Random thoughts etc (and other stuff)

And that’s all I am.
Magick attracts more than its fair share of marginal, mentally challenged, fixated, deranged and damaged types, and only recently I had an experience with one.

My Magickal Teacher (Frater C.D.) counselled me against ego problems and he did this before I became left-hand path. That stated, I still apply his counsel unto my Magickal and pedestrian life. And even though I’m better than John and Elsie Lunchbucket and their disappointing, dysfunctional children, and even though I’m great at my (limited) areas of Magickal expertise, I try desperately not to let in show - at least in public.

Because in public I’m that older, oddball, freaky wizard with long grey hair, beard, aftershave and (in cooler months and singular in these parts) cravat collection. But even then, I know a lot of people suspect there’s something just not quite right with my polished façade of curious local identity and man about town of independent means.
