Occult Tarot - Ari's Adventure

Day 4 with Forcas

In the library 3 stones balance in the air. One is pale blue, one is white, and one is pink.

F: these three stones are guide stones. Once you pick one up and hold it you are connected to it. And it to you. Once you see into it there is no turning back. You can use these stones to store any kind of information you wish. And like wise it will give you information to store.

Pick one to work with first, and then move to another.

I didn’t think I necessarily needed to work with them in a certain order. And I felt a strong pull to the white stone.

I reached out a touched it. Instantly, it felt like electricity moving through my fingers. Not enough to be painful but enough to feel it.

I could see pyramids. Like the way they originally looked in Egypt. I felt like I was walking through temples. I can see heirohlyphs on the walls. I brushy fingers across them. They seem to come alive and move on their own. A story telling a story. I could feel it taking place. This was something for the priests of the time. Some ancient writing. Something about the sun and moon and other heavenly objects. I can hear people talking.

There are statues here. Tall statues. I can see flames. Like small fires. I see a blade. It has a white handle. There is a sacrifice here. An animal for the goddess. I can smell it. I can taste it. Why have they made this sacrifice? What is it for? Who is it too? It makes me feel hungry, like when you smell food cooking and suddenly your starving. It feels like my eyes are changing like when you take a hit of some preferred drug and it’s instantly in your system.

Why am I here now?

F: what do you see?

M: a sacrifice

F: how do you feel ?

M: hungry, high

F: what is it for?

M: I don’t know

F: yes you do, you just need to remember

M: how?

F: stay , see

M: protection, I can’t see past the flame and the smells

F: yes you can , what did you just think and then double back on.

M: protection

F: from what?

M:. A great lion

F: what lion?

M: Sekhmet , there is blood

F: there is

M: I can’t stay here

F: why

M: because, I may lose control.

F: and that is your fear, isn’t it. That you will lose control. Like you did way back then. Thousands of years ago. When you lost control.

M: I’m not a monster.

F: but you are a goddess and a powerful one. Now stop being afraid of who you are. Rise up and take back your power all of your power.

M: that’s easy for you to say.

F: and it should be for you.

Be who you are. The whole you that you are.

M: that’s a lot to take in and do.

F: yes but you can do it. You can. A little each day. Until your there

M: a little each day? Ok. A little each day.

F: good. That’s enough for today. Come back to the library.

I’m back there in the library holding the stone.
I let go of it and it returns to floating between the blue and pink stones.

We depart from each other.


Day 5 with Forcus

Im back in the library. The three stones are still floating. I go to the middle white stone again and hold it.

F: you chose the white stone again.

M: I didnt feel it was complete.

F: do you still smell the sacrifice?

M: yes

F: do you know what kind of animal?

M: a cow. Or atleast parts of a cow.

F: i see. And where are you.

M: I was far back in the temple but ive moved up closer to the entrance and the fire.

F: can you hear them?

M: sort of. Its like whispers that you can hear but cant make out the words.
I walk all around them but they dont see me.

F: can you do something to let them know you are there?

M: like what?

F: move something, focus and move something

M: Im not sure if i should

F: why not?

M: wouldnt it be like tampering with the past. Messing with events in the past. Playing with time.

F: only one way to find out.

M: yea but ,…

F: but what? Either do it or dont. Its yours to take or throw out. But how will you ever know what you can do if you dont even try?

M: ok. Ok. I get it.

I close my eyes and feel myself there, around the fire, smelling the sacrifice and offerings. Feeling the moment. Why am i hear… protection , what else? I want to hear them. I try to lock everything else out. Females. All females. Theres music. Those rattle like things.

Strenthens. The music strengthens

For what though?

I focus on the fire, I have a gift of fire. I push all of my energy into the fire. Not wild and uncontrolled but steady and relaxed.
The flames grow high… not like sudden burst of fire but slow and hypnotic. Like a cobra rising rising up from a basket. For an instant its almost like a cobras head appears in the fire.

M: they saw it

F: saw what?

M: a trick i did with the fire. They saw it.

F: are they happy?

M: yes they are happy

F: good. Then it is complete. Atleast for now.

I guess he’s right.

It took alot of focus and strength.

I feel different though. Like I did something that will have ripples of effects through time.

But that is enough for tonight. I thank Forcas and depart from each other.


Holy shit!

This is what I was seeing but the altar there was a fire on it and a sacrifice. I was seeing this place! It was just like this!


And it always felt dark if I moved to the back of the temple and there was more light the closer I moved to the altar.


Wow. That pic is exactly how my mind imagined the undying fire alters of the Persian Zoastrians. That’s in Egypt though?

Guess it was a small (ancient) world after all though there is a small difference either my minds eye saw it as a night scene of the alter was farther back into the temple so that it was darker around it beyond the fire area more shadowed. Makes me wonder…

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It’s the chapel of Sekhmet, in Egypt


Makes sense then. She was associated with the sun god Ra (his daughter and protector) so the alter being near the sunlight area makes sense.

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Hmm :thinking: wonder was it like that then or was there a papyrus type thatch roof over it back then. Though sensible, it would be unusual to have the alter virtually outside instead of in the center where only the initiated would have easy access.

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It feels like being down a long dark hallway and then being called to the fire on the altar and then moving on towards to the light.

People used to pray around that altar and use those musical rattle things


There is another for them. I’ve seen it. But I cannot explain where exactly it was.


Day 6 with Forcas

I skipped a few days. Things were a little crazy around the house.

I go back to the library in the crystal palace with Forcas.

The three stones are still floating. And again i go for the center white stone.

F: this stone again.

M: yes. I still feel like there is something there I need to see but something is blocking it. Or Im blocking myself.

F: ok start with where you are and describe what happens.

M: I feel like Im in the very back of the temple. In the darkness. Then something or someone calls to me ( like when your asleep and someone calls you from another room to wake up) and I start moving down what feels like a long dark hallway. But then i can see the altar with the fire on it. And i can smell the sacrifice. So i keep moving to the altar and i am inbetween light and dark. And i can hear chanting and music and i move closer. And i can see people. Chanting, praying, playing music.
And i move fully into the light just past the threshold of the temple. But i stay I never go past that point. It feels like Im bound there. But more because I feel like I havent completed something , rather than feeling bound by any other laws.

F: close your eyes and take it in. What are they asking for?

M: the only word I get is protection but i dont feel thats everything. But what else?

F: just relax and dont force it. Breathe easy. Listen. Be still.

M: protection. And help. Help for a war. To defeat enemies. Thats why i see females. Males are in a war. But I hold back.

F: why?

M: Im afraid to go forward

F: afraid of who?

M: myself, and blood lust.

F: your afraid of losing control

M: yes

F: but they need you.

M: but i dont know when to stop. I dont want to be that monster.

F: but your the one they are asking for help. You have to find the courage to help them.

M: and what will happen when i dont stop?
When im just as viscious as Mars ever was?

F: but you will stop.

M: how do you know?

F: because you will know better this time. You will know when its enough.

M: I hope your right.

F: I am.

M : very well then, you will protect these people while Im gone?

F: if you wish it.

M: i do wish it. And now I must follow the blood sent to battlefields.

F: The hungry lion is finally awake.

That is my stopping point today. I have one more day with Forcas but he may have to be a separate working for a longer time. As i still have two other stones that i haven’t even begun to work with.


Day 7 with Forcas

I’m on the battlefield when he finds me. I have fought this war for these people. I’m holding two scythe’s. And he approaches me. I extend one out to keep him from getting closer to me. He holds his hands up and indicates that we are friends. He says day 7 remember.

Yea, I remember. I had just gotten caught up in my battle. The frenzy of it.

F: there was something you wanted to ask me?

M:. What did Hekate have to do with this?

F: Hekate? Oh, I think you already know what she had to do with it.

M: She is magick , Heka is magick.

F: and you see and feel what she sees and feels.

M: then how did I end up on a battlefield?

F: you took on the mask. Became what you need to become to help people asking for help.

M: that’s alot to process.

F: maybe, but through it all you handle it well .
Now what about your other two stones?

M: I’ve have decided to keep working with you separate from this working. So that I can move on to the next one but continue with you and the other stones.

F: excellent

M: are you going to help with my temple?

F: of course, I’ve already started.

We parted ways but I will begin my separate work with him over the weekend.


Tonight i officially start working with Asmodeus. He chose or I chose patchouli incense.

I will have to go back and check what day this is with him since he decided to show up early and had me working with him and Forcas.

Im really tired from work so pretty much all i have done is burn incense for him and listen to his enn.

I dont really need as he has already visited but it may help others so I like to include it.


After last night burning incense for Asmodeus, I met with him today. In a room with one of those lovey recling sofas. Kinda of like this it was blue but darker.

I asked him what I was going to learn and he asked me what did I want to learn. And I told him that I wanted to be simply irresistible. Like this

He asked me who I was wanted to be irresistible to. And I said everyone :sweat_smile:
Go hard or go home, right?

Asmodeus said that I had what I needed already within me. But that if I needed the boost it was in the bottle he gave me a few days back. Just add some to my bath water or dab on the skin.

I had forgotten about the bottle but its all good. Now I have a better idea of how to use and apply it.

Looks Im gonna be killin it. :crossed_fingers:

I wont have time today to do much else with him. And maybe thats why he first appeared when I had more time.


Today Asmodeus came to me. I was feeling something and he appeared. He questioned me on what I was feeling.

A: what do you feel?

M: there is a magician around me I can feel him. Male magicians have a certain feel. It’s different.

A: what does it feel like?

M: sexual, masculine like being at a club and a guy rubs up on you. Minus the loud music and overcrowded drunk people.

A: try to see him. Do you know him?

M: He’s new, or I haven’t been aware of him before now.

There’s a lot of silver almost feels like he’s wearing a silver cloak.

A: he’s wearing silver for protection. Probably a ring but you are perceiving it as covering the whole body.

M: it’s really bright , reflective. But it’s just more of a bother than anything.

A: what else do you see?

M: I can see part of his face, he’s maybe in his early 30s.
He’s standing in a circle with some type of design. Like a sigil or pentagram. But the silver is bright I’m trying to see it better.

If he’s trying to communicate with me it doesn’t seem prudent to use silver. It doesn’t hurt me but it’s annoying.

it’s drawn out in black the circle and other designs. The floor seems white or a very light color.

A: can you tell what he wants?

M: I think he may have offered something sexual as an offering , like an orgasm or fluids.

I’m still trying to pick on what he wants…

I’m in the circle with him. He’s a bit rough. Why does it feel like he’s trying to give me money. That’s odd, not something that’s happened before.

He wants power. But I’m not sure why…

He says he already has money, now he wants power, respect.

A: are you going to give it to him?

M: oh yea cause I know how to hand out power like lolly pops.

A: your funny. He asked you though.

M: When he delivers, I will deliver.

A: fair enough. So you told him your terms?

M: ummm… No

A: you have to set your terms too or it’s one sided tell him what you want.

M: a million dollars and a banana fudge milkshake.

A: seriously?

M: I mean, oh boy said he had money.

A: the milkshake

M: obviously you have never had a banana fudge milkshake

A: I’ll put it on my bucket list.

M: is that it?

A: is it?

M: some type of incense I can smell it now.
I know I perceive things slightly different but it kinda makes me feel like a stripper when he’s rubbing money all over me.

A: probably placed money on a sigil or something connected to you.

M: maybe. I like the incense. He signed it with his own blood a piece of paper. A pact I guess.

It is done now.

A: well, let me know when that mil hits your bank.

M: don’t be hating

A: totally not hating

M: right

Well either he carries through or not. It’s his pact. I’ll still be me either way. Guess I will find out how serious he is.

A: guess so.

M: Well tired now so I’m gonna call it a night.

A: goodnight

Edit: I forgot to mention the magician had a 5oclock shadow.


I know who it is. And i know why he wasnt familiar to me. The one other time i could see him he was in a universal circle. He hasnt made his own circle like drown one in the sand or anything as far as Ive seen. But he used a different circle this time and he used silver. Is he that afraid of me?

I know what he wants and who he is. Now the question is does he have the balls to go through with his deal ?


I saw another piece of the circle. He’s feeding me too.


It’s not a circle it’s a pentacle

But what does it have to do with me? Why does it feel like I’m in the the center of it. I know I experience things sorta different like it could be small but feel huge to me and things like that. But what does this mean?

This is new.

He must have put blood on it. But now I don’t know where it’s going.

What does one usually do with a pentacle like this?

There must have been an evocation or invocation and something going on with the pentacle.

It doesn’t make sense with what he’s asking for.

I don’t understand this and it’s going to freak me out.


Since I working with Asmodeus right now I reached out to him.

A: it makes perfect sense Ari. The 2 pentacle of Venus grants desires of the heart. If his desire is power then why not use it. And of course he connected you to it. Why wouldn’t he. An association of Venus with Venus.

M: what?

A: it’s his desire to have power. So it’s makes sense. And obviously you would be the one.

M: I tired. So I don’t think this is sinking in. But I guess you are right about the desire part.

M: but what about the bottle he kept trying to bind me to?

A: bind the goddess that he connected to a certain magickal working so he can later call on her to help again when needed. And probably some of the magick of the working along with it.

M: I don’t know. Why does that make more sense than just asking.

A: because it does. The pentacle can be worn so it’s a power boost all the time. The bottle is for rituals and workings that need very strong power.

M: well butter my biscuits.

A: I think you need to rest though. Your really tired.

M: yea I do. Good night

A: good night.