The Official Social Club 1st Edition (The place for social conversations and hanging out)

I’m trying to get into baneful but I worry at my efficiency. I have explosive anger. It comes really fast and leaves just as quickly. That explosion in the beginning would be beneficial but if I have to keep it going… I can’t hold a grudge


I’m the same, I do very good baneful works, but if I don’t do them when I feel if, forget it.

Most things aren’t worth it, so I usually work on everything else in the situation. I just don’t have won’t work for it. If they wronged me, they really had to go to great lengths so anything they get back from it is fair game. Chances are they’ll fck the wrong person later.

I like to take the justified vengeance approach however, if they really fckd with me, after I turned the other cheek and ignored it, then sent warning to back off- sorry man.

By then I have enough material to build rage for a big baneful work from. The Little shit though ? I could build the rage but it’s not worth effort. Life will get them.

I think you could learn to control it, but it’d be better to learn to transmute it maybe, into an energy form that’s not as harmful to hold for long times.

I have times though, I just gotta get it out me and let it go.

We had to go get a new trash can two days ago… :weary:


Well it’s good ya take any and all weirdos or you’d be alone with just your own jk cuz by mainsteam we are all weirdos since we dig magick (and not of the Houdini kind) myself included. Add; Especially myself (metal head, juggalo, plant and gardening nerd, etc. I definitely don’t fit the beibers and such so ya I’m weird by their standards).

I don’t get a silence vibe though I kind of get an equivalent of fight club vibe here like the first rule of TOM is don’t talk about TOM and rule number 2 is don’t break rule number 1

BUT at the same time a welcome to the club mate have yourself a jolly good time you will
Sense of being welcome here

If that makes sense

In other words a friendly all joiners welcome but don’t talk about it kinda vibe

Btw I haven’t seen fight club yet even though it’s an old movie now.

But ya that’s the vibe I get here. A all welcome but then after exiting the door a don’t talk about fight club residual feeling like keep mum on it all.

Does that make sense to any of you all (figured I’d add my 2 cents ti the convo since it seems to be in line with the topic of the day)

Though I don’t know if it’s just how I’m clicking with it or to do with your servitors but it’s a all hail and welcome while here and then a don’t talk about it elsewhere once I’m off forum

But it could just be me or my own residual from keeping it mum during this forums creation


Well. We want people to talk about it, but to not demean the integrity of what we are trying to do by breaking other peoples rules.

Like if it’s appropriate to say hey, I’m doing this over here, or it comes up or something that’s great. I’ve had people ask me how I was doing and I’ve been honest, I’m launching a forum and doing my little shop thing, and if they ask where I tell them.

It’s not a secret, but we aren’t trying to step on any toes and would greatly appreciate if we could all be adults and do the same.

Let our actions be louder than the words, I guess kinda.


I know but you were all talking about how you feel about it and we’ll that’s just the feel vibe I get. I know i’m welcome to invite and all that (currently everyone I would have is already here). That’s just the vibe I’ve got. But don’t worry cuz if any of that is residual it’ll fade away in time.

Add: the main vibe for me here is Come on it matey all welcome sit a spell make yourself comfortable

Add: no idea why I equate it with a British club and pub feel (with the welcome matey etc. I haven’t even been to Britain in this life) but that’s just how it feels to me.


It has a really clean, protected, quiet-ish (but as in peaceful not empty) feeling to it. The moment I click onto the forum it’s such a different energy from most things online. I thought maybe it was the color choices for a moment until I realized it was a feeling, not just general aesthetics.

I feel like I need to get off when I’m there. I had separate spirits warn me before my time there ended too.

This sums it up for me.

I’m happy to know I wasn’t the only one feeling the pressure (feeling suffocated and stressed) over there. I’m really happy for this “home.” The servitors seem great, I never looked too hard into any except the last one shared there but I think they’re doing a great job here along with all the humans who’re in charge.


Yeah, I’ve also feel the same thing, this forum have a very magnetic energy, it’s feels clean and clear.


Well if it ever doesn’t feel right around here be sure to let me know, I’m in a position to actually do something about it now and I give shit about it.


Whoever said a big burger + fries with cheese and eggs was too much… was damn right. Sorry, liver.


Somewhat off topic it’s super nice not to have all that advertising popping up all over like “that other place”. This place has good clean energy flow. I’m loving it.


Anyone else watch Ghost Adventures while setting up for spells and rituals? No just me? Okay I am a little obsessed. I just watch an episode that they found a being sitting on the toilet.


I agree.


Gosh, France is a really good country for a lot of things, but for administration / paper work ? Holy shit, we are the worst. I have to fill so many papers, and give so many documents, just so I can continue my studies. stress over 2000


I’ve got so many things for this forum project half approved it’s stupid. Everything’s waiting on one thing from some other thing…


I think this one is shaped like a paintbrush… or maybe a mini torch light…:thinking:

Or maybe like a snake.


That’s what I thought when I saw it because of the bands it has.


I vote snake the top of it is shaped just like a snakes head :slight_smile:


That may have crawled out of Chernobyl. Got a geiger counter handy?

One helluva mutated willy worm…


That is a kick ass snake wand!!!:sunglasses:


Definitely a snake. But I was gonna say it looks like a Tim Burton claymation figure :laughing: