Random thoughts etc (and other stuff)

Random thought after reading a thread…

Perfection cannot exist without the potential to become imperfect likewise true goodness cannot exist without the potential to become un-good or less good (not going to say evil).
Evil is such a trite overused word (because the large majority definitely evil as “something I don’t like” or as “something I hate” without actually defining it. Sure some people define it but the majority use it as if the meaning and definition needs no definition or explanation ).


Random thought: How for can a 3 mph with up to 6 mph gusts blow fire?

Reason for wondering is our neighbors are breaking the bylaws burning stuff in their backyard illegally and I’m o bit concerned about our garage. Vinyl siding need I say more.

I’m not gonna rat on them or confront them they have a chainsaw there ani no way I’ll risk upsetting someone with a chainsaw. Of course if they set the garage alight I’ll risk it but not unless something happens making it necessary.

So any ideas if the garage is at risk? I guesstimate they’re about 5-10 feet away from the garage (I saw it through the bathroom window which isn’t at a good angle for telling the distance as it’s kitty-corner to in and there’s deciduous shrubs partly in the way of a good view)).

Add: I like watching shows like road wars and customer wars so maybe I’m a bit too cautious but it is a chainsaw after all so I don’t think risking pissing them off by telling them they’re breaking a bylaw would be smart under the circumstances. (A gun or knife dunno :person_shrugging: but I ain’t gonna mess wit a chainsaw weilder).

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Depends on how hot and large the fire is and how long it’s been burning, right? If it’s a small campfire, I don’t think I would be worried. Plastic disposable cups don’t melt after a few feet away from a flame, typically. Siding’s a bit sturdier than those are.

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Small campfire size. @norse900 Thanks for answering (they’re burning shrubbery/tree wood stuff I think since they had a saw running earlier). Mabe 18 inch tall flames at most I think

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Feeling a bit crap with as my dad mused to call the back door trots. I’m guessing something I ate disagreed with me. Other than that I’m good. Could take something for it and may later if it continues because I’m supposed to work tomorrow morning.

Dad was born in 1918 died in 1999. The point of saying that is that phrase is probably way old school (from the days before indoor plumbing I think) so if you never heard it before now you have. If you have well it’s a polite euphemism for what’s up with me today.

I was thinking of doing some magick but then this happened so maybe a different day.

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I lived in the Land of Oz throughout the Satanic Panic. Never caught on here. I even read the public library (donated) Michelle Remembers, not long after it was published. Was at at court where a Satanic abuse case was being conducted, but defendant was fucktard.

Decades later I watched Geraldo Rivera Satanism extravaganza online - because I’m a sick fuck!

Ps. There’s stuff on YouTube about 'reactions to The Exorcist" film. This is the type of world in which I came to consciousness.

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For a minute there, I mistook that guy’s voice for this one. Exceptionally similar, maybe the same.

Completely agree with your video. Loved the aesthetic, felt it. We’re, what, a generation apart? No participation prizes when I was growing up.


What can I say except fanfuckingtastic!
Great (lhp) piece of work.
“it could mean derision, mockery, isolation. isolation is the gift…”
And “isolation is the gift”!
Thanks so much and deeply.

I got into Philip Larkin a little more than forty years ago. He’s the suburban T.S. Eliot. Fortunately, recording of his reciting his poetry are online. Checkout High Windows.
And thanks so much again.
I’m emailing it to friends and associates.


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R.I.P Jeff Beck guitarist
June 24, 1944 - January 10, 2023

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Random thought… Do dead peoples ghosts get stuck where they died like the tv show Ghosts, the movie Beetlejuice , tv’s The Ghosts of Motley hall, Hollywood generally and lots of ghost stories suggest or go straight into another existence like various religions suggest?


How in-depth of an answer do you want? The topical response is “it depends”


@norse900 Medium depth will do.
Not down to the intestines but more than just the readers digest glossary surface.

Causes for it happening if it does, or reasons it wouldn’t is what I’m curious about.

Add: am trying to watch deathgasm again but mom’s been interrupting it. You know older folk her tvs too quiet too loud or get me this or that that sort of interrupting. And it’s not like I got it loud enough she can hear it. So it’s not cuz she knows what I’m watching and doesn’t like it.


Anyone ever watch Deathgasm? If not it’s rad cool you may want to (unless you hate fake gore and violence in which case I advise you don’t watch it cuz it contains fake gore and scenes of violence as the advisory’s would say).

Oh ya it also has a cringe inciting scene. You’ve been advised google if you’re curious I’m sure you’ll eventually find info on what the cringe scene is.


I was forced to handwrite this (with fountain pen) in my Magickal Journal. And I don’t write light stuff in My Journal.
Hope you’re satisfied.
And thanks again.



LOVE fountain pens! One day, I’ll transcribe my skribbled-ass journals for that cold day in Hell where my teenager wants to read them.

Go all the way,Brother Al.


Feeling a bit sick :nauseated_face: I think something I ate is disagreeing with me. Oh well

Other then that

Random thought … why is it called 69 and not 96

Meanwhile waiting for phone charge to hit 100%
At which point I’m saying goodnight n hoping I feel better in the morning.

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The number tails don’t line up properly with 96.

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Found a curious published article (kind of blah I t you get to the chart on p 44/45)
But you readers might find the info on pages
44/45 interesting. Brief summary: it’s a article about witch persecutions back in history


And that’s all I am.
Magick attracts more than its fair share of marginal, mentally challenged, fixated, deranged and damaged types, and only recently I had an experience with one.

My Magickal Teacher (Frater C.D.) counselled me against ego problems and he did this before I became left-hand path. That stated, I still apply his counsel unto my Magickal and pedestrian life. And even though I’m better than John and Elsie Lunchbucket and their disappointing, dysfunctional children, and even though I’m great at my (limited) areas of Magickal expertise, I try desperately not to let in show - at least in public.

Because in public I’m that older, oddball, freaky wizard with long grey hair, beard, aftershave and (in cooler months and singular in these parts) cravat collection. But even then, I know a lot of people suspect there’s something just not quite right with my polished façade of curious local identity and man about town of independent means.



So mom fell a couple days ago.

Nothings broke far as I can tell.

I’ve been telling her go get looked at and she gets all worked up and panicky going Jesus Jesus Jesus a million miles on hr and then saying I can’t I can’t I’m short of breath (like that’s a surprise she doesn’t take enough breaths between Jesus’s).

Today she phoned her dr and got told to go the emergency and get it looked at.

I think emphasis on think mom will (she’s started getting ready as if she will.

Meanwhile she’s driving me nuts with Jesus Jesus Jesus.

My suspicion is she partially dislocated her hip on that one side.h

Am I scared taking her to emergency? Fuck ya. I don’t want her to need surgery or something.
So yes I’m scared cuz o quickie internet look see suggests dislocations need surgery.I think she had a stroke after swear the hernia surgery

And I DONT want her to have another one.

And on top of that something is screwy with the window I’m typing in here on because it won’t let me see the bottom where I’m tying AND when I can get it to there’s unzoom 2 windows side by s

So if there are typos it’s not my fault

Anyways that’s what’s up currently with me n mine.