[EXPERIENCE] Goetia Workings

It's a good book, Brent.

My Goetia book has been used and abused for a good while here.

This is the book I have been using for this exercise. All these stickies are important notes, help texts, and the like. It’s a good book, brent.

The experiences I’ve had vary from entity to entity. You’ll find as you read these that some experiences are vivid and lengthy, while others are short and sweet. Agares was one that took a simple path.

December 1, 2020

Bride of Mystery

For this pathworking, I tried it in the middle of the day on December 1, 2020. I resigned that nighttime is the only time fitting for such an exercise. The silence and dark of the room helps with my concentration.

I gave up trying an hour in and left it for the evening.

That night, I did not see actual Agares. I saw a single white eye, glowing in the dark. Slowly a long face came into view. I made a joke about him striding in wearing purple Alligator shoes instead of an actual Alligator. His response was a resounding: “I would never do that to my friend!”

I saw his hands, then shoulders down. Purple was a color oft on his attire, but most things were a blur.

At this point in my practice, I used an astral temple to summon the Goetia into, because Bael really did a number on us.

I stand at a table at the end of a long, stone hall. Behind me is a large fireplace, and along the north wall is cathedral windows that stretch high above us.

After he entered the space, I tried to put on my best authoritative facade. "Agares. I have called you hear to request your assistance. I am pathworking the 72 Goetia. You are the second on my list. I wish for you to unlock the part of my mind that you are associated with, and in doing so, help me gain power and influence.”

Agares didn’t speak, causing me to drop my demeanor. "I just want to remove the blockers that stand in my way from finishing the timeline and learning the truth. Will you assist me with this task?”

Agares tucked his hands in his pockets. He walked towards the large, floor-to-ceiling window next to him. “Do you know what the purpose of this is?”

“The pathworking?”

“‘Unlocking’ is not just a mental thing. When you pathwork the Goetia you’re requested that we remove blockers in your life, and the internal blockers that keep you from attaining your desires.”

I had a guess that it was the case, but the fact he went out of his way to explain it to me gave me a bit of a warm and fuzzy feeling. “Thank you for helping me expand my understanding.”

“My pleasure.” He turned back to me.

“So, will you further assist me with this task?”

“I will.” Agares seemed to half-bow. He makes a motion toward the door to leave.

Now or never.

My boyfriend and I had a conversation the previous day about my conversation with Bael. He suggested that I “bluff a little” and pretend to know what they’re looking for so I could get some answers of my own–or at minimum–try to find out what they know if someone is willing to divulge.

In-person, I like to believe I can be sometimes brash, but overall and soft-spoken. It would be unlike me to be pushy, so I stayed true to form.

Before he could leave, I asked the question that weighed on my mind. “What do you and others think Mysterious is hiding?”

I reveal a few of my cards, including some discoveries I was playing around with during a conversation with my boyfriend earlier that evening. It was nothing substantial, I’m not going to betray my only perceived ally, but I know that there’s always an exchange–it’s never freely offered.

During this conversation, Agares called me “the bride of mystery” which was weird.

“Bride [of mystery], we are unsure of what exactly it is that he’s keeping hidden. We may know what your role is in the scheme, but we don’t fully understand why you’re being kept in the dark on the plan. It is odd behavior inconsistent with the past. I don’t believe there is any ill intention towards you in this situation.”

I tug at the ring on my finger, sliding it up my ring finger then back down again. It’s a nervous fidget I’ve started.

Agares noticed, “Is that incorrect?”

“No, I don’t think so. It’s just all so complicated–or I think I’m making it so. I just want to know the truth behind all of this.”

“That’s all that you can look for. You will make progress and strides in your work. The truth we all are waiting for will be revealed and brought to the light when we reach our anticipated end to this storyline. There’s no fighting it, it will all turn out the way it is intended to.”

“I supposed you’re right.”

Silence fills the room.

He opens the door. I shrug, “Is what Mysterious said true–was something cast yesterday?”

“All I will say is that your enemies are few, bride, but be weary of them for they are clever.”

I nod.

“We part with peace between us. I will assist you on your journey, this I promise.” He leaves without another word.

EDIT [JULY 12, 2023]: Added more content, replacing existing content with previously created draft in some sections. Realizing that what I had in my journal was incomplete compared to an article I wrote on the experience. Keep good notes and backup drafts, y’all.