Tea & Tarot: Halloween Spread Work-Through

Tea & Tarot: Vampyre Thief in the Dark

I forwent the planetary call and stirred the tea (masala chai with anise, lemongrass, ginger, and chamomile) while invoking Lachesis. I added the same tincture from before. I didn’t take hours into consideration, but it was the hour of Saturn during a total solar eclipse in Taurus on a Tuesday (with a retrograde Mars in Gemini).

I. Leaving: The Hierophant R
II. Giving: Five of Coins R
III. Regulate: Judgement
IV. Taken: Knight of Blades R
V. Regulate: Page of Coins
VI. Change: Ace of Rods R

An enslaved land spirit. An old male ancestor.

Hmm. There may be an ancestral curse at play, looking at the leaves. Hierophant R indicates that hiding who I am is exhausting. I’m putting energy into moving forward (5 of Pentacles R), that’s not so bad, though I should be more discerning about it (Judgement). Knight of Swords R does make me think someone external is being an asshole, but it could be my own frustration. Looks like I need more grounding either way (Page of Coins). There’s a blockage that needs to be “busted” (Ace of Wands R).
