Rituals, Musings, and Misc

It’s that time again.

Let’s just say that some jackass killed a 2 year old in Nevada at some point in the last 5 years. Probably thought the Justice system was the only price he was going to pay. That doesn’t work for me. Time for a decaying candle to make prison so much worse.

I crushed up some graveyard dirt, a cat claw, Myhhr, invasive land snail shell (Hawaii) and mandrake. Used a file for bone powder and on some Pearl Harbor driftwood (for the heavy metals and other toxins absorbed over time).

I was going to use Vepar, instead of my regular spirits, but couldn’t get another name out of my mind - Verrine. Not a spirit I’ve worked with in the past that I recall. A spirit of health and wellbeing. Now, I knew this wasn’t some sort of “please stay your hand” kind of thing, but I needed to verify that Verrine wanted in on this task and wasn’t calling me for something else.

So, I called Verrine up using the sigil listed and not reading any of the material. He came looking more like an angel than a demon. Skimming over the rest, that would make sense, as he’s seen as a lighter side, healing entity.

I verified that he wanted this task. Seeing how light he felt, I asked again and spoke my reservations. He said he did. I didn’t get it, but hey, he wanted the task, liked the ingredients, and promised the person would suffer.

“Whether he suffers well or suffers horribly, suffering is the key”, I said. He agreed. I still had misgivings, to be honest. Screw It Let’s Do It.

I drilled holes into the receiving candle.

After securing the agreement, I blooded Verrine’s sigil. Then, I charged both candles with intent and filled them with energy. I blooded the covering candle.

I slowly filled and and covered each hole, one side at a time.

Covered each hole with wax from the covering candle.

Then lit both. I lit Verrine’s blooded sigil using the decaying candle.

Hail Verrine.

Edit - I forgot to tell you WHY. I asked Verrine afterwards, why an entity devoted to healing and holistic health would be willing to do this. He said he had tried helping the child. Glad I could be the instrument.