Tea & Tarot: Halloween Spread Work-Through

Tea & Tarot: Bats in Flight

I didn’t take hours into consideration. I stirred an adlib spell to Hekate in hot cocoa with chai masala, rose, lavender, mugwort, anise, pepper, chamile, and lemongrass. This reading was for my relationship with an ubi I refer to as Daughter of Lilith, which has been stagnant for a year now.

I. Sleeping: Page of Coins
II. Waking: Page of Rods R
III. Beginning: Three of Blades R
IV. Wings: Ten of Coins
V. Flight: Four of Wands R
VI. Landing: Wheel of Fortune R

A decapitated mouse. A witch on a flying serpent stirring a cauldron in the clouds. A Xenomproph. A woman with a bundle looking over a cliff. An underworld ferryman.

There is loyalty, and a strong physical link (Page of Coins). There is also disappointment and unmet expectations (Page of Rods R). It began with me taking back my power, getting sober, and starting a journey of self improvement and spiritual evolution (Three of Swords R). Her view of me is very beautiful; she is committed (Ten of Coins). Mine is less inspiring; I don’t really feel the connection anymore (Four of Wands R). I would like to, though. Wheel of Fortune R is…an interesting card to represent the bottom line of our relationship. The tea reading is equally perplexing. I did not gain as much clarity from this reading as I had hoped for.