TOM's free tarot readings (and more)

I will take one. I‘m interested. (I will do your reading later)

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I will take one plz will send it to u in pm

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Sure, please send your question.

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I got that the best preparation would be to open yourself up mentally for completely new Impulses on your academic path; because you‘re being guided. Its not a „straying from your path“. And you can trust that. Ok, now cards.

First Card


You might still have Insecurities; a sense of not belonging or some sort of Imposter-syndrome(?).
BUT a second card fell out of the deck which is the QUEST. I will do both for you.

„Miraculous Changes lie ahead, Life always takes a turn for better when we face our demons. Stay on course. Trust that an ally will appear.“
Key ideas: Being courageous, finding tremendous power within, Bravery, Success

„You may be on a quest that is unnecessary. Allow yourself the space for self-discovery. It is time to take a risk.“
Key words: Being open to wisdom, imagined dangers, commitment to your path.

Second Card


„Now is time to integrate what you learned so far. Savor every moment. You are meant to have a rich satisfying life and taste all that Life has to offer.“

Honestly, this also sounds like Belial having your back in the grand scheme - I felt strong and very masculine earth energy as I was typing. You‘ve already accomplished a lot and you should treat yourself well and pamper yourself here and there, before things start to get serious (again). It’s important to let yourself enjoy things too. Joy is also an Investment in oneself.

Third Card


Keywords: Moderation; balance; combining

I think it makes sense; finding the balance between being driven… and letting things flow, enjoying.

Temperance is a big mental health card, at least to me.

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Sometimes I do get imposter syndrome, I feel like I don’t have the intellect for what I want to do. But I have crossed a lot of hurdles and been through a lot and I should give myself a little bit of credit.

Belial is my patron :purple_heart:

The reading is very relevant. I feel it, I can’t describe it in words. Thank you so much :purple_heart:


@Dreamy @Secrana sent your readings, I have 1 spot left.


This reading is superbly accurate, excellent job :metal:t4:


I’d love one of these if you’re still doing them.

I would love a reading if they’re still available.

It is Wednesday morning the 19 ( where I am) I am taking up to 3 people for divinations in honor of Prince Orobas. I’d like to have these done asap so don’t be shy in asking.

I will be using the Occult tarot to provide ten card 4 to 6 weeks general forecasts.

Or I can use either occult tarot or Shem Angel tarot for Specific insights into a particular specific matter of your choice.

Or I can use either plus the Divination coin for up to Three Yes/No questions.

Those are your 3 choices 10 card

Specific insights ( 3 card)

Yes/no questions X3.

Please state what you’d like and if you want it done via PM or here on the thread.

Praise and glory to Prince Orobas he is worthy of such honors.


I’ll take one, Mike.

I’m dming you.


Reading for @ReyCuervo is complete (unless we need more clairfiers, feel free to ask)


Ok two more slots I’m honor of Prince Orobas, who will be next then?


It was a very good reading. I won’t say more since I requested a private reading for a good reason.

Thanks a bunch, Mike!


I would love one by private Mike :ok_hand:


I’ll take one if there’s still an opening! Thank you for offering

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Yes @Czar you’ll be my last. What option of divination do you choose and will this be by pm or public?

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Yes you’re my second and I’ve PMed you

This one sounds good to me:
The occult tarot ten card 4 to 6 weeks general forecasts.
PM would be great!

Thank you!:heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Coming Right up

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