Disney Villains Tarot

I have the Disney Villains Tarot Deck!

I really like this deck but I haven’t used it that much.

Hopefully, that will change.

Figured I would start with a one card draw.

Question: What should I know about K?

Card IX upright

Withdrawal, solitude, alone time, self - reflect.

K would do good to have some alone time, a mini vacation, take a day off and do some self care. K would come back feeling recharged, and ready to take things on head on!!

If K doesn’t take some time to recharge and rejuvenate it could lead to mental, emotional or health related problems.


So today I asked , what do I need to know and did a one card draw.

I got five of swords. Upright. The image on the card is the car from Cinderella. Whose name happens to be Lucifer.

I think this just says it all ! Like I don’t even know what to add :rofl: or say


I’m very disappointed in this tarot.

It’s more a visual goodie to have, but i find it’s not fluid to use for divination.

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Well, I like it and havent had any problems with it.

I also know others who use this deck with no issues.

I fail to see the reason why you felt to need to post negative comments on my thread.


Just sharing my opinion/experience about it :relaxed:

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I see

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I mainly use this deck for my forum readings. I think it works well and although I’m a bit sad at the lack of variety in characters. @Arianna seems to have a good time with them too.


There are many correspondances i didn’t like : Izma as The Moon, The Magic Mirror as The Star, Gothel as the Emperess…

I believe Izma would have been a better correspondance for The Star, the Mirror for the Moon…

Well i exaggerated a bit in my previous post, but it’s just the vision of the creator doesn’t really match my view on the tarot :smile: