgot to add Thank You in advance.

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are you guys still doing readings? if anyone’s willing to do one for me, i’d really appreciate it!
my quesiton is: how can I learn discernment when working with different spirits and entities? thanks!

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Hello, @buffyslays. The thread is ongoing and will be active for at least a couple of months.

That being said, I would suggest you to wait until someone offers to do readings. Nevertheless, someone may see it and give you one anyway, but your best bet is to wait until someone offers.


3 Readings I mentioned opening another round of these tarot spreads up last month, so this is that.

My Halloween Tarot Spreads


  1. I have to be able to see your response. If you are muted/ignored I will not be reading for you.

  2. Let me know the spread you’re interested in. Click the link and choose, they each have a summary under the image. Reply to this post & @ me please. I will like your post when I’ve seen it, and when your reading is done I will send a reply with your reading.

  3. Some of the tarot spreads require a bit of background information. Web of Deceit is among them. Similarly, if you request Bats in Flight, I’m going to ask the familiar’s name.

  4. You have to be a participating member of The Occult Mirror forum to get a reading.


Hey… I‘d like one pls :slight_smile:

If you’re replying to me, please read the rules. I did type them for a reason :slightly_smiling_face:



You did not choose a tarot spread. And you did not reply to my post or @ me. By chance I left the page open on this thread and saw your post.

If you would like a reading, please read the rules, especially the bold one.


I will… sry I am…carefully reading all of them rn (spread link). Hard decision to make for me now. I have a few current complex issues and I am looking for something that fits.

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@Laurel_Spider „Vampyre thief“

I‘d love that one🙏 . I have an …energy problem.


I would like a reading.

I would like a reading. Polarity spider or bats in flight please. @Laurel_Spider
Thank you in advance!

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@Laurel_Spider Bats in Flight. I purchased items at a conjure shop recently, and my card bounced. Will I ecxprience supernatural backlash from it? It’s on my mind heavily. The problem is I dont have cash.

@Duchess If you want the familiar reading, I will need the familiar’s name. Let me know. I’ll be reading later today/early tomorrow.


It’s Friday the 28tg for me.

I am taking up to 3 people for divinations in honor of Prince Orobas. I’d like to have these done asap so don’t be shy in asking.

I will be using the Occult tarot to provide ten card 4 to 6 weeks general forecasts.

Or I can use either occult tarot or Shem Angel tarot for Specific insights into a particular specific matter of your choice.

Or I can use either plus the Divination coin for up to Three Yes/No questions.

Those are your 3 choices 10 card

Specific insights ( 3 card)

Yes/no questions X3.

Please state what you’d like and if you want it done via PM or here on the thread.

Praise and glory to Prince Orobas he is worthy of such honors.