Important Lesson & Britney Spears

Magick will take over your life if you keep at it. Eventually you have no pedestrian life, it’s pretty much all Magick. When your perspective change, everything changes – including your entire life. Even when you’re not doing Magick, you really are! This happened to me imperceptibly because I was concentrating on other, pedestrian things.

I’m striving for Godhood – isolated, independent and if needs be, ‘Fuck You!’ I care about me, pretty much exclusively. Why should I care about John and Elsie Lunchbucket and their gormless kiddies? Seriously! The lhp is long, and I don’t wish to be diverted – I can’t afford to be.

My most important lesson remains: If your Magick isn’t fun, you’re not doing it right! (Take whatever time you need to truly get that into your thick head.) Took me more wasted years than I care to admit before I realised that. I recommend shortcuts, because these work and I’m lazy – then again, I had rhp training; so, I try hard to respect certain limits.

I remain engaging in internet based, black propaganda: unfortunately, with no results after fourteen years. Nonetheless, I’m still trying. So, take heart and when you’re feeling down, just remember that you’re not Britney Spears.



A Parable Directed at YOU, Dear Reader
By St. Old Uncle Al

Imagine, if you will, that you and I are in a conflict. The reasons don’t much matter. And imagine that every time we meet, I hit, slap and spit at you. And imagine that I’ve damaged your motor vehicle. And go on to imagine that during all my (fucked in the head) provocations you’ve warned that if I attack your residence, you’ll go ballistic.
Well, guess what I’m gunna do?

Ps. Are you as prepared as you can be, just in case?

It’s winter where I am and for me at least, it’s cold. This being the case, I tend to stay inside, trying to kill myself through nicotine overdose and augment my regime with liberal amounts of caffeine, cannabis and alcohol. And being a Magician, I’ve learnt that I’m not an alcoholic. I am a nicotine addict, but not an alcoholic.

Nicotine and me are more than firm friends. Nicotine has always been there for me. When other friends have disappeared, nicotine was still my constant companion, through thick and thin. I owe my life to the blessing of tobacco. Without tobacco I’d have more than probably been dead!

Whilst other young men were wrapping themselves and their motor vehicles around telegraph posts or dying playing sport, I was gently loving my comforting tobacco pipes. And that’s why I’m still here. It’s my life’s mental nutrition, just enjoying the exquisite highs of nicotine.

In terms of robust mental health, there’s nothing comes close to nicotine. Whether it’s a tobacco pipe, nasal snuff or the soft but lingering caresses of oral tobacco, I’m always grateful – especially for not being an alcoholic.


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Magick has always felt more like a job to me, like that “here we go again” meme.

Lately, I’ve started to feel like it’s all pretty meaningless. In the end, it seems like our own actions are what bring results. Spirits are useless, maybe just figments of our imagination.

Honestly, we don’t even know who these spirits really are. Like, who crowned Belial a King? And isn’t Belial supposed to be all about anarchy? So why is he even a king in the first place?

Sorry for the rant, but I’m starting to think it’s all made up. Then again, I’ve never achieved anything, so what do I know.

In the two months that I made my Argo Navis Talisman following traditional astrological rules, my business profits increased by more than 2000%. That’s a lot more than just a figment of my imagination!

But, if you haven’t had anything happen for a long while, it’s quite normal to feel that way! And you shouldn’t take my example as meaning you’re always supposed to strike lightning either. You can think of petitioning spirits and other magical operations as you are asking for good luck in your own efforts, and that’s a great way to go about it. Don’t expect massive results quickly or chances are you’re going to be pretty dissapointed!
But it seems like the methods you have been trying haven’t been working for you, so it might be good to try other methods!

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What have you had in mind? I basically did all the Demonic stuff. Also used EAs book about Azazel and some of Jehannums work.

I recommend going through Jason Miller’s ‘Real Sorcery’ for one, and Patrick Dunn’s ‘The Practical Art of Divine Magic’

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Will check it out. Thanks.

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