Weckner's cave

Good to see you too Cuervo :black_heart:
Feel free to ask if you’re curious about something :+1:

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Everything, Su!!!

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I’ve talked about her. A LOT.

It’s weird for me to think that she’s a professional doing astrology predictions and at the same time she’s terrible wrong with her conclusions (and don’t debate me telling is subjective, human rights are not subjective).

Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about

Everybody interpret things according to their knowledge, their Samskaras, their Indrias and Buddhi.

The practitioner is the tool that permits the articulation of magick

Without the artist he art could not be convinced in any form. A direct product of the context.

To summarize, your bias defines your creations.

And now that I’m seeing the effect of being so flawed yet so assertive, it makes think about me, because what if I’m experiencing the same?

No, I don’t think so, because I can navigate through the information using methodology, consultating others people’s view on what I think and sometimes I dissolve myself in other people inclinations and I accept that the experiencer and the experience are separate things under certain conditions.

To summarize, again:
I know I have my bias, but there’s no way I’m that fcked up.

?= But how it is possible for her to the be so accurate?

1.- Well, she’s accurate inside of that model of understanding 2.- and at the same time that model of understanding happens to be predominant around the world 3.- AND even though there’s people like me that are positioned in the opposite side of the espectrum / that model of conceiving reality, we’re affected by the people who believes that because they have power over us, somehow.

So that’s why is easy for her to see confirmations everywhere, because most of the people are inclined to do certain things because of their beliefs, the Karma of the planets, and there’s other group of people that are subjugated and are coerced.

That’s it. There’s no extremes, because various things can be truth at the same time.

But what about the planets?

Yeah, I do believe in their influence too, but I think that influence can be shaped by the individual, by the weight of the mass, by the gravitational force of a group of wills.

What it means to be a parent in the 2023 is different from what it meant to be a parent 5000 B.C. and both are ruled by Cancer, but the object that recieves the planetary influence is different.

And that somehow gives me hope because in the past I was completely trapped into this idea that the planet was a determinant factor.

And she knew that this was about to happen, she knew about the tragedies, the tears, the blood… But she’s using that as a confirmation bias to justify her violence, to victimize herself even though she’s the perpetrator, as a manipulation of the astrolgical information to favour the perpetrators.


19 / o1 / 2o24

Pluto is about to enter my ASC.

I’m observing everything around me, the chaos, the tragedy, the sorrow, the change, the instinct of survival, the voices, the shame, and it’s like finding a small flower in the middle of the ground, a flower that blossoms because it was nurtured by the blood that was shed.

The astrologer talks about how this gigantic entrance will bring irreversible change, I’ve hearing the same for the last 3 years and now it’s the time when everything is set in motion.

The plutonic force, she explains, it’s like the last breath of strength that keeps you alive during the worst and determinantes you permance in the world of the living or gives you the welcome into the world of the death.

Terminal lucidity.

And I’m there, in the space that divides pleasure from suffering, the middle place between the sudden death and the immediate birth, the absolute transformation, when it’s just me and because it’s just me I can become everything.

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o3 / o2 / 2o24

Pluto, Mars & Mercury.

Complete madness.

This is what I see BIG TRIGGER WARNING because I’ll be discussing violence.


Transport accidents (Mercury transportation / Mars accidents, explosions / Pluto = massive deaths, trauma)

The youth population at risk of dying or experiencing accidents (that’s is usually represented by Mercury and the third house in a country’s natal chart).

Problems and fights with the neighbours or between brothers and sisters.

Wars on social media.

Verbal fights (Mars - Mercury)

High risk of being spied (Pluto) on Social Media (Aquarius & Mercury)

Dangerous things occurring on digital platforms, such as death threats, doxxing, harassment, sexual violence.

Scandalous things from influencers or ordinary users coming to light (Pluto is the one that uncovers all the secrets)

Horrible things popping up on Facebook, Instagram, etc. such as videos of people being tortured, killed, etc. (Pluto = really fcked up things / Mars = Violence / Mercury = Communications)

A complete transformation in the way we communicate (Pluto as the transformation factor and Mercury representing communication). Perhaps a general feeling of deleting all your apps or perhaps initiating a different strategy on SM.

Digital devices at risk of being destroyed or sudden explosions.

Pluto influence can be see as a catastrophe that restart everything… All i’m saying is that perhaps all the photos/data that you’ve accumulated over the years can disappear.

Army VS Narcos type of fights (mercury can represent people that steal or that sells illegal things)

Black Market being regulated by taxes, prices regulations, things like that (Mercury = Illegal selling / Pluto = Taxes)

Violence such as shootings and explosions in middle and highschools (Mars / Mercury) causing massive deaths (Pluto)

Death of journalists.

And that’s it! I knoy it’s intense because Pluto is placed on the first degree and that makes the influence of the planet stronger and now is completely activated by Mars…

You may think my way of translating the judgement of the stars may be drastic and perhaps you’re right but that’s my practice.


o6 / o2 / 2o24

Ok, there’s this Dr. from YouTube that teaches meditation and a bit of spirituality.
And then there’s me trying to implement what I can into my practices. For example, he was talking about the way to access the “source code of the mind”.

How first is required to have a decent level of tranquility and calmness. The less activity exists in the conscious mind the easier it is for the information to penetrate the unconscious side of the mind and once is implanted there it can come out in the form of new patterns of behaviour.

And honestly, that helps me understand why meditation is so important, practices like Yoga Nidra, Hypnosis, why it is required to have peace and transcend the mind when chanting Mantras to absorb certain properties, to cultivate the energies that are provided by the Mantra.

Now I understand why it’s so important to digest emotions (a function that can be governed by the Manipura chakra) when you’re in a calm state (preferably). Because through the calmness you transcend the active mind in order to seed a new patter of behaviour, in this case is the activation of the digestive energetic system so that the next time a similar situation is presented the emotional impact is going to be different because you’ve cultivated a different programming with this “calmness technique”.

Then he talks about the activation of the Chidakasha and he describes it as the storehouse of the mind, as a potent spiritual location to implant things into the unconscious or beyond the mind using Trataka (fixed point gazing, internal or external) with Yantras associated with different kinds of energies.

And that sounds hella familiar, sounds like what we call “Sigil Magick”.

I remember the times I asked: What do you mean by gazing at the sigil? How does that work?

And nobody gave me an explanation that could help me understand why that was required and that was a HUGE impediment because the Anterior Mid Singular Cortex (mayor part of the brain that triggers willpower) has to have electrical communication to the “context and strategy setting” areas of the brain.

I just needed context to engage my willpower and perform magick.

Perhaps this “Gaze at the sigil to absorb energies or to summon different entities” plays a huge role into the activation and the function of the Chidakasha to implant or to cultivate inner abilities.

Again, neuroscience is a beautiful tool if one wants to understand Magick.


o6 / o2 / 2o24

What’s willpower? How does it work and why it so important when ones is practicing Magick?

I do believe in the existences of systems but there’s no absolute truth for me.

I do believe in the principle of non intervention, the times when the best thing is to be filled with nothingness and let the nature effect over itself.

But sometimes it’s best to mutate, adopt a new perspective and be reshaped to embrace you as a unity as this “forward center of mass”.

Then the willpower and tenacity recovers importance.

There’s this video from Dr. Hubberman

He explains that the Willpower is the interference in our default processings, the energy to engage or resist a particular behaviour.

It can be understood as a limited resource… Well, that’s interesting!

If I see my Willpower/Tenacity in that way it makes me think about all the things that drain my battery… repression of emotions requires willpower, repression of physical pain requires willpower, online usage requires cognitive energy, having to mask during the day requires willpower, a “nosy” unorganized environment also requires cognitive energy (top down / bottom up thinking) … Lots of things that drain this force that can be used for my magick :confused:

And it can ALSO be understood as something that can be replenish by engaging in different processes in the body. GLUCOSE can help to increase or maintain willpower… :eyes: That means I have to consume glucose just before practicing my magick (rituals, evocations, banishings, curses, meditations) etc. to increase my :sparkles:inner power​:sparkles:?

What are the things that increases the willpower/tenancy (according to what Dr. Hubberman said in his podcast);

•Engaging in activities outside of your habitual habits.

•Activities that requires the heartbeat elevated.

•Things that you don’t want to do, a decent level of resistance is required.

•Hard challenges, physically and psychologically.

•Putting yourself in uncomfortable scenarios (stressful situation because the relieve that comes after serve a as reinforcement and increases the capacity to get through stressful episodes)

The Anterior Mid Singular Cortex is associated with Willpower/Tenacity and it can be see as this expression of I WIL I / WILL NOT (not so black & white, it can be a graduation).

The AMSC is connected to:

•Autonomic Centers
•Cardiovascular Function
•Inmune System
•Endocrine System
•Parts of the brain that organized behaviour
(engaging or resisting)
•Reward pathways of the brain

And the AMSC neds access to context!!!

Now it’s time to integrate all of that into my practices? How can I increase my willpower/tenacity?

Perhaps at the times when I’m banishing my house it would be better if I move around my home while chanting because the movement is increasing my heartbeat (AMSC - Cardiovascular Function).

Or when I’m trying to manifest something I can write a story (easy way of manifesting in my opinion) that requires context / setting strategies and it hella uncomfortable for me.

Now that where taking about “uncomfortable situations that interfere in out habitual patterns of behaviour” I’m thinking about how important it is to mention how committing to a pathworking or rituals that requires consecutive days it makes total sense for increasing willpower and having more chances to success in Magick.


Dr. Hubberman video where he talks about Will Power:

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On the topic of baneful magick:

(Btw :eyes: I wouldn’t recommend to anyone post their natal chart because bastards like me can see lots of things in there, is not even necessary to have an specific hour)


First thing: My target has a Scorp Stellium and that indicates protection to deadly events… Well, not anymore, Pluto is now turned against that because is making a quadrature to the natal position.

Looking at that Stellium I can see:

Heart attacks, fury and extreme violence.
Chronic degenerative illness in the sexual organs.
Problems within their home, abuses, death of their parents.

What does that make for me? It facilitates me my work because now I can where this person is weak AND at the same time I’m blessed by the stars so to speak.

The second thing: This person ALSO works in the field of Libra, this person IS the personification of Libra and this sign is getting wrecked because of the Nodes, this person HAS to face some kind of rupture in work, finances, legal partnerships, relationships.

And what are the thing that will result in the disruption of Libra energy? Aries, so what I have to do in order to successfully tore down this target is sending this person rage, violence, impulsivity, lots of ego activation, primal sexual instincts, attack the head region… Or perhaps the opposite, debilitating until it has no drive, no energy, no motivation to keep up and live a life, until the fire is extinguish and there’s nothing.

The third thing is: The degree of the March eclipse is going to form a connection to the degree of this person natal planets (Mars and Venus) I can see fights and abuse within lovers and associates, monetary problems, perhaps deceitfulness.

Well that’s nice, that’s another weakness that will inevitably get activated and that’s an opportunity to me, any kind of magick casted to affect those areas of my target life will have more change of being consolidated.

This person is idiotic and successful, everyone praises this individual for being an absolute no one that only sits and waits to get served by everyone around them.

And what I’m doing here is to vampirize (I don’t recommend vampirizing for obvious reasons I’m doing this because I’m a horrible person and that’s it) the Vishuddha Chakra because it governs change over the external world and this person is an expert at changing everyone around them… Nice. I have to harvest this person throat Chakra energy to adquiere the type of influence this person has and then create malfunction so that any endeavours will fall apart.

I think that it starting to work because I week ago this person received over 250 negative… really negative interactions between comments and dislikes… I’m the only one noticing the shift here? People are no longer boot licking?

And I’ve also vampirized this person vital life… The wild thing is that I think it worked because a year ago this person was shinny and beautiful and graceful and now their face is full of wrinkles and is terrorising to look at not because of the wrinkles, there’s something more that is gone about this person energy.

The beauty in their energy has died.