The Official Social Club 1st Edition (The place for social conversations and hanging out)

Sorry to hear that. My deepest condolences. Hope you and her are holding up ok.

Man I should have thread read before pOsting about Canada Day. I’m sure I could have posted it in my other thread I’ve been neglecting


Thank you :heart:

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Tmw you’re starting to get into hardcore reconstructionits ceremonial magic and my mind is :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I’m currently reading Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic and man how am I supposed to get a bronze stylus?

At least I’m happy because I read first When God Was a Woman and that gives me a different perspective when it comes to how sexuality is viewed during that time and why Thyphoeus is so goddamn avoided.

Next lectures:
Curse Tablets and Binding Spells in the Ancient World
Drawing Down the Moon
Witchcraft and Magic in Europe

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Dunno about solid bronze stylis but you could probably track down a bronze tipped calligraphy pen.


Good luck for Uruguay in the soccer match
I would like to see a Suarez-Messi final.

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Managed to find this as far as Bronze Styluses go. Certainly easier than making the bronze and casting it yourself lol


Tmw I’ve been researching about amulets and all that good stuff be because I’m a bit obsessed when it comes to protections and all of that and I found this beautiful explanation:

Theoretical and Methodological Approaches
to the Study of Dress in Antiquity)

Man, I think my practice has changed for the better now that I’m directly learning from archeologist, scholars and people that are specialized in the ancient magical world.

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That’s really amazing thank you so much :pray:t2: :black_heart:

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Dunno much about the hellenistic approach but i found the correlation between scorpions and fire interesting since from the perspective of vedic astrology and the 8 directions, scorpio is tied to mars which is in the south which is also the direction of fire.

Bit of personal irony for me as well since my sun is in scorpio and the prefered ritual of the sun being an offering of fire in the south. :joy:

Ironically their diectional use is similar to the 5 element one i use but earth lays in the center/ midgard while the deepest earth is in southwest, with its ties to the underworld while ether lays in the east. Which version you work with mostly depend on what your trying to accomplish.


it’s been a while. I hope everyone’s in great spirits and things are well. I’m having some issues. I had brain surgery back in April to have a brain tumor removed, and I had an MRI done last month for my 3 month checkup, and now I need a craniotomy to have the residual tumor removed. The tumor is benign, but after the second surgery I may need radiation.

That’s the sole purpose of me being gone so long. I’m having a hard time dealing with it and coming here gave me such a calm energy. I lost my ability to visualize so it’s hard sometimes but it seems the spirits are forgiving of that. My memory is shot to hell and I have communication issues.

I’m going to read through the posts and still try to give as much as I can. :bouquet:


Your such an amazing person @NavyBeans ! I admire your strength and strong will. Please, let me know if I can help you in any way. :heart: :bouquet:

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You may have noticed I haven’t been around a lot. I had shit going on. Mom was in hospital post hip surgery and developed dementia and well long story short she died July 21, 2024 and I’m not quitting the forum or anything but I need time to get myself together (just finished paying off the last of the funeral expenses and her co-pay from the care place she was in before being to hospital when she caught pneumonia before she died. Anyhow I’m taking self time to get myself together. It was just her and me for 25 years after dad died in 1999. So I’ll see ya whenever (I’ll likely peep in a bit to see what’s up but am going quiet for a while. I’m a bit depressed not big time from all this but I know in her lucid moments she knew I loved her and she said she loved me too so it’s just part of the grieving process anyhow that’s why I’ve been quiet and away I was racing between work and visiting then she got sick then I was avoiding seeing her the last 4 days because I was sick and they didn’t let me know how close to death she was so I thought by not going I’d keep her from getting sicker then see her when I was better but it wasn’t to be. I had just got home from the hospital ER where I’d gone because of a 4 day fever of 100 that went up to 101 got diagnosed with the pneumonia she had.Was home a couple hours sleeping get woke up to hear the news (at the hospital I thought I should go from there to see her but didn’t because it wasn’t visiting hours and didn’t think I could get in. That’s the only regret that I didn’t follow my gut instinct). SoI need time to get myself back together. I know some of you tried helping her and also me with stuff and I thank you. Anyway I gotta clean up the mess I let pile up between being on the go between work and hospital and 0 energy with the pneumonia (Im better btw just got residual cough and phlegm) as well as get done with all the estate stuff . So that’s why I’ve been away and may be for a bit other then reading thread occasionally


Here’s me hoping you will be well & heal well. Glad to hear it’s benign.

Take ever how much time you need, your physical and mental health is very important. We will be here when you return. I wish you all the best! :heart: @Kish

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@NavyBeans @Kish :green_heart: :rose:


A couple of days ago I posted on a home tobacco growers’ page about chlorine dioxide and how it can be used to get rid of mould on tobacco leaves. As is my want, I also made mention of some of the many illnesses that it can also cure – including all cancers.

Interestingly, several members of that web-group responded that they had been using it for years with great results for health issues but were pleased to learn it can be used to prevent mould on tobacco leaves. This was diametrically opposed to the attitude of Magicians and lhp Magicians in particular.

On another web-group I was prevented from posting about it because I’m not a medical doctor. On this group my information was rejected as “bleach therapy”. So, it just goes to show that my Magickal teacher, Frater CD was correct when he personally warned me about falling into the all too common (and in this case I would add deadly) trap of thinking that you’re better than the guy down the road because you’re a Magician.

It’s weird! When I post it’s stuff that I’ve done and which has worked, whereas on another group from which I was banned, the members post junk that makes them feel better and the person with cancer dies – obviously because they weren’t good enough Magicians, no doubt.

But, there’s a Sister in New York who is cancer free after her diagnosis of Stage 4A cervical cancer by doing what I told her and it cost less than $20.00US (including the eye dropper), so that’s a little something I cherish. And she called me “a living God” - but I already knew that.


Sovereign Observation Seeking Observer

a few thoughts to get the conversation going………

Another day here in the realm. Its feels as if all is one long thought, and reality is a shadow to that thought.

When I look at the expression of source, it’s a garden that continues to vibrate with a luster and expansion, forever running away from itself.

Below is your message and thank you.

Dear Sovereign sacred Lock,

Request for Help and Assistance

Super-Living-man in the thick of it needs some assistance. This is the ONE calling YOU, and you’ve been waiting to assist me. The realm is most defiantly under attack and could use more courageous actors placed into the scene, source is drawing us together to do our parts.

Big picture actor here. Biophysics/electrodynamic-Radionic/Alchemical; orientated. Decades of skin in the game, and with many viable solutions currently simmering on the front burner.

What’s Required; secure safe work/lab location, additional needs are clean food, water and shelter.

The above needs can be bartered for the following:

Methods to survive the digitation of the realm. (several applications partially completed and can be finished within weeks) preservation plan to safeguard genetic systems

onsite Energy production from Land, Air or Water. (Both Alchemical and mechanical/solid state methods are available/possible to achieve desired energy requirements)

Knowledge of the realm (true past)

Novel Alternative methods for Food production (clean food without nanotech/digitization) NOT traditional outdoor farming/NOT traditional GMO/NOT indoor/greenhouse

Enhanced bioform applications to resist current technologies and invasive advancements of the Beast System

Only You/Me will hear this call, and I am grateful to finally arrive here in space/time, and I look forward to the joining of our talents.

Grateful Expression for Source,

the Key master