Dragonfruit ~ Melek Taus, the Peacock Angel

Very Interesting. Perhaps then Al-Biruni and Lilly’s attribution of the Peacock to Jupiter is very appropriate then! If he is the Demiurge.
Only trouble is that he does not seem to act very much like a God, but this can be the visionary aspect (That is, it seems no vision of the Gods is perfectly accurate, and none of the Spirits either, unless it is truly divinely inspired). Or perhaps it’s just my own opinion! But the anthromorphism of the Gods does not seem very logical to me either.

With that, I am referring to what is discussed in this thread:

And on the Solar aspect, Zeus is also called Zeus-Helios. The Sun is the Celestial image of the Demiurge, the divine King of the Planets!

I could comment on this but I’m afraid I’m not currently knowledgable enough for it to be reliable. Perhaps someday!

I respect the vigor in your search! Perhaps you should also observe the Peacock in action, if possible. That will reveal the hidden essence of the Peacock, if you know how to look for it.

On the One True Religion, I’m not such a big fan of people who seriously claim that despite all evidence. But I do think many cultures weren’t so serious about it, It seems to arise with Orthodoxy and literalism, where the Religion becomes invalid without Orthodoxy and literalisn (“If the Christian God didn’t create the World and he is not The One, how could Jesus be my savior!” Etc.)