Sitra Achra Gloria

@Mei It was like a shitty game of hide and seek with a God. It definitely had one of those “getting chased/being pursued” dream vibes no one likes very much :man_facepalming:t3::man_shrugging:t3:.

Kind of reminds me of two very real realities in life. 1:. No matter how bad you think you are, there’s always someone out there that can total wreck shop and kick your ass. ( On a more subtle level, those that do think they’re pretty bad often sue to this bravado and bluster I think attract and draw this to themselves. It’s rather poetic I think)
2:. You, me, him, her they, we, us… we’re not going to be able to solve every problem out there with force, threat of force or coercion with negative consequences for non compliance… People that do seem to think that every problem can be jackhammered with brute force don’t seem to live especially long.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of using force just for the sake of using force on people or on situations that need abit rough to be really to be satisfied. But, I know force can’t be my only, or even primary tool of resolving conflict. You need tact, diplomacy, cooperation…gentle methods too.

That’s what got out of reflecting on this dream. What kinda always sucks is that I can’t really tell you worth a damn ( Orobas can though) what any dream ACTUALLY means, I can only tell you what it “evoked” within me as I recall it and process the imagery and impressions, tone, and tenor and content of the dreamscape. So I don’t mean to seem overly wise here or like I am sure X means Y and Z exactly because really I’m just about as lost as everyone one else.

:sunglasses::love_you_gesture::horse::smoking: :man_shrugging:t3::man_facepalming:t3::sleeping:


Thagirion day 8: Recitation - kind stumbled and bungled this tonight. :man_facepalming:t3::man_shrugging:t3:I have alot of drama on my mind tonight from an ex gf.

That and this dude I barely know asked me to help with a move spell. I entertained his request asnd listened to his story. Something seemed off though and my intuition and Orobas were like “Warning, Warning, danger”. Turns out he’s in his early 20s and the target girl is 17. I heard the words 17, and I said " ok I’m gonna have to stop you right there. I do not work magic on minors for other people for any reason. It’s probably illegal ( should be anyway) and it’s immoral and unethical. Never ever, ever ask me for something like that. If we’re friends, that will be the end of my association with you. You may get a venom laced lecture on why that shit isn’t ok, if you don’t already know. ( HOW could you possibly think that’s ok)

Ok I’m finished with this now. And, people please, I’m really serious, no one ever ask me anything like that ever.


The evocation of Prince Orobas


Oof… Can really feel this pic. Especially around where that cloud of incense is.


Thagirion day 8 dreamscapes.

SITRA ACHRA bleed though…


I went to sleep approximately at 330 am.

I woke up, but had full sleep paralysis and could hear outside my ground floor window ( bedroom is ground FL) the sound of a terrible cat fight.

Listening to the cats I realized it was the evil black feral cat that intimidates, or bullied Mr. Piggles. Piggles and he were going at it hard.

Then I felt something rub my leg in during the battle. Sleep paralysis broken. The fight between piggles and the the other cat was actually taking place IN MY BED ROOM under my mattress. I jumped out of bed and kicked the feral cat and it ran out of the house.

I live in a such a guarded and walled settlement there is no reason to lock or even close your door at night. The cats got in and went to war.

The whole thing was bizarre and surreal. Ill tell you what this seemed like, a spirit was sent to harm or harass me, and piggles wasn’t having it.

I had that weirdo otherworldly twilight zone vibe of Sitra Achra the whole time.



Feral cat stew? I have 3 cats, but a feral attacked them…if the meat is good (not spoiled)…recycle…

Before anyone has an aneurysm or shits themselves, I whole-heartedly know that my cats, all cats, would do the same. So would dogs. But dogs would wag their tails when caught and play naturally stupid and needy.

The cats would look and wonder what took the (next) feeders so long to discover they were ready for seconds.

Time for bed (catless in here). Night.


Thagirion day 9: Recitation - A strong finish

This Qlippoth has had energetic ups and downs and mood swings for me. We did experience a little bleed through last night too as I mentioned earlier.

I feel like I found a major secret and did get something very very special out of the deal. Not saying everyone is gonna get what I got out of it. Or that I’d get what another got. But based on your consistency, the amount of effort and will you’re bringing into this, your current stage of development, your trajectory on the LHP, you’re probably going to have different results. Strange for all of these factors and factors that also carry weight not thought of and so listed I’m surprised how much similarity other people’s Qlippoth initiations seems to have.

Now I’m not really jocking anyone else’s journal here. I’m definitely not a Journal jock or ( riding someone elses dick :laughing::laughing: ) or a journal shark ( someone who peeks Into other peoples work journals to get information or intelligence about their activities. STOP :stop_sign:! That’s bad :laughing::laughing:)

I do casually read through a few journals of interest almost always liking the post to show I was there. I follow the other qlippoth journals, every few days because I don’t to be front loaded unnecessarily by other people’s experience. Even still I’m surprised, the symbolism, tone, and tenor are frequently, curiously similar.

I do however ( while not jocking!) Try to be supportive of everyones work here, even stuff that I don’t understand, can’t relate to or just aren’t interested in following ( that can and does change with time and what I’ve got going on). I feel our membership here on OM has got some really talented magicians whose abilities and contributions definitely merit acknowledgement.

I looked at piggles this morning and the poor guy had a swollen left eye. Looks like the cat the feral one pieced him up a couple times. Looks like Piggles got tuned up.

This bastard cat steals his food, I now have to hide his food bowl ( it’s outdoors in the temple on the west wall. ). I can no only feed him during certain times and I have to supervise or he gets robbed or bullied. What’s piggles gonna do? He’s a soft fat well loved house cat who also gets to play outside too. The other cat is running off instinct completely. See I can look at piggles and watch his behavior and responses to things going on around him, he has a much higher level of sentience and cognitive abilities than feral. Feral we shall call FB from now or Feral Bastard! Piggles understands, love, companionship, safety, security…FB you try to show his MFing ass any love he will bite your ass! So Piggles is like an aristocrat as cats go. He keeps getting his ass beat by FB every time they fight. Worst is Piggles is much bigger, but FB is all lean muscle and wild cat.

I couldn’t see any actual damage to Piggles eye or cuts, I did check him over, if he had I’d taken him to the vet. FB for his faults seems like a pretty normal feral cat, nothing rabid or anything like that. I think he’s a neighbors outdoor pet, so I can’t kill him…if I kill a neighbors pet, regardless of the circumstances it’s gonna turn into a local police situation and being the foreigner things have in the past that have gone to that level, basically immediately been my fault in the eyes of the law,. I think alot of that is when people are pissed they do alot of finger pointing and talking fast, and yes I speak Tagalog and speak it pretty well ( for a foreigner :laughing:) I’m not able to comport myself in that kind of situation with the necessary speed and force to defend myself or justify my actions. Bottom line, I do anything to FB it’s gonna create ill will and hostility that I can’t afford and it’ll be a payday for the neighbor and I’ll have to pony up. Meanwhile this lawless beast FB (.like a goblin or orc) is free to pillage the cat food I buy for piggles, snatch my cooked breakfast fish off my tables if I don’t eat quickly and watch carefully.

This is madness and it must stop. I’m securing piggles tonight behind a locked door. I used to have some resentment towards piggles for always being a bitch and running away from the territorial disputes between the two. Last night Piggles did my earn my respect for defending me when I was helpless and protecting my room.

The clash was epic like some Gandalf and Balrog “YOU!!! shall NOT pass!!!” Shit. :laughing::laughing:



This video post is the second in a series of Instruction a d demonstration of Planetary Magick. The topic is prosperity rites for different planets. This expands too on some of the work for the previous discussion on planetary Magick. The information outlined can be found here in my grimoire also.

Pt.1 & 2


I’ve got a picture of that Feral Bastard

Jesus I snapped this photo on the fly, look at the demonic eyes on this beast.

I TOLD ya’ll it was an EVIL SPIRIT !!



If you’re not going to eat him, then you may as well curse him.


Put foil down where you don’t want the cat. Cats panic when confronted with their reflection apparently, so it stops them from jumping and s*** where the foil is. Idk if that will help, but it might keep your breakfast safe lol


I never thought you could curse an animal. I mean why not though really. There is even such precedent historically or fictionally depending on your point of view ( Jesus cursed the fig tree)



Curse it to stay out of the yard or with a fatigue curse when it enteres, until it leaves (like a ward).

In the oast, one of neighbors would let their dogs shit in our yard,so I talked to the land spirits and asked them to do something about it.

At a different place, we used motion activated noise generators that we couldn’t hear, but the cat could. That was a decade ago, so I don’t know if they’ve come far or not since. It was >50% effective and stopped the problem.


Thagirion day 9 dreamscape 1:. I dreamt everyone and everything had a double ( astrally it does actually) and I was using magical Mirror to discern what was original and what was simply an image.

Dreamscape 2:. This was an interesting indian themed dream where I was a white Baba and traveling through India and exploring it’s pantheon. Sort of like an native American Indian vision quest except this was like the Indian version of it.

End of dreamscapes. I slept quite well but could hear FB outside in the night howling a mournful dirge ( because I simply don’t leave things for him to steal from us anymore)


So my birthday comes in a few days and I used a portion of my recent income to give the temple a little face lift. I know it’s not a contest to have the most awesome looking Temple, yes I know that, but your Temple is a reflection of you and your practice. We know that too, don’t you want your Temple to be everything you want it to be?

Now if you asked me Mike, do you want a beautiful Temple or one that’s focused on Action? I’d say both.

Here’s what we got

This light weight aluminum folding tripod I found online for 3 dollars. 3 dollars. But you needed a Masters degree in mechanical engineering to assemble it, it had no Instructions.

For the kedusha altar

For the Grand North Wall

A Hecate inspired piece

An astrology piece

And my new spring 2023-24 grimoire, my previous was gifted to my son as part of his inheritance.

Northern wall

Eastern wall



I am completing an obligation to king Vine with this but I will fashion these into bracelets, cleanse the stones, charge and consecrate them.

Stones are top down:
Green Ruby

Green Ruby is for courage and strength
Obsidian is for power, protection and grounding
Onyx is for defense of the aura from misfortune, illness and evil spirits
Citrine is a money stone for merchants and transactions.

:point_up: Green Ruby

:point_up: Polished Black onyx

:point_up: Black Obsidian

:point_up: Citrine

All stones 12mm beaded from Taiwanese wholesalers in Binondo, Metro Manila


Feng Shui bracelet creation demonstration and tutorial on the properties of Green Ruby, Obsidian, Onyx, and Citrine.


Day one Golachab :flushed::scream:: Recitation - Really weak. First of all if I’m being honest with myself, I’m fucking scared of the Qlippa. It’s a damn shame I have a great relationship with Asmoday, and his son Alfpunias ( aka arpachahad) and I really don’t know why this Qlippoth is such an existential nightmare. Atleast it was last time. If there is any kindness in Sitra ahra ( probably there isn’t so much no :rofl::rofl:).them maybe this initiation I can coast through golachab without getting torched.

Probably just a dream it’s gonna be what it is. I’m just gonna have to get out in front of it and handle it one hellish dreamscape or bleed through at a time. Damn.

This is the place my shadow likes to hide from me and play hide and go seek with maces, swords, bows and hammers. I’ve been needing to have a face to face with my shadow anyway and reassert myself in our relationship and reintegrate on MY terms. It HAS to be that way. It can’t be any other way. This is the sphere where my shadow has the most horrible and wicked grip on my surroundings and experiences. This is where he tries to break me.

It’s ok though I already know what to expect. It’ll just be stronger this time. But I’m stronger now too. This may end up being a really challenging 9 days.


I want my cat, I want piggles and I’m heading to bed.



Good luck and hm… buckle up I guess :sweat_smile:

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Yeah thx, what ever happens happens :scream::man_facepalming:t3::man_shrugging:t3: @Mei