Notes, recipes, and memes

Thats awesome news!

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:smiling_imp: I was/am so happy to hear about his demise

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I finished with straight As again despite getting Bs on 2 major exams in one class (orgo 2). Hail Vapula, Andrealphus, Agares and Crocell for their help with making this happen. I am so relieved to be done with orgo
Now on vacation in PR


Thatā€™s so awesome!!!

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The cat park in San Juan

From scuba diving

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I love these pictures! Scuba diving looks so fun!

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Thank you! Itā€™s so fun! Itā€™s like being in another world.

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I was quite burned out from organic chemistry and have been visiting family, hence the lack of journal updates.
I have this incomplete skull, which can fit maybe 3-4 more crystals. I canā€™t decide which and am open to suggestions.
So far, I have (top to bottom)- blue chalcedony, super seven, spirit quartz , rainbow moonstone, lemurian blue/aquatine calcite
Interior has a little bit of white calcite, a small chunk of clear quartz, a copper wrapped lemurian quartz point, and a small chunk of girasol opal

Potential additions (up to 3 or 4):
Black tourmalinated quartz
Blue kyanite
Blue opal
Gold rutilated quartz
Indigo gabbro
Labradorite and/or black labradorite
Smoky quartz

What is super 7?

Super Seven, also known as Melody Stone or Sacred Stone, is an extremely rare mineral with seven crystals in one. The crystals are Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile, Smoky Quartz, and Quartz (which all the minerals are usually naturally encased in).

Spiritual meaning/energy:
Super Seven is the key ingredient to accessing the spirit realm and unlocking the knowledge and ancient beings within. The high frequency of this stone helps one attune their energy to that of celestial beings, allowing one to better understand the meaning and purpose of their soul. Super Seven helps provide answers to questions one may have for an entire lifetime, while also ushering in the ability to connect to oneā€™s past life experiences. These past life episodes contain ancient knowledge one has been able to carry with them for multiple lifetimes. This unique blend of minerals helps bring this knowledge to the forefront, so that it may be unlocked and used in oneā€™s current life.Working with Super Seven repeatedly will help expand oneā€™s consciousness while pushing for complete mental clarity. This stone helps bring the strength of oneā€™s mind to the forefront, unlocking it and pushing one to process lingering thoughts and emotions. Once one is able to begin clearing their mind, they can then begin the journey of channeling the higher knowledge down to an earthly plane. Once this energy is grounded, it can then be used to push one in the direction of their most desired dreams.

From the app Citrine Circle:

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Thank you! :blush:

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Itā€™s been a while since I posted here. My partner/ex and I are on an indefinite break, so I moved out and am staying with family until we know what to do. All my herbs are there but I brought some candles and incense which is more than enough to maintain a spiritual practice. We are probably going to be on this break for at least 3 months and itā€™s been hard. We were together for 6 years and I forgot how to be my own person again. It didnā€™t make sense to stay together if weā€™re not getting married and we shouldnā€™t get married unless we truly love each other. Iā€™m not sure how much of it is/was codependency vs love, just staying together because weā€™re comfortable with that, or to please our families, but weā€™ll figure that out. We meet every week with our couples therapist and still message each other throughout the week. We are choosing to work on ourselves right now, which could be a good thing. If we get back together then we will be happier than we were and if we donā€™t, then itā€™s better this happened sooner than later.
Iā€™m working on a new skull for myself and will post pictures when itā€™s done. It has blue chalcedony, super seven, spirit quartz, blue onyx, angelite, black labradorite, and azurite. It is supposed to help me calm down before bed, get into a trance state, meditate, and lucid dream.


I donā€™t know the proper terms, but the Quabbalistic spheres Yesod, Hod, Netzach and Tiphareth are appropriate for a holistic approach to anything concerning relationships. I felt a tug to mention that.

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Thank you! Much appreciated and noted

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I donā€™t think I want to get back together with my ex. Being single has been fun. He was embarrassed of my magickal practice, so Iā€™ve been doing a lot more since the breakup. Iā€™ve gone on some dates - 3 different dudes because I have no game with women haha. I like one of them but gotta drop the other 2. One was dumb as a brick and the other one was weird- awkward and parts of him were like my brother, but he was also not hygienic and too focused on appearances. He was also a :cat2::fish:Iā€™m not shallow and personally, I prefer personality and brains over looks, but he didnā€™t have much of either and kept asking what I thought about different aspects of his appearance. He looked a lot rougher than his pictures but I didnā€™t tell him that. Iā€™m still talking to 6 other guys who I havenā€™t met yet, but have loose plans to meet up sometime.

I performed this curse in a grove of trees and this is the petition candle- wrote a curse with a sigil on it and wrapped it around a black candle, then poured black wax over it. I put it in the middle of a triangle of 3 smaller candles.

I also have been using small amounts of heroin because honestly Iā€™m not ready to quit and Iā€™m not using a lot. I also know getting clean doesnā€™t work unless I really truly want to, and I just donā€™t right now.

I never mentioned this before because it sounds crazy and I didnā€™t want to seem completely unhinged, but Iā€™ve been thinking about it a lot since it happened:
A few years ago I was in NJ and doing this ritual, called something like opening the gates of hell. I was reading the incantations from the book when the ground started shaking. I checked the news later and there had been a minor earthquake. Maybe it was just coincidence but something tells me itā€™s more than that. :woman_shrugging:t2: NJ is not known for earthquakes and someone described it as resembling a ā€œburst of energyā€ more than an earthquake. I forget which article I saw that in but the last earthquake within a 10 mile radius was in 1992 and before that, 1979. Anyways here this is the earthquake:

Edit 2/14/24 at 5:22AM
Based on a reading kindly given by @ReyCuervo it was not just a coincidence/timing thing. I was not the sole cause for the earthquake, but amplified it.
I gotta work on my self-doubt as it is limiting me and what I can achieve. There will also be consequences if I do not fully utilize my power.

This is a love gris gris with a spell jar.

Crystals top to bottom:
Back left corner is strawberry quartz, rose quartz, garnet, and Rhodonite. Inside it is lemon balm, lavender, violet, damiana, and a dried rose
Back right corner is pyrite in a skull with garnet, rose quartz, strawberry quartz
Front is an owl made of garnet chips and resin
Jar has pyrite, rose and strawberry quartz, a love/lust herb mix, kunzite, unakite with a mix of herbs inside (basically the same as the ones in the skull cup but with added jezebel root, Adam and Eve root, rose quartz, a piece of parchment with a sigil and my and my targetā€™s names (not my ex). There are also poppets of me and him in it.


This is so metal


For every day for a little over a week, I had been building a protective thought form of sorts using this ritual in my Beelzebub grimoire (though in my practice, I call him Baal Zebul). It involved consuming a charged sacrament and invocation and I added this part- visualizing each chakra being filled with a swarm of razor-winged flies from the root to the crown, then expanding the swarms to fill and then surround the rest of my body. It should consume any psychic attacks towards me and grow with each attempted attack.
I may need to close my Etsy, at least temporarily. I started making smaller/cheaper skulls for the meantime but I am leaning towards closing the shop. Iā€™m fine with that since I only opened it to maybe sell some things Iā€™d be making as a hobby anyway. This one is my personal favorite and has a sprinkle of Gibeon meteorite shavings, prophecy stone, nuummite, indigo gabbro, rainbow moonstone, iolite, blue onyx (lemurian aquatine calcite / lemurian blue calcite), and super seven with a copper wire wrapped quartz point in the interior:


Can you send me your shop link again?


This moth is so metal


I was going through old pictures looking for pics of my cat when she was a kitten when I found this. Itā€™s something I scrawled while in a blackout psychotic state at a hospital. I blacked out for a few days but could remember bits and pieces later.
If anyone knows what this means I would appreciate any insight you may have. I couldnā€™t find anything on google translate

One time, I remember looking into a glass door and instead of seeing my reflection I saw a dead guy. Hospitals are so haunted that doesnā€™t surprise me. He had greasy black hair, appeared to be in his late 30s/early 40s and wore a security guard uniform that didnā€™t look like the ones the hospital security guards wore. There was also nobody else in the room with me at the time. That was a really confusing hospital stay and I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever have all my questions answered