Notes, recipes, and memes

…do you mean the tooth?

@norse900 helped me with my one and only (outdoor, underworld) portal disaster. I gave it a name that made it clear it was under Hekate’s authority and he helped me put a spirit guardian on it. He also gave me very solid advice once- when you banish and ward, apply it to all planes, not just the physical!

For windows and doors, I clean them with four thieves vinegar, rub them with protection oil, trace protection sigils on them (energetically), and put up energy wards. I have a “locking” and “unlocking” finger gesture for mirrors.

Cleansing regularly, having a guardian familiar with a solid spirit home, and keeping an active ancestor altar with former soldiers certainly helps. Putting up spirit traps genuinely changed my life, I can’t recommend it highly enough!

@Laurel_Spider probably has a wonderful system- though I respect that she understandably chooses to keep a lot of her practice private. Maybe she has a few tips nonetheless?