The Hermit's Hut

:exploding_head:. I am so impressed by this!


Evocation of Andromalius to punish someone who stole from a client.

It’s very late/early, now. You’ll have to forgive the lack of details on the procedure and such.

I will cover this or something similar on Wednesday.


Welcome, and wonderful Wednesday! As promised, I will be covering a very simple candle technique to increase the power and accuracy of your spells and rituals. I chose to make mine on Thursday in the hour of Jupiter.

First, you’ll want to design a sigil. There are several ways of doing this, so you can choose your favorite. I have chosen to demonstate a variation of the technique Austin Osman Spare previously popularized in the past. If you don’t know who they were, it might be worth taking the time to research them a bit at some point.

Begin by choosing a focus for the spell or rite - a particular person and/or statement of intent. Minimize this as much as possible, while still allowing it to retain as much of its original meaning as possible.

I have given an example below. Be sure to keep the purpose of the process in mind at every step in this process for maximum effect.

If you’re unfamiliar with the principles of sigilcraft, that may be worth looking into as well. Perhaps that is something I will cover a little more in depth in a futute post.

Next, you want to choose a candle. I have chosen white, because it will work as a substitute for any other color; and all of the green candles near me are actually white candles with a thin layer of green wax covering them.

Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, but in my experience, this can make carving into the candle extremely tedious. Not to mention nearly impossible, at times.

Next, decide which oils and herbs you will use. I use a combination of planetary and/or elemental correspondences, mixed with personal preferences to choose mine.

The last step before moving into the carving is to gather some tools for the carving, such as a bead reamer, or kintting needles, or a pencil. I recommed at least one tapered item, as it makes widening the carving much easier to do whithout chipping or gouging…

Also, get some sort of cardboard or something to prevent the carved wax from mixing into your carpet, rug, or hardwood.

I like to also use a ruler to help keep my lines nice and straight.

But, I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist, at times.

Now, its time to carve the candle and fill it with herbs! Take your time, here. I went very slowly with this one and it still only took me half an hour; design, carving, and dressing all took me about an hour.

At this point you can annoint the candle with an oil that suits your intention. A common tactic is to either rub from the top of the candle down to the bottom to bring the result toward the target - rub from the bottom up to the top to do the opposite - or, rub from the top and bottom to the middle to draw the result to the target; middle to to top and bottom to cause the opposite effect.

If all you can find are pillar candles, that is perfectly fine. Draw the sigil on the candle, instead. Here is an example using a memory candle:

Figures can also be drawn on the bottom and back, as well!

This is the glyph that I tend to use for mercury. Always feel free to experiment in your practice; you never know what might work better for you, personally!

Also, a great thing about using pillar candles, is that a simple canning lid works as a perfect “snuffer” for those who dont like to blow out their candles!

Then, they can be neatly placed beneath the candles after the smoke has dissipated. Or you can just removed it, and use it as a fan to waft the smoke away.

This lid will also keep the glass from damaging your tables when the flame gets really low, a lot of the times. I’ve been doing this for almost a decade and have yet to scorch a table. Results may vary, though.

That’s all for this week! Stay tuned for next time when I show the way this candle burned down, and reveal a technique for divining how successful the spell might be! Have a great rest of your week, and take care!


Tasa Fubin Andromalius on Ca…


Greetings, and wonderful Wednesday to you! Last time I shared one of many processes for crafting and charging a spell candle. This time we’ll be talking about how to interpret the probability for success, the ways the spell might manifest, how long it will take to manifest, etc.

Here we have the candle in its first few hours. It was lit in the hour of Jupiter on a Thursday after an evocation and offering.

This is a really crucial time for interpretation, because the strength of the flame, the sounds it makes (pops, hisses, roars, etc.) and the color of the flame itself - as well as the color of its aura - can tell you a lot about the spell. I’ll leave these interpretations up to you, for the most part. Some of this I will be covering further in this article. Please feel free to DM me if you have any questions.

Now the candle has had a few more hours. Still, we can see the flame is relatively strong, but something is askew. The candle wax is starting to nod slightly, away from the flame.

To me, this could be an indication of how efficiently the person is going to utilize the resources from the spell itself. Sometimes that is the greater factor.

Above, we can see how the stress of the “nod” in the wax has caused a tear in the candle, allowing for even more of the wax to escape. It’s also running to the top of the candle, which generally indicates the element of air. This could be indicative of the person having their head in the clouds - or changing their focus/routine - too often.

It has been a few days at this point. Now, we can see how the wax continues to peel away from the flame, and how it continues to spill from above and in three separate channels, now. It is, however, beginning to move toward the South (I’m facing North, here) which could represent a new sense of passion or courage. Perhaps the client is becoming more confident knowing they have some help?

At the end of the candle, we still have a lot of resources left; and the sigil has entirely ignored (or been ignored by) the flame. The overall theme of this reading has been one that, to me, suggests lukewarm success. Therefore, I counseled the person to be wary of how they spend their money in the next few months, and worked with them on some grounding techniques. This reading indicated that their financial abundance will come from them putting their thoughts into action.

Thanks for reading - that’s all for this one. Next time I will be going further into the technique I shared previously that I use for divination with runes. Have a great rest of your week; and, like my grandpa always used to say: “Be good, or be good AT it!”


Greetings and wonderful Wednesday!

This week is super busy, so I’ll have to cover the divination breakdown next week.

For now, I’ll share the Black Flame mantra that Azazel gave me with its rough translation. If you don’t know what the Black Flame is, among other things, it is the force of your own personal power.

Asin Atri Kadon Maer Teloin Va Asun Venor!

(AH-sin AH-tree kah-DOHN may-EHR teh-LOH-in VAH ah-SOON veh-NOR!)

Asin - flame
Atri - black
Kadon - consume
Maer - me
Teloin - more
Vas - and
Asun - burn
Venor - forever

Hence, “Black Flame, consume me more and burn forever!”

Rember kids, magick is a lot like sex. You should trust who you’re getting entangled with, always use protection in questionable circumstances, and too many partners has a way of complicating things. Haha

That’s all for this time. Have a wonderful week, and thanks for stopping by!


I found some extra time, so I decided to go ahead and offer an additional post this week!

This is the breakdown of the method I use for monthly divinations. I generally do it on the Full Moon, but feel free to perform it at your own convenience.

Also, take what you like from this and make it your own; and please feel free to offer questions and suggestions if you have them.

The Method

I begin by shuffling a normal tarot deck, but I remove the Major/Greater Arcana. My reason for doing this is simple. I want this to be a practical meditation that focuses on me and my inner-workings.

What does that have to do with the Greater Aracana? Well, most people see the Lesser Aracana as the subjective, internal circumstances that happen on our day to day lives; as opposed to the greater, archetypal, macrocosmic principles that so often come to influence our circumstances.

Begin by creating the right space for the reading. Invoke/Evoke whatever entity or current you like to work with, light any candles or incense that you feel may help.

I also begin by shuffling the deck a certain way. I use the pattern of the “Invoking Pentagram of Spirit [Passive.]”

This helps to get my intellect and preconceived notions out of the way.

If you want to use a different method or geometry to achieve these same results, more power to you. But try and find a non-egocentric state of mind regardless.

Next I reverse the top fifth of the cards before shuffling them all back together again with the intention of drawing a focus for the time being.

The deck I’m using here is the Rosetta Tarot by M. M. Meleen.

Draw a card.

Next, place the card on some sort of plate or dish. I found this one at a thrift shop for a few dollars.

Next, I take the runes into my hands and sit with them until they have absorbed my body heat and energy.

Draw one rune at a time until you have four total. Place each one of them at the corners or quarters of your plate.

These are of a three-fold significance. One is to be the most important aspects of the reading, and we will create a bindrune from the amalgm of these runes to deeply implant this significance.

Another use is to create a “word of power,” or a phrase to use as a chant or mantra. Here, we could use “Dataraf,” as an acronym for ᛞ, ᛏ, ᚱ, ᚠ. (Dagaz, Tyr, Raidho, Fehu.)

The third use will come later.

My sources for the meanings, here, will be from these three books and a few years of personal experience:

Now we split the runes in half, and hold one pile in the left hand and one in the right. Close your eyes and begin to sway back and forth, allow every muscle in your body to relax as you begin to utilize the bindrune you created. Either chant it repeatedly or intone it as a vibration as you gaze into the tarot card and empower the runes with intention of the casting one last time before letting them loose!

Here, I’ve inscribed the reverse runes in red. They will have different meanings.

This can seem overwhelming at first, but we break this down just like anything else - one step at a time.

The Interpretation

Start by analyzing the card first. My interpretations are coming from a mixture of my two favorite tarot books and, again, personal experience.

To me, the Knight of Wands is the “get up and go!” card. I’ve done enough collecting resources, planning ahead, and establishing relationships. The cauldron is kindled, it’s time to get cooking!

This moon, I will be focusing on putting my plans into fruition. What can I expect to see in return for my efforts? Let’s go to the runes and find out!

Next, we analyze the cornerstones:

Dagaz [ᛞ] - Dawn - Breakthroughs, Awakenings

Tiwaz [ᛏ] - Tyr - Victory, Power

Raidho [ᚱ] - Horse - Journey, Discovery

Fehu [ᚠ] - Cattle - Wealth, Fertility

Now, the third bit of significance with these cornerstones. The runes that land near them are related to them, as opposed to the symbolism of the location of where they land on the card.

(Posted again for convenience.)

For instance, Ansuz (ᚨ) being next to Raidho (ᚱ) may have the significance of finding inspiration or insignt along the path of the journey.

Eiwaz (ᛇ) being left behind is an echo to the call for adventure, as Eiwaz represents Ygdrassil, the very center of existence.

Mannaz (ᛗ) being next to Tiwaz (ᛏ) may have the signigicance of forming a new alliance allong the way, as Mannaz means “mankind.”

Uruz (ᚢ) being on the wand of the knight bears great relevence. The rune Uruz means “auroch,” a massive, ancient bull that lends the idea of force and strength.

Hagal (ᚺ) being in front of the adventurer is also of unmistakable significance. Hagal represents a storm, via the concept of “hail.” But, JUST behind the storm is a “gift” in the form of Gebo (ᚷ).

Once all of this has been broken down and digested, I will generally release the bindrune with fire.

I hope this helps anyone out there who was curious enough to find their way over here. Have a great rest of the week and let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!


Here’s a quick tour of my study in it’s current layout: Quick View of the Study - YouTube

Things move around every day, though.


Zodiacal landscapes portrayed by Johfra Bosschart:













These can used as Oracle Cards, for payhworking and/or skrying, charging oils and candles, or anything else you can think of. I currently have them in my study on the wall! I hope you enjoy them.


This is an impromptu video intended to be a quick, general overview on the theory and practice of tarot and divination.

Please enjoy, and let me know if you have any questions or comments!

1 Like

I know! Thanks for stating it.
Is ‘intense’ your word for ‘gut-wrenching’ ?



Haha, gut-renching or sternum-burning. Take your pick…

1 Like


Your presentation was fantastic and you got the elements of the suits correct!
I was really impressed.
It’s a shame we can’t get a Magicians’ Late Nite television programme where practitioners can sit around shooting the breeze and we could also sell our books, merchandise and Magickal grade certificates.



The cards represent ‘energies’ and can be charged and used as talisman.
Also, be careful with Atu I, The Magician: because Mercury is the God of thieves. Just saying.



Haha, solid advice.

I really appreciate that, thank you.

You could very well be onto something, there!


Welcome! This time I will be sharing a portion of the process for extracting Prussic Acid (Cyanide) from cherry seeds. This can be utilized to lace crums, candles, or spell jars, if you so choose!

List of Items

2 Cups
Bottle or Jar
Index Cards
Cherry Seed(s)
Mortar & Pestle

You may condiser a marble pestle, here. Soapstone is likely too soft for this task.

You may also consider a respirator and a pair of safety glasses…

The Procedure

Begin by taking one or two seeds and placing them into the mortar.

Next, place an index card over the seeds.

This actually has (at least) a two-fold advantage to it. One, the seeds will avoid shooting across the room when struck by the pestle. Secondly, it somewhat protects the mortar by absorbing some of the shock from the stikes of the pestle.

Only crush a couple at a time. Then, place the shards into a seperate cup and drop a couple more into the mortar for cracking.

Once you get them to “stage 2,” place a quarter teaspoon or so of the shards into the mortar to be proccesed to the next stage.

Notice how the index card is double-folded, now. This allows us to start striking just a little bit harder, to get the pieces even smaller.

Once they’re all brought to this size, one scoop at a time, it’s time to transfer them to a container!

At this point, a chemical extraction can be perfromed to yield its Sodium, Potassium, or Hydrogen variants. I’ve not found this necessary, so far, though. I tend to evoke Buer and have him empower the substance for me, but everyone has their own way of doing things…

After this, I wash my mortar & pestle with hot water and soap, grinding the pestle around as I do so.

Be sure to label all toxic ingredients as such to protect yourself and any loved ones from harm.

That’s it for this one! Have a great rest of the week and feel free to submit any questions, comments, or concerns!


Some quick tips for breath & energy work.


Welcome, and wonderful Wednesday! This week I’m going to share my Top 10 artists, in no particular order, and two pieces of artwork from each of them.

Franz Stuck:


“The Wild Hunt”

John Collier:

“Priestess of Delphi”


Linda Falorio:



Salvador Dali:

“The Persistence of Memory”

“The Elephants”

M. C. Escher:

“Hand with Reflecting Sphere”

“House of Stairs”

Heironymous Bosch:

“The Garden of Paradise”

“The Vision of Tundale”

John William Waterhouse:

“The Magic Circle”


Zdzisław Beksiński:

“Landscape 1978”

“Valley of Death”

Johfra Bosschart:

“Myth of Er”

“Out of the Egg”

Peter Mohrbacher:

“Azrael, Angel of Death”

“Erobos, God of the Dead”

That’s all for this week. Take care until next time!


This is an alphabet I channeled while working with an entity named Akvisha. I believe her to be a “mask” of Arachne…

Originally there was no “C”, “Q”, or “X”, but with time - and multiple requests - I finally have the last three letters. Haha

Feel free to use this in your own workings, or use it as inspiration for your own ideas!


What is the special quality of this alphabet?