Shadownomicon Work Through (2020)


I formally reopened the portal today. The house is darker, but not overly so. I haven’t seen as many shadow people as I used to last time.

Trust is a hard thing to come by, despite the assurances I was given.

I feel I’m to be called into ritual. Legion’s near, as is Lord Abaddon. It’s 2000 hours, so I should be free to evoke in about 60 minutes.

The purpose of the meeting was, according to Legion, “There have been some hostilities lately. We’ve come to clear the air”. I was obviously being forced upon him

Abaddon wanted a sort of truce called for both sides. I called forth my succubus and got her to pledge not to start anything, with the single exception being if I were in serious danger.

Abaddon accepted this. He looked to Legion, who was quiet and not saying anything. Abaddon was getting angry.

At this point, I used the portal to drag part of him out of it. Shadows, dozens, came with whatever the mess was that I saw a Legion. Legion agreed.

The talk turned towards my South Dakota friend and some of the things I’ve told her. I didn’t say anything about the arm armor or using Pele’s Fire against the Shadow People.

Lucifer also made an appearance. The point of the conversations were, essentially, to question my resolve with my path in general and this shadow one. I feel like half of the reason was for me to say it out loud. I’d already told myself similar things over the last few days, so I don’t understand the point.

While that was happening, Abaddon had me close, but not seal the portal. I forgot and just unsealed it.

Shadow Woman came to flirt a little. She did say that if I ever decide to join Legion in the void, she’d be willing to be my lover. I bet she says that to all the boys. And the girls.


I am to “call upon Shadow Woman daily and give her instructions or a target. This can be personal or not, popular or not, published or not.”

I will direct her to take on the target. She will direct others (shadow people). I wondered if she was being groomed for command of some sort.

With that, Abaddon left.

Shadow Woman came over and kissed me on the cheek. I sort of felt it. She’s getting better at interacting with the living. At least sensitive ones. She also showed no signs of manipulation.

Did she feel a little more solid or am I imagining that based on the kiss?


This morning, I called forth the Shadow Woman and gave her the target. I tried to intently “practice” doing so under my own authority. I believe I got it a little bit off )for a bit). It will take practice.

I fed the stone earlier with the emotional tension from household stress/drama. Covid related, but it’s a bit old.

One of the things I was told yesterday on my roadmarch was that I need to have more compassion for the household. I tried to earlier, but couldn’t help but feel that if there was more emotional resolve, it wouldn’t be an issue. I don’t know if this is due to the portal.

I’m getting flashes about a change in direction. Abaddon and Legion want me to go into full ritual tonight. As I started inquiring why, I started sensing a few things here and there.

Essentially, I’m to continue calling upon the Shadow Woman for targets and authority practice. But my challenges with her are being paused.

Instead, I’m to work with the Tall Man and come back to the Shadow Woman when directed. I will call upon the Tall Man in a few minutes.

I went through the ritual and invocation to the Tall Man. He had a voice that matched up to a hidden, depraved pervert that barely keeps it in check. He kept making a gesture similar to washing one’s hands as he spoke.

It was obvious that I was uncomfortable with his presence and mannerisms. Mainly, this was being uncertain of the type of conversations to come.

TM: “Thank you for calling me.”

M: “We both know I had to.”

TM: “You’re…apprehensive. That’s fine. We can work through this.”

As he’s speaking with me, he’s showing me pictures of things. Different fetishes, some mundane, some absolutely disgusting. He was seeing what I’d “hit” on.

When he was done, I said, “Thank you for showing some restraint with that.” He didn’t show me anything vile. He could have, may have wanted to, but didn’t.

TM: “I don’t just cause these (did he use ‘things’ or ‘delights’?), I can temper or cure them.”

It was clear he wasn’t interested in curing anything. People rngaging in them and feeling ashamed feed him.

TM: “We’re going to have some fun.”

M:" Really? I’m married, so based on previous experience, you may have your work cut out for you. Based on what you showed me."

He gave off some sort of chuckle that seemed to just fade away, yet continued at the same time.

TM: “Maybe when we get to know each other, maybe I’ll cause some of these in your enemies.”

I couldn’t think of anyone I’d want to turn him against. This was partially due to a working I’d done against a convicted pedophile earlier. He knew what I was thinking and just shrugged.

After a few more exchanges, it was time to close the ritual.

As I was cleaning up, Abaddon, who’d been present the entire time, said, “He will be beneficial to you later on (in future workings). Learn what he has to teach you at this time. Confront what you must. You will continue with the Shadow Woman when I tell you to. Continue to provide her with targets.”

Everyone else had vacated the ritual area at this point. Legion even left the standing portal, which was odd.


Tall Man has been speaking with me here and there. The donation is to be the energy of ejaculate from festishes. Would’ve been more interesting to do it as a couple, but that isn’t going to happen with what he’s been suggesting. He basically flags a subreddit to visit and that’s that. Last night’s was pee. Today’s was exceptionally heavy discharge. Can’t say either did anything for me, but I’m just trying to get through this.

I was released from working with Colossal today. Legion did that as I was giving Shadow Woman her next target.


I knew I was going to get contacted nd went for a walk. Long story short, I called out Legion and Tall Man for no signs of getting anything for the energy I’ve been putting in.

When I got home, less than 2 hours later, one of my sick cats was up and playing. When I left, she could barely raise her head, she was so sick.

I did give her some energy, but the feeling was that she’d be better the following day. Not less than two hours later. I gave Legion some extra offerings and thanked them.


Yesterday, on my roadmarch, I thanked Legion and Tall Man. I asked about the healing and how it happened so quickly. I got flashes of there being two currents in everyone, a light and a dark. This concerned energy and health. He hinted that removing the darker energy (which appeared entwined with the lighter), speeds the healing.

When I asked about removing all of it, he indicated that it wasn’t possible, but wouldn’t state why, Instead, I got an impression of death. He didn’t say why or give more info. He didn’t want me sharing it with the forum, though.

He also kinda indicated I should play around with it (unraveling the darkness from the light). It reminded me of the helix of DNA. Whether this was for my understanding or because the energy mechanism is similar, I don’t know.


I’ve been giving Shadow Woman her targets. Child predators, so far. There are some murderers, abusers, and extremists up next.

One thing I haven’t written yet is that I’ve been giving Shadow Woman and astral kiss daily, at the behest of Legion and without complaint/warning from Abaddon.

It’s a swap of energy, though, not a feeding. The darkness settles into my lips and disperses. The point isn’t to become a shadow, but to become more like one. Has something to do with the Destructive path in the long run. I don’t know why.

Another thing was this morning, Shadow Woman was there, getting my target nd there were two of her. The 2d version from the book and the 3d version I’ve been giving tasks to. Outside of the 2d and 3d differences, they were the same signature. This makes me convinced that the Shadow Woman (of Colossal or Tall Man) is more of a mask or persona that members put on to perform that “duty”.

My confusion with this is partially because I can tell they aren’t just simple parasite-like creatures, so how do they adopt the same signature (so uniformly)?

Legion just came and said I can write as he speaks.

“They put on a deific mask. As we all do when becoming Legion. It is part of the agreement for becoming one of us. All agree or they are cast out”
(2022 note - he was using the deific mask in more of the traditional, ceremonial meaning, not the personal god form that is sometimes mentioned the same way.)

“You will not take this mask (provided it is offered) because of your prior agreements and by decree of Abaddon (2022 note - this is to squash Legion from trying to campaign for it over time, not a decree against me decided to do that or not). You will fail this test (to lose enough of the self to become one with Legion). You are partially doing this with your kiss. You are obtaining a more similar signature to us, to your family (?). For we are becoming family, a you move further along the current.”

“You are being coached in healing from us (and in the causing of disease). This is no coincidence. As you move along with your commitments with Zagan, you will find this useful. Primary, even (?). We give you this.”

“You will not fall prey to the Tall Man’s games, but others may at your behest. Use this wisely, as you may strike the pot, but not know how or where it will bubble over. Since you like cooking (reference to some home issues tonight).”

(the next paragraph was too personal to include, but involved that I needed to make some call or do some action I didn’t know of)

“Make the call. Become the God in that moment and set yourself free - from us (Legion), from them (others), from you own pathetic fear. You are brave, very brave, but you fear too much. Not others, (as much as) yourself. Kick off your shackles and breathe. Your freedom awaits.”

With that, he left. Holy shit. That’s a lot to think about.


(2022 - some gnosis at the time)
The light and darkness are/were entwined like DNA. This give some sort of logical sense to removing the shadows = Death, but not fully. Why? Because the talk and techniques weren’t about removing, they were about balancing or reducing. the examples given were about specific areas or functions, not the entire organism losing it’s shadow. This technique, you’d have to sever the major nexus points, quickly, severely, or it becomes a campaign of converting internal members to subvert…

Which was a topic discussed.

The biggest piece of info from that was the subversion of the hosts own cells/energy to recruit and subdue the others. We walked through it with a known child molesterer.

You get a feel for part of the energy of the person. If there’s darkness, recruit it. Otherwise, subvert cells. Recruit the darker aspects, reprogram their healthier parts, … Create a sort of servitor out of their own energy to subvert from within. If the target is energy sensitive, pay extra attention and repeat more frequently. If they are overbalanced in an area, begin to subvert that, as they favor it and will respond to any “dampening” with renewed vigor. Plus, there isn’t a foreign entity to attach, so the intent of banishing foreign energies is, relatively, impotent.

These were the biggest takeaways from the past several days.


I was pulled into ritual at the urge of Legion. Something needs to be imparted. I don’t know how much, if any, it influenced by reading other practitioner’s entries.

Legion: “You will bleed on the stone.”

Me: “Abaddon discouraged me from bleeding on the shadow wand, when it comes time to oil it (after the work through). Why would I bleed on the Corrupted Stone, but not on my own tool?”

L: “Because I _____ (asked? told?) you to.”

M: “Not good enough for me. You get your offerings. Besides, your preferred offerings are negative emotions. You were almost disinterested in it in the past. Now, you want it. Is there something else behind this? Why?”

He didn’t say anything. He was almost projecting a defiant attitude.

“Why”, I commanded.

L: “Energy link.”

This isn’t nearly the whole reason.

M: “You already have that.” There was some back-and-forth and I realized I had reverted to asking, without the force of command behind it.

L: “To use it in a working.”

It wasn’t just his working, I could feel.

M: “Why are you asking me? Why isn’t Abaddon?”

L: “Because I was sent.”

M: “Why your stone?”

L: “Personal choice.”

It was getting old, with having to ask and demand every piece of information. He had tried to leave earlier, but I pulled him back. “Go, if you want.”

He turned to leave.

M: “As long as you’ve given me the information I should know.” That brought him up short.

L: “Putting it on paper is fine.”

M: “You haven’t said what it was for.”

L: “A working on one of your targets.”

Side note - when I was given authority to task some of Abaddon’s legion members, he explicitly told me to pay him and he would pay them.

M: “I will pay Abaddon. Get it from him.”

For some reason, Legion wasn’t happy about this and didn’t say anything else before leaving.

I could feel Abaddon in the area while speaking with Legion. I felt him choose the finger and location for the blood offering. He chose, I stuck, and almost nothing came out of it. Not even what I would consider a full drop. He said it was enough.

As I burnt the offering, I asked him what the point of the exchange with Legion was.

“A year ago, you would’ve done it (and would’ve been fearful of repercussions of not doing it”.

He was right. To show me that was the majority reason for the encounter. Not the only, but he kept that to himself.

One thing I forgot to write down the other day was the direct damage spell. Essentially, you open a portal to the Abyss to use it’s energy. Gather it into a bullet/sabot of sorts, give it the target and intent.

The trick is to fire it off by letting it sling itself to the target. You don’t push or thrust it. It is drawn towards it on its own. This will take some practice.


There have been a lot of negative aspects to this path thus far. There were a lot of offensive capabilities given, that I’ve been told not to share. Is this all there is to this shadow work? I know there is healing and the challenge of facing and overcoming those darker aspects of the self. Is there anything else?

Abaddon: “There is, but not to you. Not yet. You need to understand how the Shadow works before you can learn/do/understand anything else. You have not laid down the baneful groundwork to learn the rest yet.”

Me: “I’ve done baneful workings. I’m not adverse to doing them. I don’t typically have a need for doing them.”

A: “Are you suggesting there aren’t others who will benefit from them? (I saw several instances going through my head) Then you have a reason to do them. Keep practicing.”

He could tell I didn’t like his answer.

A: “Could you, right now, use the offensive techniques to dismantle the curse of an individual I choose?”

I saw an image of him, pointing towards someone at a local supermarket. A random person, with an unknown ailment. I don’t know if this was a real person or not., as I’m at my house.

I didn’t know that I could or not. But I definitely had enough doubt in reversing the techniques.

M: “Not likely. Not with trying a reversal of the techniques you’ve shown.”

A: “Then you don’t fully understand them. You have to do them successfully to understand. You have to send them forward and watch as they take hold, without interfering, to understand how it goes about it’s work.”

M: “So, I just watch as this goes to work to get a better understanding over time. Do you have suggestions for how often I should check at first? (I was also thinking of work and the amount of time I had available with my commute)”

A: “Did I say you had to do it?”

I didn’t say anything, but got a flash of the familiars I’d been told about and the “void mistress” I had been introduced to. I hadn’t thought about delegating the responsibility. I got the impression I wasn’t properly using the resources I have available. “Noted”, I replied.

I felt like the lesson was over.

M: “I don’t suppose you’ll tell my why I’m doing all of this?”

He didn’t say anything and left.


2022 entry about the techniques mentioned above. They are different ways of finding the shadow energy inside of people and manipulating it, either through projection to them (riskier, if they’re competent and not distracted) or evoking them.

This was before I was heavily into energy working, so this was part of my learning curve. The Abyssal energy was to get better at opening portals and pulling energy from them, forming it into something useful, etc… It’s like psi balls on steroids, I guess, looking at it now.

It was also a way to attune towards that energy type, to get more comfortable in its presence and reduce reactions to that type. Learning about and acclimating to different energy types is a useful way to work towards energy conversion and purification.

I should also say that I diverge from the author when interacting with these entities. To me, having interacted like I do with them, I believe them to be stand alone entities that tap into that part of you. This is partially because of my experiences evoking them and feeling that they are (can be) more complex than the simple shadow person.


Notes from Abaddon and Legion (What I did afterwards).

A: “Pretty good(especially for throwing the ritual together at the last minute)”

L: “That was sloppy. Pathetic.”

M: “Thank you.”

A: “It was good enough to be successful, but not for great results (Killing with a lot of suffering). It will be successful for what you asked.”

L: “You forgot to have his suffering feed the stone.”

M: “I did. I got wrapped up in the moment, trying to get the techniques right.” (Legion made a noise indicating it could’ve been remembered.)

A: “You remembered to send the Void Mistress.”

M: “I did. She came and accepted the task of over watch. I felt she went easier on me than in the past few days.”

A: "She did. She agreed with the task and you gave it better than in the past. Still some work to do there.

M: “Agreed. How could I better perform the first technique?”

L: “The (mini) portal was sloppy and you would’ve had a better connection with the Abyss if you’d performed more of the ceremony”

(2022 note - because I would’ve been more fully committed to the process. This was partially because I wasn’t familiar, comfortable with the whole process, not this particular part of it)

M: “Would it have worked (better) if I didn’t have the standing portal behind me? (I realized this was a foolish question as soon as I asked it. I had drawn the energy from the mini portal I opened, not from the standing one). What about with the forming and the rest?”

A:“You gathered, then gave the intent. Next time, start with the intent and let the needed amount of energy come to you. Your analytical mind gets in the way of letting the magic happen.”

M: “Thank you. I will work on that.”

A: “You already do it in other types of workings. Don’t lose your flow just because the technique is new.”

L: “Why did you ask the shadows to assist ‘if need be’?”

M: “Because the success of the working is more important than my ego of only looking to myself for the working. (I had pondered this earlier and decided on success over ego. Legion was bringing this up to reinforce it (and get fed))”

A: “Why did you record the ritual?”

M: “Ego, mostly. I also wanted to get more experience and comfortable with the editing. I also wanted to look to see if there were any noticeable effects.”

A: “Are you going to share it?”

M: “Not the video. Maybe some stills to show the setup. I did it differently than I normal and I’m not sure I like it.”

A: “The second technique.”

M: “Yes, I expected it to go down differently. (He indicated he wanted me to elaborate). It wasn’t quite like the instructions I saw in my head. That was more localized. (In this ritual) I simply picked where I felt I should start with. That was the chest area.”

A: “Do you know why?”

M: “I sensed it was in turmoil and (I) responded quickly.”

A: “Yes, it was ripe for going after. You didn’t let your mind get in the way. That was good.”

L: “You gave us his pain, suffering, and (general) energy. By what right do you give this?”

M: “The effects are mine. They are caused by my actions, by my efforts.”

(I got the impression that he wanted me to think I had somehow ‘paid’ for owning his eventual pain and suffering. This was not an avenue I was willing to go down. He was a little disappointed or just pretended to be)

A: “You are tired.”

M: “I am.”

A: “Void Mistress will keep an eye on your target for you. Have her replay what’s happening (the important parts)”

I nodded. Abaddon left. Legion indicated he had nothing else to say and is simply watching me fill this out.



A: "Much better. It would’ve been (easier/better) in darkness.

M: “Agreed. I felt I should do it now.”

A: “Yes, to help with recovery (and other things later).”

M: “I have the next week off, mostly. An afternoon ritual doesn’t seem much sooner than an evening one, in that context.”

L: “I wanted it done now. The timing was better than later (it’s 1400)”

A: “You called upon the Tall Man…”

M: “Yes.”

A: “…and he agreed.”

M: “Yes, we both had a lot to gain from it. (Abaddon nodded)”

A: “Shadow Woman came and agreed to it, too.”

M: “Yes, she did. I assumed it was due to it being a target I had given her.”

A: “Anything else?”

(I hadn’t thought of it at the time and wouldn’t have, if Abaddon hadn’t asked me about it.)

M: “She can help with both the love interest aspects and the psychosis areas I asked for.”

A: “You need to better use the resources you have. You did use (a named shadow not in the book) for the over watch and to assist. That was better.”

M: “Thank you and I will work on the resource usage. The first technique. It felt different. I felt I was forming as I gave it the intent and had set the intent beforehand, but it didn’t…I don’t know. It didn’t seem to flow as well, yet went smoother. I’m struggling to explain it.”

A: “Clearly (you’re struggling). The intent was much more complex and all 3 parts needed to be added. This was a much more difficult spell. The more complex the spell, more work all parts of you must work to put it together.”

M: “How many parts are there?”

A: “Too many. Does it matter (if the working is successful)?”

(I hadn’t thought about the success of it until he mentioned it.)

A: “Yes, it will be. Keep connecting in with (the named shadow) to keep up with how this one will work. Write it down. Where the last one was simpler, this has 3 parts that would will want to keep track of.”

(I wondered why Legion wanted me to use the Tall Man)

L: “He wanted to be used. You’re boring for someone like him.”

M: “I’ll take that as a complement.”

L: “Don’t. Your life is boring.”

With that, he left. It’s still a complement.

A: “The second part. You struggled a little at first. (He indicated this was due to trying to infect/draw the energy in too quickly and due to doing it in daylight). Let the sickness form as it will. Once you saw it had established, you added the programming of beaconing, calling out to the shadows. Why?”

M: “Void Mistress had me add it to the target the other day. I wanted it worse for this person. Couldn’t hurt.”

A:" Keep doing that."


I felt I should go into ritual and communicate with Legion. I noticed the presence of Belial strongly, Abaddon less so. Belial and I have been talking about a personal target. Apparently, it isn’t time. “It will work, but not as efficiently or effectively as it will later. You should wait.” It wasn’t long after that Legion called.

L: “What have you learned from the Tall Man?”

M: “Not much. I don’t have as many hang-ups as I thought. I haven’t gained much in that area (perversions)”
(2022 - Perversions, not kinks, as those are welcomed. They must induce a shadow response to be a perversion to the individual in this usage)

L: “That you know of.”

M: “That I know of.”

L: “Tell me about his method.”

I went over how he’s handled things. This, essentially, amounts to him picking a topic and I have to dive down that rabbit hole. I have to envision being there, how it feels, and use all of the senses I’m able to. Sometimes, this involves a conversation, sometimes it doesn’t.

L: “Not very effective, is it?”

M: “I wouldn’t know.”

L: “Is that all you learned?”

M: “I learned he was much more interested in turning his influence on others, as I made an entry of before.”

L: “And why is that?”

M: “Because I’m ‘boring’”. (He chuckled as I used the term)

L: “You also saw how he took an idea, persuaded someone to investigate it, and could see how, over time, this may influence it in that individual. Combine how he was talking to you, that insidious suggesting, with the darker working of converting the individual’s shadow energy. Turn it into a technique and practice it on others.”

M: “You’re wanting me to try out this method of inducing perversions in people? I don’t know anyone well enough to be able to keep up with their interests in this area. I won’t be able to verify m results. Even if I could, I’d have reservations about doing that to someone I cared for.”

L: “Do you want this power or not?”

M: “I never asked for it. I didn’t ask for any of it. Belial and Abaddon said to go down this path, so I am. It seems more likely that YOU want me to have this power you speak of. Are you not the one who gets fed from it?” (He didn’t say anything, but it felt like a smile and a suppressed laughter)

L: “Very well. Then we shall speak again soon.”

He left, but didn’t go far. It felt like the conversation was over and I confirmed it. I feel like I’m going to be back out here again, tonight.

Legion wants a full ritual.

M: “Legion, you called for me.”

L: “I did. You may write this down. You have completed your initial work through with the Tall Man. Call on him if you wish to. He will answer (and do) that which he is suited for. You know your next?”

M: “You gave the impression is was the Shadow Kid.”

(2022 - is presents as a child. It is not an actual child or juvenile.)

L: “It is. Call him forth and begin your work. Be warned, though. You will not get much conversation out of him. He’s a do-er, more than a speaker.”

(I mentally questioned if he could be tasked.)

L: “He can, when he feels like it or agrees to it. You’ve made your preparations. Now call him forth.”

I spoke the invocation. I could feel him on just the other side of the portal, so I forcefully suggested he come. He did and stood in front of me. I gave him the same restrictions I’ve given the others. He didn’t refuse them. He just wouldn’t state he accepted them.

Finally, I energetically grabbed him by his head and shoved him onto the table, and felt a nod. I looked to Legion, who verified, and said he (Legion) would ensure the Shadow Kid will follow them.

Having gotten what I needed, I closed the ritual, sealed the temp portal, and cleaned up.

Did I mention I saw him acting like he was going to steal my corrupted stone while I was reading the restrictions?


I felt the need to come outside into my ritual area. (I’m not in any particular mood).I lit a candle and started some incense. The emergency candle doesn’t like to stay lit, but it’s been a “problem candle”. It’s also not nearly as bright as the smaller ones I use for ritual. I hope it will see me through this entry, but it’s not looking good.

A: "You’re like the candle. (He paused while I put up my hand to try to keep the flame from going out. “Sometimes you burn brightly. Sometimes you flicker. Sometimes you’re a pain in the ass to keep lit.”

(I did chuckle and felt something in him acknowledge he was partly being humorous)

A: “Sometimes you burn brighter than others. Sometimes you’re needed. Other times, you’re a decoration, a nice to have (but a functional one)”

(2022 - This is in reference to me refusing to buy decorations that aren’t functional for my space, practice)

A: “You need to pay attention to your flame. Grow it when it needs to be used. Dampen it if it gets too hot or bright. Match the fuel (levels) to the flame needed. You’ve started doing this in your workings (he showed me the Abyssal energy working). Do it more in your life.”

(2022 - with regards to the ritual energy, it’s about not carelessly tossing in more energy into the working than it feels that it needs to have. This is more easily done without extreme emotion usage and applies to learning to also trust the working to “know” how much is needed for the task, given a timeframe or not)



I was pulled into ritual by Abaddon. I can feel Belial and Legion near. Shadow Kid, too.

A: “If you can hear us, why do you continue to do prep work?”

M: “To deepen the experience. Maybe it will help with additional understanding. Are you asking me to stop?”

A: “No.” (I continued)

B: “That’s probably good enough. We’re not trying to manifest (fully) here.”

L: “The Shadow Kid”

M: “The Shadow kid…?”

L: “Use him.”

M: “I didn’t think he was safe to direct. Does he not have a tendency to bite the hand that directs him?”

L: “He does. Are you not capable of defending yourself?”

M: “Should I have to?”

L: “The most dangerous toys pose a risk to their ‘owner’. So do the most effective.”

M: “Are you speaking to me? I don’t own him.”

L: “Don’t you? While in this space?”

M: “There’s less of a need for directing him inside spaces I own or control.”

L: “Are you sure? Do you know him that well?”

M: “Well, we do go bac a few days now. (Legion was actually irritated by this point). Why are you irritated?”

L: “You’re missing the point.” (Nothing was said for a while, while I waited)
Abaddon carved out a space in my ritual area and the Shadow Kid was in it. “Command him.”

(I took control of the area and began to command him.)

A: “(Abaddon took it back) No.”

(2022 - this wasn’t about a sovereignty debate or argument and I knew that was very secondary. This was simply the most efficient way to demonstrate the lesson)

M: “This is about control over more than just the area I claim.”

A: “It is. Now, do it.”

(I knew that simply giving the order, even authoritatively, wasn’t going to be enough. I thought for a moment and remembered that I’ve been swapping energy with the Shadow Woman. This led to me realizing that this wasn’t some foreign energy after all, even if it was a psychological barrier)

(I connected with that same energy in him and commanded him towards a target. He went immediately and without drama)

B: “Well done. It took longer than it should have.”

A: “(Abaddon relinquished the space) Use that control when dealing with them from now on.”

M: “Will that impact my ability to learn from them? If I take control whenever they’re in my area, how will I learn anything?”

A: “Take control, but don’t task (if you don’t want to). We will tell you when to stop this. (I felt this would be more of a rare occurrence than a set period of time). That is all I have for you right now.” He left.

B “Why do you think the dream happened?”

M: “I’m a little unsure. Part of me thinks it was because I called upon Azazel to get additional information (for a friend).”

B: “Why didn’t you call on us?”

M: “I felt I’d been given what I was going to be given.”

B: “Why did you discuss it with her (my friend)?”

M: “Something told me I should. I resisted it for a while, but it grew until I listened.”

B: “And did that make you feel better?”

M: “I’m unsure at this point. I found it insightful and she raised a lot of good points.”

B: “You were right to do that. We figured you’d do better talking to a peer than listening to those who gave you the news.”

M: “You made it seem as if you disapproved, at first.”

B: “You needed a lesson in confiding to your peers.”

M: “Was all that just a lesson for that?”

B: “No, it will come to pass.”

M: “And the dream?”

B: “It will come to pass. Part of this is about (lessons for others in the dream). No (just ) you.”

Belial left after this. Legion remained.

L: “You commanded well. You’ve been feeding the stone (I nodded). He doesn’t care about that (the regular feeding of the stone). He cares about misery, suffering, and making others hurt. You’re not going to be able to feed that into the stone (easily). You’ve largely dealt with that (those experiences, personally, and a reminder it’s still partly there).” He left after this reminder.



Legion: “You haven’t called on the Shadow Kid recently.”

M: “He’s been around. I acknowledge hi and since I started commanding him, he has come around less. This doesn’t seem to be my issue. (He didn’t like that)”

L: “So, you’ve chosen to waste your time with him.”

M: “I believe you told me he wasn’t much of a talker.”

L: “Did I tell you not to make use of him?”

M: “Is sending him after targets I give Shadow Woman going to improve me in some way?”

Belial stepped forward and spoke to Legion, “Get to the point.”

L: “Send the Shadow Kid after one specific target.”

M: “Who?”

L: “Yourself.”

M: “(I stopped to see if he was joking) What? Why would I do that?”

L: “Send him after the parts of your childhood that were traumatic. Some of it serves you. Most of it does not.”

(I sat for a moment, remembering some of them all to well)

M: “He’s the type of person that would revel in seeing things like that. Why would he help me?”

A: “Because you would command him to.”

M: “And he’s just going to take those things away and the world will feel better?”

A: “Not exactly. He’s going to consume part of them. They will be your offerings to him.”

L: “You don’t entirely believe it or trust the kid. He won’t be able to get that type of offering from you again (implying that he did when I was a child) It’s the final offering of that suffering. I would advise you to give it to him.”

M: “I would seem to gain from this. What’s the catch? The negative?”

A: “You will have more awareness and connection with him until he’s done.”

(I got the impression of more nightmares and thoughts about some of it until it was done)

M: “How long will that take?”

L: “It depends on how aggressively you want him to be. Command him and set the rules and restrictions as commands.”

M: “You’ve kind of implicated that he can implant traumas in your last statement. I saw that he could add new ones, if not commanded.”

A: “That is true.”

M: “Would they seem real when he would do that? How would that work?”

(I had an impression they he’d add enough real memories that the person had to the fake ones, until the fake ones felt real, even if not completely realistic in some cases.)



I am preparing to go into ritual to have the Shadow Kid consume my traumatic childhood experiences. I’ve been thinking about it for part of the day, mainly about the restrictions and how I may phrase them. It would seem that simply saying new and false ones cannot be implanted and that I offer the residual pain as an offering, provided he takes it out (rather than using it to fester), may be best. Given that I’m not the most gifted with words, fewer may be better than the wiggle room that I might create from paragraphs of context. Intent will likely play a significant part.

If I’m being honest, I’m a little nervous.

You are to feed upon my emotional childhood trauma memories, until they are gone (their power is gone), negative memories only. You are to only involve yourself with previous traumatic memories.

You are forbidden from implanting any memories or trauma. You are to do this as aggressively as you can, provided I can still properly function with my activities and maintain proper interactions with others, by my standards. You will reduce the intensity if I tell you to and I will set the pace that I choose.

He agreed to each point. I accepted his agreement and commanded him to get to it.

It has begun. But I’m a little unsure about what I should expect from it.



I was told to begin working with the Shadow Woman again.

Shadow Woman came by earlier, the 3d version. I told her I needed to integrate the original and she left.

I went to do the invocation again, since it had been so long. She came immediately, once again on my back left side. I could feel my left side responding similarly to before, but not as strongly.

SW: “I’m here.”

M: “Thank you for coming. You’re not acting sultry this time. You seem a little lost and afraid.”

SW: “As are you. You don’t know (understand), but you do. Don’t you?”

M: “I don’t know. Do I? I guess it depends on how external you are.”

SW: “Am I?” She seemed incredibly sad. So sad it was like she wouldn’t come out of it.

M: “I believe this was why there was a warning, wasn’t there?” It was easy to feel for her, but I reminded myself it was likely an act. Doesn’t mean I didn’t still feel it.

M: “I need to integrate you.”

SW: “So I’ll go away? You don’t want me here? Why?”

M: “For both of our benefit. (I went into a commanding mindset and much of the sympathy dulled) Tell me what I must do.”

SW: “I will show you.” Her tone was now business-like, compared to before.

She indicated she didn’t have anything more to say and left.



In accordance with another thread I follow and a dream I had, it was time to practice the technique of evocation and opening a shadow current inside of someone.

It’s obvious I care little for certain types of targets. But I don’t want to choose someone at random and screw their life up and disappear without knowing that the person may have deserved it. I mean, there are more than enough valid targets that one should choose.

I typically make offering to Ma’at for this area. More to help the innocent than pursue the guilty.

Not tonight.

I had a dream where I was shown that I should call upon two deities for the signature of a deserving party. I would evoke this person based on their signature and, after bouncing an appropriate punishment, fire it off.

It seemed like a 2-for-1. I get a bad target two trusted deities decide need some attention, and I get to practice the technique I’ve been told to.

I called forth Ma’at and Abaddon to the ritual area. I opened a mini portal to the Abyss with the intent of attempting to attach it to the target.

I cordoned off a triangle in the air and asked Ma’at and Abaddon to show me the signature of a target worthy of what I had in mind - not only should they be tormented by what he has done, but they should also have the urge for his preferred target dulled to the point they weren’t interested.

I asked them if this would make sure they’d not be a danger to at least kids and they agreed. I was then shown I should include the intent that they should be supervised at a facility without additional details. I added that to the portal.

I called forth the spirit associated with that signature until they were in the area enough that they were just a light, frail signature, but a spirit in that area. Not a full person, but enough to recognize is as a still living, breathing individual.

I felt some resistance, so I got to work. I held their signature in my ritual area and the portal with my intent. For lack of wording, I took the essence of them and stuck the essence of the portal to it. Not in a big, sweeping way, but at a cellular (?) level, almost individually. I then used intent to seal it to them and released them from the ritual area.

I then closed the evocation and the parties in the area left.

There were some things I think I could’ve done better. I likely will, since this was my first time and it was based off of a dream (nothing written down).

I should’ve opened the portal using the target’s own shadow energy.

I should’ve asked a specific shadow entity to watch over the working (or called one sensed from the target).

I should’ve written down the intent first and modified smaller parts to fit the crimes after evocation.

All right, I’m tired enough that nothing else is coming to mind.