The Hermit's Hut

Greetings, and wonderful Wednesday to you! Last time I shared one of many processes for crafting and charging a spell candle. This time we’ll be talking about how to interpret the probability for success, the ways the spell might manifest, how long it will take to manifest, etc.

Here we have the candle in its first few hours. It was lit in the hour of Jupiter on a Thursday after an evocation and offering.

This is a really crucial time for interpretation, because the strength of the flame, the sounds it makes (pops, hisses, roars, etc.) and the color of the flame itself - as well as the color of its aura - can tell you a lot about the spell. I’ll leave these interpretations up to you, for the most part. Some of this I will be covering further in this article. Please feel free to DM me if you have any questions.

Now the candle has had a few more hours. Still, we can see the flame is relatively strong, but something is askew. The candle wax is starting to nod slightly, away from the flame.

To me, this could be an indication of how efficiently the person is going to utilize the resources from the spell itself. Sometimes that is the greater factor.

Above, we can see how the stress of the “nod” in the wax has caused a tear in the candle, allowing for even more of the wax to escape. It’s also running to the top of the candle, which generally indicates the element of air. This could be indicative of the person having their head in the clouds - or changing their focus/routine - too often.

It has been a few days at this point. Now, we can see how the wax continues to peel away from the flame, and how it continues to spill from above and in three separate channels, now. It is, however, beginning to move toward the South (I’m facing North, here) which could represent a new sense of passion or courage. Perhaps the client is becoming more confident knowing they have some help?

At the end of the candle, we still have a lot of resources left; and the sigil has entirely ignored (or been ignored by) the flame. The overall theme of this reading has been one that, to me, suggests lukewarm success. Therefore, I counseled the person to be wary of how they spend their money in the next few months, and worked with them on some grounding techniques. This reading indicated that their financial abundance will come from them putting their thoughts into action.

Thanks for reading - that’s all for this one. Next time I will be going further into the technique I shared previously that I use for divination with runes. Have a great rest of your week; and, like my grandpa always used to say: “Be good, or be good AT it!”