Public praising of the spirits

Thank You King Zagan for taking care of finances!:crown:
Thank you Marquis Sabnock for the extended protection and safety!:lion::shield:
Thank you King Paimon for everything!:dromedary_camel::crown:
Thank you Marquis Andras for showing up even before evocation,looking forward to task accomplishment!:dagger:


I’m always happy to be of assistance! I’d like to thank Buer as well; for all of the healing he has assisted me with over the years, let alone his tutelage in the works of herbalism and egregores.


Thank you Duke Astaroth for your assistance in this months readings and for the input you give me for each question!

Hail Duke Astaroth!


Thank you great President Glasya Labolas for such a fast result yesterday! You truly are amazing I look forward to working with you again!

Hail President Glasya Labolas!


Hail Hail Hail King Asmodeus!!

Oh glorious King, thank you as always for your protection, guidance, teachings and blessings you have shared with me. I am forever grateful for you changing me and helping me realize my one true path. Thank you from the deepest parts of my soul.

Also thank you to King Bael and Marquis Andrealphus for trusting me and for agreeing to work with me.

Glory to King Asmodeus!
Glory to King Bael!
Glory to Marquis Andrealphus!


Sitri, always pleasant doing business with you. Thank you!

Regardless of other business we have going on, which we both know is going exactly like you’d planned, thanks for your efforts towards the goals I’ve brought up with you.


hello friends, During a ritual a few days ago, I asked the spirit to send a gift within its abilities :slight_smile: and the result…

You can more or less guess which spirit it is from the photo. The brand of the glasses is sp"i"rit. There could not be a more meaningful gift. Moreover, the person who gave this gift is not a friend I have known for years. A person I met while waiting for the vehicle at the bus terminal :slight_smile: (only a 1-hour meeting process) Thank you holy spirits


Yeah, I can guess. This type of small signs are fucking awesome, am I right? Happy for you!


I would like to publicly praise Duke Bune. Marvellous to work with, delivers results fast, and was really nice when I fucked up


Thank you Grand Duke Astaroth for your help on my readings today!

Hail Duke Astaroth! :heart::dragon::heart:


As always, thank you to my man King Belial. I appreciate your leniency in this matter toward me. I should’ve listened to you at the start, but I was unaware of your history with this person. On their head be it; to disrespect you so blatantly in what is essentially your house is not on.

To the others in my pantheon; the great Apollyon the Destroyer, my lady Lilith and the great King Bael; I know I haven’t been working with you guys enough of late, but that changes this week. And I appreciate the little push.

Finally, to the wise Prince Orobas; I have a healthy fear and respect for you. Your assisted readings have been spot on, so I appreciate you. I will try to “be still” as you’ve advised and I’m working on making myself whole and calm so that we can work together more directly.



I get told this in so many rituals, even outside of them. So happy to have another in the same boat, at least the lectures have largely dwindled on the subject.


My brain is a constant cacophony of thoughts, ideas, memories, stupid facts I have no idea why I’ve remembered, trauma, shit I have to do, cringing at shit I’ve done… Getting that shit to be still is like trying to nail jelly (or jello in the states) to a bloody tree.

But, again, thank you to Belial and Orobas for this revelation; “be still” doesn’t always have to mean making your thoughts be still. A lot of the time, it’s just learning to be still with those thoughts and letting them happen.


Belial, thank you.

I haven’t been my best because of reasons you are not unaware of. Thank you for welcoming me back with warmth and gentleness. You gave me something I didn’t know I needed.

Thank you, for being the best ever.

Thank you, I love you :purple_heart:


Thank you Duke Astaroth for always being there for me no matter what! You truly are amazing!

Hail Duke Astaroth! :dragon::heart::dragon:


Thankyou King Paimon :crown: :camel:
Thankyou King Belial :crown:
For accepting my request and showing me signs that you are interested to work with me

Also Thankyou @Czar for the reading, your reading made me feel very positive about the work am doing


Thank you Archangel Raphael i had Difficult time dealing wit Lung infection and A mild Ashtma Due that i was unable to sleep for prolonged period of time ,thanks for healing me quickly even tho i didn’t evoke or invoke you specially you came through for me by just mere prayer im foreva grateful :pray::green_heart:


Good work, buddy!


Thank you Asmodai, for holding fort and helping me get back on my two feet. You’ve dealt with my whinings and me-ness with patience which I’m extremely grateful for. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you to the most.

Much love :cactus:

Thank you Beelzebub, for pushing my limits, and for helping me get across the threshold. It’s still a steep climb up, but I have made a huge leap thanks to you.

Much love :two_hearts::kissing_heart:

Thank you Lucifer, for taking me under your wing. You always have a card up your sleeve and show up in unexpected ways and unexpected times. I understand now. I think, I believe. I will find you next.

Much love :black_heart::sparkles:


Thank you Mikhael,

I won’t stop missing you when you’re away, but I think I have grown a little more since the last time we met. I will be ready for the next, and hopefully it will be under better circumstances.

Thank you Gabriel,

For whooping my ass when needed. I’m still terrified of you, but I shall continue to barge down your door and pester you.

Much love to all :blue_heart::cloud: