The Official Social Club 1st Edition (The place for social conversations and hanging out)

Where I ‘live’ the days are shorter and increasingly colder. The strong, summer sunlight is now a watercolour haze. And during languidly restful afternoons I tend to hit the piss. I do so in remembrance of the brave men and women who fought and died to protect, indeed enhance my right to get wasted. I am also quick to remind myself that because I drink spirit alcohols I must be ‘a real man’. There are few things better in my life than getting stoned, lighting my tobacco pipe and delicately rediscovering I’m inebriated in the cul-de-sacs of Memory Lane. Sometimes I get the strong impression that most of this sad, old world’s problems are the direct result of the majority of people being at least half a dozen drinks behind me.


It’s too quite in here!

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Congrats all of you, workers of the occult!

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It’s also my birthday! :partying_face:

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Happy birthday @Arianna!!!

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Thank you!! :heart::tada: @ReyCuervo

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Happy birthday Beltane’s child :sparkles:🫶🏻


Happy Birthday, Sister!
And I mean that!



Thank you @Weckner and @UncleAl :smiley:


My laptop’s fans aren’t working… I think I’ll panic in a few minutes

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What a coincidence :flushed:

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Yours too, brother?

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How everybody in this beautiful forum full of beautiful (and terrible :eyes:) people doing???

I missed you guys :black_heart::fire:


DoorDash let’s their drivers steal your food and then they refuse to give you a refund

What am I doing? I’m watching the end of the world from the comfort of my balcony, whilst self-medicating. I’m also awaiting delivery of the Nostradamus Taro, which I should have already received. I’m also trying the deaden the ‘bad vibes’ through alcoholic spirit drinks; but as an old hand, I feel I’m doing pretty good.
How about you? I’ve shown you mine, now it’s your turn.


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Yo, how is everyone today?


I been enjoying this weekend for the most part a few hiccups but nothing unexpected. I tried go carting for the first and it’s easier in video games to drive. Lastly the thing I been work on is a cards game inspired by slay the spire in hope of making my work with dragon magick fun. I didn’t foresee how ambitious it was I’m sitting on about nearly 200 hundred cards I need 750 so there just blank cards scatter around my room while I put this game together don’t know if I’ll ever make Public but it been fun. Hopefully thing have been going well for you @Dralukmun.


Srviving my depression lol and I’m also hearing an audiobook about the Zen tradition to alleviate the soul


That sounds pretty cool man. Hopefully you do make it public, but it is good you are enjoying it.

It has been getting better on my end lately. I had a rough couple months with depression and stress, but things are starting to get back into place with a little creativity. And enjoying a weekend playing videogames with the mrs certainly helps ease the stress.


I understand that struggle very well, hopefully things ease up for you. What is the name of the book?