Money Tree Ritual (Nick Farrell)

Money Tree Ritual (Nick Farrell)

The following wealth ritual was shared by Nick Farrell in Manifesting Prosperity: A Wealth Magick Anthology. I have not done this, but would advise preforming it on a new or waxing moon, during the hour of Jupiter, on a Thursday if possible.


  • A coin or bill of your own currency, roughly £1
  • A pot of earth
  • Consecrated water
  • Incense

Step One: Ritual Space

Prepare a ritual space with the pot of earth, money, consecrated water, and incense in the center. Farrell says this should be done on an altar.

Step Two: Money Consecration

Rub water on the coin while saying,

“Creature of Earth, you who are a symbol of my material wealth, I cleanse you for my use.”

Pass the money through incense smoke and repeat,

“Creature of Earth, you who are a symbol of my material wealth, I cleanse you for my use.”

Face east with the money and say,

“Creature of Earth, you who are a symbol of my material wealth, I empower you with the name ____ (wealth deity). May you be inflamed with their power, so that you will become a seed that shall grow into a talk tree. May you become this as I chant their holy name.”

Walk around your sacred space / altar clockwise chanting the divine name. Visualise the money glowing golden.

Set the money down.

Step Three: Pot Consecration

Pick up the pot of earth. Sprinkle the earth with consecrated water and say,

“Creature of Earth, you who are a symbol of my material wealth, I cleanse you for my use.”

Pass the pot through incense smoke and repeat,

“Creature of Earth, you who are a symbol of my material wealth, I cleanse you for my use.”

Step Four: Plant the Seed

Take the money and say,

“Thus do I plant this divine wealth I to my material world.”

Plant the money. Sprinkle the soil with consecrated water and say,

“Drop you dew from heaven. Nourish this plant forever more.”

Sprinkle the soil with ash from the incense and say,

“From the powers of the Divine Fire my wealth grows.”

Step Five: Caretaking

Ritually water once a week and visualise the tree growing. Repot it in your garden when it outgrows your room in a year.

There is a lot of room for modification. I’ll experiment with it.