Sitra Achra Gloria

I agree with you as a whole, but I do think certain symbols have commonality for most people. Most things? Probably not and a lot of things in dreams will have a meaning that ties into how they feel about the thing in their waking lives.


I think the important thing here is that dream symbols should often not be interpreted as existing in a vacuum. A casual scroll through modern websites will give you an impression that these symbols should be read individually.

A spider has a side to it that reveals intelligence, but there is another side to it that reveals treachery, violence, and cunning, and deciet. What a spider means in a person’s dream depends on what that spider is doing and how the person reacts. That is what reveals the particular symbolical meaning revealed through the dream spider with the things that the spider embodies.


Nice insight @Dankquanicus


100%. A lot of the time, dreams are literally just your brain’s garbage being taken out. Not all dreams even have a meaning. Because of this dreams should be interpreted individually, however, a few things will have the same meaning for a lot of people.


Gashkalah day 6 recitation:. Tried making it strong but I’m too fatigued from the day to have much juice left to put into it. Wasn’t bad, just didn’t have the juice at levels I normally work with.

We’ll see about dreamscapes


Dreamscapes day 6 gashkalah:. Being trapped in a dreamscape I couldn’t will myself to exit.

It was a terrible hell scape, I was climbing some frosty mountain with Astaroth who was in some kind of fucked up mood like he was very “joker-esque” I got part way up and said “I don’t want to do this anymore, I want to stop!”. He said “You can’t!”. It felt like eternity with terrible howls on the wind, freezing stones, torn fingernails, and scraped knees and elbows. This was torture and normally the moment you realize where you are, you become cognizant again of who and what you are and you can simply will yourself away from the dreamscape back to waking consciousness.

That was not the case here. I was aware I was actually in my body in bed but I could find the energetic link to my body. I was trapped in this icy, shitty hellscape for a very long time. I woke up with a feeling of dread that bordered on panic.

Ok not a fun night. I only got 3 hours of sleep and I still feel like shit and have alot of obligations tomorrow. Im gonna have another cigarette and head back to bed. Something tells me I’m going right back to that mountain. The mountain I was done with, the cruel mountain that wasn’t finished with me. :roll_eyes::flushed:


Gashkalah day 7 Recitation:. Strong let’s see what Dreamscapes come.


Just ran out of juice last night. I had the opportunity, I had the choice. I didn’t make the make right choice. I knew that when I made it too. I don’t even feel bad or guilty that I knowingly did the wrong thing, let myself down, lost my momentum and initiative…

Bottom line as much as I love a good torture session with Astaroth ( and I do…) I just wasn’t feeling it yesterday.

Another opportunity today. When you fail, and you will, repeatedly, do not be discouraged I say. I’ve failed my entirely life at most things when I really think about it. The thing is it’s only when we don’t get back up and try again are we truly beaten.

So that’s what I’m gonna do tonight. Try again.


Gashkalah day 8 : Recitation

Fairly good

Was like 6 or 7/10

Let’s see the dreamscape


Gashkalah day 9 Recitation: Superb

Very strong finish to a very challenging Qlippa.

I am frankly glad that it’s finished.

I will take 3 days off to recover. I need it, “too much trippin now my souls worn thin…”

Dreamscapes: I just had a super intense dream of interacting with Dantalion. I’ve never had his company in dream scale. I woke up and sat up in bed and was still stuck halfway in dream state almost going back to sleep sitting up and I fucking lost the content of the dreamscape.
They is so fucking disappointing. This was really exciting abd unique, a real one of kinda deal and I blew it. I should have just gotten up and written it down or jumped on OM and recorded it here where i could. I can remember only one key word “SHAPESHIFTER” and a knowing Dantalion IS a SHAPESHIFTER…



Well I had 4 subsequent Dantalion dreams.

I’ll be evoking him today. All I understand of his message is, it’s important enough for me to visit you 5 times in one night to talk.

So in this situation smart play is immediately MAKE time for it.


Well piggles got in a really bad cat fight with FB. FB is a better fighter than piggles I can see, but Piggles due to proper feeding is alot bigger and stronger.

These two went wild. Piggles won but it was a nasty fight, a pyrrhic victory. I almost took him to the vet his cuts were so bad. I was able to tend to his wounds myself however and gave him a place to recover that’s safe.

I went to the neighbors and told them this “if I catch fb on my yard or hurting my cat again I will call forth the great worm “Caterpilius” and it will eat fb for 1000 years!!!”

:laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: The Bruhjero :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

I think they believed me too



Well done Piggles :muscle::smirk_cat:



I mean, you CAN wait. But I’m stuck at the National Harbor while the wife catches up with a friend. And bored.


I’m gonna keep piggles inside until he’s fully recovered.


Bahahaha that’s gold


Sateriel begins tonight, my soul is fucking exhausted. I feel like I’ve gotten no rest at all, I want to stop. I just want to stop.

I can’t stop. Tonight is sateriel.

It is what it is.


Hey man, the more you push the stronger you get💪 i know you’ve got this👍


Yeah, man you go deep when others go shallow.

But, all the treasures are in the depths of the void
of the qlipoth.


Speaking of treasure

Hear ye, Hear ye!
Let him with wisdom understand
Let him who hears clearly hear this!

So says The President Valac: (Verbatim)
If you seek the things of this world ask for wether this thing is either material or spiritual…
Having that at one point point was it’s location last known past present, possible future tense…

Be prepared to search a solar time, two, times, three and four before you arrive at the door.

When asking me for help be prepared your time and energy of course I mean physically.

Whether gemstones, lost songs, buried treasure, or what science has not yet revealed know that all comes under my sway…

Ask and you will be lead to to it." - Valac

So says Valac, This is for those considering partnership…