Magical way

the two lovers had an argument today but they haven’t parted yet.

so I called the furcas today and promised to praise her for the hatred people have for each other.

i will wait and see.

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sorry dude i targeted the wrong people but it’s ok :yum:

8th day

I made a seal spell with sal ash today.

Veni ad me salash I repeated I expressed my will when the seal disappeared: I want money from you, if you show me the money I promise to love you in front of everyone.

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Cool journal :metal:t4:

I do the rituals in every book I read as best I can, I can’t go into a trance, but right now I’m not doing my part to see them.

I get the results I want and I reply. Thanks for following.

Furcass was successful.

commendation to furcas

the girl hates the guy blocked her from everywhere,but she still loves himMy wish came true, we really couldn’t decide what we wanted.

Hail furcass :black_heart: day

On Saturday, I petitioned Zepar to reach my goal and love me more,If she succeeds, I will praise her in front of everyone.

I met a girl last night while sitting at the cafe with my target,Actually, I just made eye contact with her,And after I did my petition ritual with Zepar, I started getting close to this girl on Instagram.

But that’s not my goal, I have no enthusiasm, I’m just waiting for Saturday, thanks zepar.

2 more girls entered my life today🙂

How do you test that the girls are sent by a clean entity?

No need to test, I already believe in this direction,
It’s not luck or miracle that happens after I do my ritual, it’s my will.

thank you sal ash it made money every day in 3 days thank you sal ash.

Hail sal ash :black_heart:

10st day
prince gaap 2nd petition.

can i just tell you my experience,I felt this crazy dude prince’s entire presence with just a basic connotation,I did not experience this in my previous ritual, I just submitted my petition and succeeded.

2 dragon blood incense and used black candle,I used the seal found on magic demons,I’m just calling you I said gaap and repeated the name gaap 3 more times the seal was completely opened,The faintly burning black candle fell violently to the ground and ignited fiercely, increasing the smoke from my incense,all of a sudden i felt her presence in my body i shivered then the seal was completely opened the mark on the white floor was not visible at all it was completely dark.

I took my note and followed the instructions that I felt were with me and put my petition on the black candle and lit it,you should work with her she’s a really great being.


You are braver than I am.

everyone’s own experiences are different, when a desire manifests itself, I already feel that it comes from that spirit.

also daily ritual connotation etc. I do, my success rate is almost 90 percent.

List of rituals I will perform in 5 days.

I will call metatron today,and using theurgy demons I do a 3 day ritual, the purpose is to protect me during the ritual and to exorcise the demons at the end of the ritual.

tomorrow:Michael’s connotation and the continuation of the 3-day ritual.

Wednesday:Raphael evocation and the end of the 3-day ritual.

thursday:3-day ritual with theurgia demons that I developed myself and dom petition to learn and master powerful love spells on vapula.

Friday:There is no entity to call on my mind on Friday, I am open to your suggestions. I continue my own 3-day ritual.

For the next 7 days I will continue to practice one of the 7-day rituals found in the Dom books.

11th day

I’ve never had such a shitty day.

As I live in a Muslim country, I cannot perform rituals at home,I had an environment where I could safely cast my spells outside,today i did my 3 day ritual in a ridiculous place because there are people there,I did it by focusing and pouring all my emotions into magic.

I don’t care about the useful or naughty outcome.


now i realize i didn’t know what that blue light was i didn’t see it when i was there i didn’t realize it when i was taking a photo it’s interesting.

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If you examine the photo carefully, you can notice more details, you have been warned :yum:

i called naamah last night i heard voices in my house at night but these are ok.

What I admire is that I met a girl in my dream who truly loves me,It was a simple dream, but I could feel that girl.

My first thought when I woke up was that naamah asked me to stop casting spells on my current target,I could feel very strongly that if I stopped doing this, I would see the girl he showed me in my dream in my normal life,I don’t know, I feel so strongly that it will bring me true love.


I don’t need books anymore thousands of choices make me indecisive ruining my day.

learned all the basics deep trans evocation etc,now i want to be educated by a god who would you choose?

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