John Knox’s Journal

I think that the snake comes from the trees I’m around. They’re teeming with spirits, most of them hostile to humans in my view.

The trees are uprooted and put into gardens underneath houses and they don’t seem happy about that.

Also, recently the people where I live started gossiping about me. Very unpleasant. This one tenant, although we live in separate caravan villas, not so close, hears everything I do and it bothers him. So, he gossips with his friends and the landlord.


Why contact the unknowns? Especially if they’re vampires?

We all feed on each other everyday: we exchange energy, we influence others we talk and we listen.

The unknowns aren’t talking heads. There’re actually headless. Why?

A headless creature is ruled by instincts. He doesn’t have judgment, he just has gnosis: he gets a download of info. He doesn’t have to analyze anything.

So, there’re just bodies? Yes, there’re husks that feed on creation as previously said.

The world was created as food for these creatures. So, where did they get the energy to create sources that issued demiurges, that created the multiverse?

Why many sources and not just one?

A source implies a destination. As there’re several destinations, I assume material worlds there’re many sources. I see a source issuing one material world, because that’s its program.

So, are there many material worlds? Possibly.

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Where does the strength of the unknowns comes from?

Their control comes from power. The power comes from feeding on energy. Their feeding is possible because of imbalance in their energy.

Imbalance is another word for a slope. Energy goes down the slope: to the vampires from the balanced beings.

The source is the lowest of the unknowns: it feeds on all creation, but we can conceive of it, so it’s not completely unknown.

So, it’s a lesser unknown.

Let’s introduce suitable notation. We’ll use imaginary and complex numbers: the basis of them is the square root of minus one.

It’s called i and it’s the basic imaginary number. A complex number is one with imaginary and real parts such as: 0.5 + 1i.

The abstraction of the unknowns are the complex numbers.

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Why use complex numbers? to me they’re the greatest abstraction. Would love someone to debate me on that.

Do I know a similar problem to the unknown problem? I think I do. Solving for the unknown in maths.

Usually, to solve for the unknown in maths you need to put it on one side of the equation and the things you know on the other side: parameters and numbers.

You also need to simplify the unknowns to their most primitive form.

As agreed: as above, so below. So, the most primitive unknown is the source and the parameters are the gods and the numbers are the men and other living beings.

What about rocks, earth, land, sky, stars and natural forces? They’re the gods.

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What’s a better name for the unknowns and why?

The hidden ones. Because, we cannot experience even the lowest of them: the source.

They’re extremely involved: there’re the programmers of all realities: they even program themselves.

What’s their purpose?

They’re here and they are there. They’re everywhere and at all time and they’re nowhere and never.

They’re oxymorons. They’re freer than men, who only have the illusion of freedom of choice.

We all have subconscious programs, psychology calls them instincts/emotions that drive our actions.

Even the gods are programmed for certain things, just look at the forces of nature.

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Can one become hidden themselves?

Being hidden start with being oblivious to themselves . To some people it might be a shock because they say know yourself.

But, let’s analyze that for a moment. Knowing yourself means the self has limits, having limits, means the self is limited and so finite.

A finite object isn’t all powerful: a necessary condition for being a hidden one, even the lesser ones, is all-power= omnipotence.

From omnipotence comes all the other conditions for being a hidden one, even the greater ones. So, it’s a sufficient condition for that.

Why? You know the saying knowledge is power. Well I say only relevant knowledge is power. Knowledge you can use in practice.

What do I mean?

For example: there’re many banishing techniques, but only a few really effective ones. Therefore, a powerful magician will know only those few and not use the rest.

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Why would one want to deal with the hidden ones?

They control the rules. If you change the rules of the game, then you may change its winners.

Changing the winner, changes the side who gets the prize/reward. So, it makes sense to bribe the judge/judges, just like what happens in mundane reality.

How is this done?

Give them more energy than they can get by active feeding. The energy needs to be high caliber, high vibrational energy.

For example: a non political one to follow the rules of the forums. It’s easier for the divine side to do, because people pray and to them it’s not purely transactional.

So, they almost always win, because of kickbacks to the hidden ones.

I for one, who opposes the divine side, came with a way to beat them: turn their tools against them- pervert the prayers, that’s in Judaism mostly expressed by reciting the psalms.

If you switch around the god names for demonic names, or better yet the hidden ones names, then you get a powerful Trojan :horse: . I also wear a yamaka while doing it.

As the orthodox religion here is based on appearances, if one appears to be righteous, then he must be one.

There was never balance in the world: just by looking around, you can see that people who follow the RHP are more than those of the LHP.

Again, I believe it comes down to appearances: humans have the desire to be socially validated, so they act in ways most others praise and avoid the dark dirty side of the equation.

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Why should we talk about the hidden ones?

Aren’t they supposed to be out of sight and so out of mind?

The hidden ones, oh may great and terrible be their names upon the earth and the sky,
are the only thing stopping the tyranny of the heavens: their incessant control, need for prayer, order, grace etc.

They’re the programmers, as previously stated, and so can change our most basic stem :brain: habits.

I, for one, was born pudgy and not very bright speaking positively. I was articulate, but that was it.

My body was my greatest enemy: I didn’t eat much, but most of it turned into fat…

I needed a change, so as most people do, I turned to the heavens and prayed. Well that didn’t work well for me.

TBC(To Be Continued)

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The heaven kept their peace as they mostly do.

What do they want? What everyone wants. They want energy. They need the people’s :pray: s.


No one can survive without energy. Think about it. We all need to eat.

As above, so below and vice versa. The heavens need food. They need energy to protect heaven and to keep it functioning properly.

heaven is found in a different dimension of our world just as Hell. Hell also needs energy.

So, how does it get it? It takes it by force. That’s why so many internals are vampiric in a sense.

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Why did I choose to write a journal about the hidden ones?

The more I think about them, the less I understand, the less I know. I feel like I’m losing my wisdom.

What am I gaining?

I’m getting protective shells around my ego and my aura. I start to be less attacked by entities hostile to me: spiritual and otherwise.

I’m beginning to be less tense in my body, more calm, more collected and more martial.

I’m beginning to think more on money and wealth and I’m getting better wealth magic results.

I’m happier than I’ve been for a long time.

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Can the hidden ones be harsh teachers?

If you show weakness, then they’ll exploit it.
They punish those who fall.

They don’t want their followers to worship them, but develop their bodies, their mind and their souls and break the wheel of samsara.

Being nailed to the above wheel is the greatest handicap of the ego.

What is the ego to me?

To me it’s the true self. The superego is the false-self.

Your higher guardian angel is just a liar and a thief: he takes energy, abilities and experiences from the true self at the end of every incarnation.

Why should the ego die off and the HGA whatever survive. Who made it god?!

I strive to descend instead of ascending: to preserve the ego and to discard the so called “higher”, but really parasitical, self.

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What do the hidden ones hate most?

It’s not sins, it’s not actions. But, it’s a mentality: learned helplessness - you have your limits, you cannot overstep them. You’re just a mortal human.

I started that way and couldn’t get why bad things kept happening to me.

I just wanted peace, but all I got was people taunting me, trying to lord over me, thinking they’re better than me.

But, people can also sense weakness, emotionality and a bleeding :purple_heart: and many
exploit that.

People can be emotional vampires without knowing it: they just feel good making others feel bad.

Of course people distance themselves from the vamps, but it takes time and effort.

So, what did I do to overcome my inferiority complex?

I started small. By complimenting myself for small things I did right, like washing the dishes, making the bed etc.

I began building a firewall against the emotional :man_vampire: s: I’m a worthy person, not because my environment thinks I am, but because I myself believe so in my heart.

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What’s the love of the hidden ones?

They love power, independence, creativity and adaptability. They value their allies and hate their enemies.

They only want one to grow, evolve and constantly change. They require pressure and constant tension: you have to be aware of your environment.

You have to get good at playing constant strategy and tactics: what way should I walk in life in general, who should my friends/acquaintances/romantic/business partners be and why?

Previously mentioned that you shouldn’t bother knowing yourself and buy other new age self healing snake oil products.

Try to know others and yourself as opaque objects: only seen behavior matters.


We can only measure it and so we can only change it.

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I’ll talk about myself and my experience.

I always wanted independence and being able to choose what happens to me, but I seldom did anything about it.

So, when I started getting into magic, I discovered a whole new world: a world that can change physical reality.

I never cared much for spiritual reality, enlightenment etc. I always wanted independence on the physical plane. I always wanted power on this plane.

So, I got into chaos/pop magic to gain my independence. I realized that independence has a high price, you have to get a lot of usable, not theoretical power to to really have it.

So, I studied and still studying the works of qigong/Chinese esoterica/black magic and power from all cultures.

I’m not trying to understand everything, but fish out the usable bits, that for me in my life, aren’t many. For others it could be different.

Magic v. Engineering for example is a very personal path in my view and to each his own really.

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What else do I want to talk about?

I want to get my goals with my magic: fortune, but not fame.

I want to remain in the shadows. I don’t want to pull people any strings. The only power I want is for my own independence.

Now, I’m just surviving the day to day. I’m waking every morning fighting to do my magic without anyone noticing.

I’m fighting to get ahead economically, personally and professionally.

Why does it feel like war?

The inflation is rising, that causes all the other prices to rises. I’m sure many other people are also experiencing this.

I’m in survival mode: avoid default, firstly a financial one. This isn’t easy. It’s stressful.

But, stress creates :gem: s.


What do I want to achieve via magic?

I want to win the green card lottery and move to the states, specifically California.

Why there?

Because, I feel there’s the greatest freedom and you can express your magic/non-traditional views more openly than in the Middle East.

I just want to be free in all respects: financial, personal, professional and spiritual.

I know writing helps to blow off some steam,

that’s part of why I do it. My pursuit for power is only to gain more freedom.

I can change my environment, but only so far. To go all the way, I’d need more resources than I have.

So, I’m concentrating on small to medium changes in my physical environment: magic can influence the masses - making them more western, less religious.

More open, more receptive to liberty’s values…

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What’s so shiny in the states?

Paganism is a recognized religion there. You’re not persecuted for practicing magic.

You can have an altar, you can have figurines/idols to various gods. You won’t be considered crazy.

There’re many freedoms given to a U.S. permanent resident/citizen. The most important for me is the freedom of speech and from religion and financing religious folks.

You can be a freak and not be looked down on, at least in certain states.

People have always gone west when they wanted more freedom, more rights, more opportunities.

Liberty is something I always wanted and always lacked. I’m not sure that moving will solve all my problems, it’ll probably create some new ones, but definitely it’ll change my reality.

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It’s hard to post when you feel like people aren’t reading your material.

But here I’m at it again.

Let’s get personal: I’ve recently decided to do the qlipoth.

I’ll give each qlippah thirty days.

Why so long?

The way I see the qlipoth is bodies within bodies ad infinitum. Each one containing all the rest. I want to occupy myself with each qlippah’s energies and dive head first into it.

I’ll start with the qlippah Lilith that’s against Malhut…

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Woke up feeling hungover without drinking yesterday.

Started doing the first qlippah, Lilith.

Mostly feel numb and don’t remember any dreams.

Continuing today. No visions, just a feeling of calm and easiness. Strange, maybe it’ll take a while for me to get in the mood.

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Remember three dreams: kidnapping, sex between animals and people and strange small black figurines on the floor.

Continuing doing the qlippah until January, 18th.

Feel hopeful, somehow more upbeat. Less stressed.
Will delve deeper into the shell.

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