Notes, recipes, and memes

I came across two memes separately today and they touch on the same thing. My aura is usually blue-green/aqua/teal which I read was related to being a healer. Maybe this is one of the many reasons why I run into assholes kind of frequently…

Except I’m making this my job in a way by pursuing medicine. I’m a long way away from the MD which I think I will achieve in at minimum 6 years (1 more year in school and MCAT, 1 glide year, 4 years of medical school)… But until then, I just need to look after myself better and not let assholes like conman and professor poopface get to me.


Did you uncross / cord cut?


I did one cord cutting after the curse on Saturday, but didn’t think to cut cords with his wife as well. I’ll do another one tonight after the physics exam


I did some cord cutting and banishing on Thursday night. I forgot I still have class on Monday night. My partner’s parents came by and maybe saw some things around the apartment that are a part of my magick practice/may look strange to a non practitioner/witch/magickian. I don’t know if it is better to be fully open about it with them since they’ll likely be my future in laws, or to try to hide everything every time they visit and keep it a secret. Ideally I’d be “out”, but it seems staying in the closet feels “safer”.
I’m going to NJ Monday evening- plan to go to the cemetery Tuesday night for a curse, collect some dirt, and time permitting, another ritual.
the foot fetish website I used turned out to not be as great as I thought it was. It was good the first week but now it’s dead silence. Nothing for days now, other than social media based interactions with my foot slave. He’s not on the website anymore.


Recently a mentor I can’t stand told me that his dog has terminal cancer. My fiance asked me if I did it. He wasn’t being cheeky. This is the love of my life, who knows that I adore animals. This is the kind of shit that happens when people know what you do. I don’t recommend being open, unless it is how you make your money fulltime.


Gets tricky…. when your art is occultish/mystical and mysterious… gothy. I wish I didnt live for the aesthetic too.


My inlaws walked through my ritual space for the first time yesterday. They didn’t ask questions and I didn’t offer anything up. I typically cover up my bookshelves and materials as best I can when company comes over. My practice is largely still in the dark. I plan on keeping it that way unless something comes up.


You can always fib depending on what they saw and say it’s Harry Potter memorabilia.

As to coming out that’s up to you (I haven’t. I don’t want the hassle).

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That totally sucks! Seriously, as your fiancé he ought to know you well enough not to even think of asking that. Sorry to hear he did that.

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But it can happen…it is not an offense to myth I think. I understand her feelings though, I would feel similar.
Curses do affect the surrounding of a target too. Innocent ones can be affected. But ofc we take the precautions. Mostly.


I know just :person_shrugging:


Thank you all for your feedback!
I had hid most of my stuff but had a couple of figurines (Lilith and Hecate, hid the Baphomet one) on my desk and left up the little sachets of protective herbs and mirrors anointed with oils on all my windows and the front door. I also didn’t hide a few orgone pyramids I made.
I think I will just hide everything whenever they visit and avoid any potential conflict. A few classmates (3) know that I make herb candles for studying but not more than that.


I am finding new potential foot slaves on social media now. Using a foot-centered username, I am getting more hits than that website got for me.
I have one lab report to finish before I can actually enjoy a few days of Thanksgiving break, then need to study for another 4 hour chemistry exam on Monday. I’m not too worried about it now that my brain is back to its usual level of functioning, maybe because cords were incinerated between me and the conman and his wife.
I just got back from the cemetery where I cast the extinction curse (the same one I used on my now homeless crippled former drug dealer).
I also called on Santa Muerte to help guide any dead souls who are stuck/want to move on and left a candle burning inside a tin on top of a tombstone (to avoid fire).
Going to smudge, cord cut, banish, shower and ground myself now.


I won the PayPal dispute. Hurray hurray hurray!! I actually can do more with my so called “useless” or “powerless” herbs and candles than he can with his entire fan club and his stupid knife. I should have had more faith in myself but I have a tendency to expect and prepare for the worst case scenario. I’ll learn to not feed this tendency and hopefully stop it.


Congrats @Czar !! Well done :smiling_imp:


Thank you for all your support - it really helped me stop from psyching out and just realize everything he’d said to threaten me was not much more than a sign of his own fear/insecurity/dishonesty. And thank you and @norse900 for your work on him. I am glad I didn’t end up just letting it go. I just checked his social media account and looks like he lost a few followers😈


No problem at all! People like him have no real power unless you give it to them. Good for you for seeing through him :slight_smile:


Good job, Czar. I know there was some concern, but you pushed through it just fine.


I’m quitting the foot thing. It just doesn’t come naturally to me. I’ve found myself running out of foot related dirty talk. Have a lot of respect and admiration for those who are able to pull it off though🦶 and on the bright side, I’m taking better care of my feet now. I can try to start tutoring or something I feel more comfortable in and is fitting with my current occupation as a full time student to generate some income.
We had some unexpected money come in from the 3-year long lawsuit with our former neighbors against our former landlord, but still struggling with money.
I was very drained from performing the curse in the cemetery. I just poured all my energy into an energetic wrecking ball against the conman. Then slept for 16 hours.
His social media claims the Pope is "a brother in darkness":joy: I hope that’s my confusion oil working on him.
I hope the few students he has left can see through his charade but I want to move on now that I’ve thrown a couple curses against him. He’s not worth another tiny bit of my energy. He’s one of the food sources for Synanceia, my jolly sea monster servitor, but he’s like McDonald’s…
Final stretch of the semester so I will be less active until about 12/21 when I take my last exam. I’m going to try summoning King Paralda to help me through the next few weeks. His sigil:

He’s an Elemental King of Air and associated with intelligence, memory, and telepathy according to one blog


Gradually transferring some recipes from the other forum where I have deleted them from my similarly titled journal there. I included some minor edits to each of them here that I made when the oils ran out and I remade them.

Beelzebub / Lord of all that flies Oil
Dragon’s blood
False Unicorn Root
Pieces of obsidian + a dead fly

Lilith oil
Dragon’s blood
Jezebel root
Musk essential oil
Patchouli essential oil
Carnelian stone

Arachne Oil
Dittany of Crete
Cobwebs and Raw Ruby stone