Soul scan trade

You seem to have went to the temple that had showed up in one of my scans a long time ago on the other place. It’s possible that they’re ancestors, I saw one in my dreams a few nights ago.

About the rest of what you saw… I’m not sure tbh.
Thank you!


Would you like me to do a general scan or something specific?


A general would be okay no worries


Anyone else down to trade?


I’ll trade with you if that’s ok


Yeah I’m down :blush:


I saw a humongous, and I mean humongous blue colored squid and a city ruins under the ocean, kinda like Atlantis. It makes me think of Poseidon and I see mermaids and fish. The whole scenery has a fantasy vibe to it, but it also reminds me the waters in Lilith’s and other succubus queen’s realms. Like water as a gateway, as a portal.

I don’t know if you work with Poseidon or any water/ocean related Orisha (I also see an image of Yemaya) but you’re surrounded by water or water like energies right now. Allow yourself to flow with it and don’t resist whatever is trying to take place in your life.

That’s all I’m getting.


Yeah, I use the sea as a gateway that’s right

Nope, I’m not working with any water related deity


That’s exactly what I’m doing, I had a Piscis stellium in my first house last year, that was a lesson that I learned for the good and the bad.

Thanks a lot @Celestia :handshake:


Anyone wanna trade?

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Here’s what I catch up:

I see you preparing something or reading something, you’re moving the palm of your hand above of the object (whether is a book or a preparation) and you command something with your left arm (and I think you have a tattoo realted to runes or something).
You’re sitting in the ground and the panorama seems to be a desert btw.
We’re surrounded by horse like creatures, they seem to follow whatever you say. I see a specific entity that is working and sharpening large knifes.

Let me know what you think :eyes:


NICE WORK!!! You got the location of it right too.

I live in the desert and work with spirits that originated in Middle East, such as Mesopotamia for example.


That’s good :star:


I’ll return reading tonight once I’m out of work


Thanks :black_heart:

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Thank you for being patient. I had some things come up.

For you I see a dark costal scene with a light house. A storm is raging and the sea is uncalm. There are all manner of magical sea creatures prowling about, such as sirens, kelpies, etc.

The air is electric and filled with chaos. Lightning striking across the air and hitting the sea side cliffs, commanding silence and awe.

If you haven’t explored it already, you have potential in sea or aquatic witchcraft. The interesting thing about the sea, is that while it may not initially seem like it, it has ties to the sky and space or in some cases can all be interpreted as one in same.

There are also alternatives in Draconian magick , though the sea is more rewarding at the moment.


That’s amazing, I always visualize a black sea when I want to practice Magick and it usually works.

…And I thought I was alone :sweat_smile:

That’s so true, when I shift my mental states and go to that place that’s exactly how it looks like.

Yap, the three (sea, sky & space) that are the same ✓

Thanks a lot @itsnathanm7 that was hundred percent accurate! :star::star::star::star::star:


I want to practice… @itsnathanm7
@Weckner @Celestia ?

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I’ll only be able to do it tomorrow.


Sure go for it

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@itsnathanm7 Can you send me a recent picture of you and I’ll send you of me?