Soul scan trade

Please forgive me on the late reply- I am undergoing immense change right now on many different levels.

For you, I feel very Mercurial-Saturnian influences. I see a pyramid made of a sandy black material that shouldn’t be strong on its own but is sturdy due to some form of pressure. Almost Azazelian in nature. Are you going through some intense form of alchemy or perhaps working with Azazel or some form of darker Egyptian energy? If not you might be encountering something of that nature soon.

Also, note that some sort of long term objective might be in front view very soon, sooner than you think.

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Anyone looking to trade?

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Scan trade?


@Jk999 I’m down.

Edit: I suppose i’ll go first.

I’m sensing a lot of orange. That makes me think you have a slightly nervous disposistion, but that you utilize it by being active and seeking variety.

You like to communicate, and enjoy taking part in various sciences and observations. I would say you probably speak multiple languages, and have a proclivity for being relatively articulate.

Edit II: I just remebered you told me once that you do speak multiple languages.

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@Heathen_Hermit i feel power coming from you. Your aura feels dark blue to me. You’re big on communicating and intellectual pursuits.

You like to read and acquire new knowledge.

You’re methodical in your thinking and can solve complex problems.

You’re a rock and keep calm under pressure. You like to juggle a lot at the same time. I also remember you telling me this.

You have a lot of interests and abilities, but many times you spread yourself too thin.

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@Weckner you wanna me to go first or you to go first?

You go first!

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@Anaretta I see a pink aura, self love and emotions.

Feelings are important to you and you value loyalty highly. I sense a desire for change and the drive for it.

What’s missing is actions towards change and a consistent spiritual routine.

I feel confusion, like one lost in a dark forest at night.

My advice would be to go to a clearing, seek the moonlight: your intuition, six sense, your spiritual faculties in this analogy and build camp there.

The forest has many resources, but also many dangers.

The forest in my analogy is the spiritual world, that I sense is important to you.

Spot on. I have a lot of nervous energy, but I do use it to learn a lot, but I need to learn more on applying what I learn.

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