Dankquanicus Journal of Mundane Questions with Geomancy

Here is the chart I have cast on behalf of @anon78375643 on if the opposition in Turkey will win the election:

There is a lot of interaction in this chart, but most of the interaction is from the current leading party. It seems the current leading party will be very interactive during the election, but they will be weak. This weakness is likely internal, they don’t hold much weight, so to speak. They also seem to simply follow the popular demand and opinion. They will “scatter” their funds a good deal into news that will circulate around the country to bolster their image (Pretty standard!). You might see a good deal of propaganda type news from them or such. However, it seems they will also do some behind the scenes deals with the heads of state or those in high authority, so, corrupt dealings.

Despite this, however, I judge that the opposition shall still win, taking the presidential seat. This position still favors them, despite their lack of interactiveness in the whole situation, but it is like that isn’t even necessary. Things are still in their favor. And they have more vigor than the current ruling party for sure. It seems they are in the will to fight, so you might see them point out the faults in the current ruling party and slander them a bit. But the current party will initiate more activity towards the opposition than the other way around. I feel this won’t be entirely “malevolent” or conflictive, however, and they may try to persuade the opposition more to their side in a way.

As I said, I judge the opposition will win the election, and this will be good for the country. The people will be happy. However, I’m afraid it seems this will not lead to much change for Turkey.

If anyone is keeping a close eye on the politics in Turkey, do tell if these predictions are accurate or innacurate in the coming election.


Thanks @Dankquanicus this part is very to the point
Because opposition is a coalition and it has formed from 6 party and exactly government will try to attract some of them to his side( if i understood your writings properly)


Ahh that makes a lot of sense then! I know pretty much nothing about the politics in Turkey, so I simply read what I see in the chart. So, that prediction is likely accurate then. Thank you! In the coming election, if you see anything more that is accurate or innacurate, then feel free to post about it here! I really appreciate it.


the first round of president election held in Turkey but no one gained more than 50% of votes, then on the 28th May, the second round of election will be held, although in the first round, current president collected 49% of votes!


Thanks for the update on the election! I did look into how it was going a few days ago. We’ll see what the outcome is soon! Extremely close results…


Erdoğan won the election and will continue his reign for another 5 years! But it was so close and was for the 1st time that turkiye election went to 2nd round


Thanks a lot for posting the result of the election @anon78375643! Seems I have a lot to learn when it comes to mundane charts for foreign nations.

Looking back at the chart, perhaps I should not have rotated it, as the unrotated chart is far more in favor of the current party winning. So, I should have judged it like how I judged the chart I cast for Ukraine.
Rotating the chart did not have much logic to it, either, other than it being a foreign country, but didn’t really make sense otherwise since the figure in the 9th House in the first chart would not have represented the party the querent wishes to win (unless they were the general population of the country).

From our failures, we learn! Then I know better how to judge these sorts of charts in the future.
I will say, from the Judge, I think it’s possible that the opposition party will win in a future election, but I can’t say for sure.

Also, I remembered that the results of the election will be revealed on the 28th, so last night (before I knew how the results) I had a dream in which I was Googling “Turkey” to find news articles about the results of the election, and I absolutely could not find ANY news articles on it, or anything in general, which left me very confused lol.


What method are you using to determine the winner?

If I may suggest something, turning the chart is definitely correct from my experience in elections. The incumbent of a foreign country is H10 turned from H9. His opponent is the turned 7th house, so radical H4.

Democractic elections are decided by the people, so I would look to lunar figures, Via and Populus, as a natural significator for the electorate. The winner is the candidate who “perfects” with more of them, which in this chart is decidedly Erdogan (Rubeus), rather than his opponent (Laetitia).

At least that’s how I would do it. Please excuse me If my comment is uncalled for.


Not at all! In fact, I seriously appreciate it. When you want to be good at something, there’s no place for the ego to get involved and get offended. I’d rather ask questions and seem like a fool and actually learn, than to keep everything to myself so as not to seem like a fool and remain ignorant.

Your message is very helpful and I appreciate it! I don’t have much experience with rotating charts, which is one thing I am learning better from this thread! I’ll be considering mundane election questions from the houses you recommended.

For some reason, when I cast the chart, I considered the 9th House (From the root chart) to be the opposition party. I’m not entirely sure what my logic was at the time. I considered it as I consider conflicts (1st House given to the group the Querent desires to win, 7th House given to the opponent. In this case, I looked to the 10th House as the thing contested over, that is, presidency), but for some reason rotated the chart to the 9th.


I use the 1vs7 over 10th method in other competitions, but have found lunar testimonies to trump it whenever they are present (or in any type of contest that’s decided by the people). Also, it’s relatively rare to find one where you can put the candidates in H1 and H7, due to the fact that the querent’s preferment has to be quite strong for the chart to pick-up on it as a H1 thing. H1 is “me”, so If the querent wouldn’t take to streets to celebrate one candidate’s victory screaming “we won!”, as an extension of that “me”, there’s really no basis to assign them that way. If that was the case, I, a total football unenthusiast could look at a Friday night fixture of the Premier League and cast a chart for it, having decided Liverpool to be in the first house because I don’t like Newcastle’s kit color. As good as it sounds, it sadly doesn’t work.

The other thing is most of the time it’s the incumbent that’s running for his second term vs other candidates. It will be the radical H6 (turned H10 from H9) that is descriptive of him best (if you step outside the “me vs them” method), as the current head of a foreign state. It is the only fixed-to-reality “point of entry” into many charts, when the “radical” preferment I wrote of above isn’t present. His opponents will then naturally be his turned 7th, unless the querent really favors the other candidate, in which case it can turn into a H1 vs H6 situation.


Will Turkey become more secular in the next 10 years?

I have cast a chart on whether Turkey will have become more secular in the next 10 years.

In the root chart, Rubeus appears as the 1st Mother. Now, personally, in my experience, charts with Rubeus as the 1st Mother are still accurate. My intuition was that Rubeus here means more for the rotated chart, rather than having much significance for the root chart. This made sense to me, as I was quite calm during the casting of the chart, and relatively calm beforehand in general, but while erecting the rest of the chart, I sure felt like Rubeus as my mind wandered to something else! So, it likely signified that influence descending to the world immediately after the casting of the chart as well.
Otherwise, I still interpret the chart as normal, but Rubeus as the 1st Mother can mean a variety of things depending on the context. If reading for yourself, it can indicate anger and passion towards the situation inquired about (Sometimes, that anger and passion makes the casting of a chart inaccurate), sometimes a violent attitude towards it. If the chart is cast for another individual, then Rubeus here can indicate anger or aggression towards the situation from the Querent (In a question on love, it might signify the Querent’s anger towards their partner, etc.), or sometimes the Querent hiding something from the Geomancer.

In the following chart, I rotated the chart to the 9th House, signifying the people of Turkey. In the rotated chart, the 9th House signifies the religion of the people, or the public religion of the nation. The 10th House represents the government, and the 6th House represents the state of the religious belief of the government, or, the more private religious beliefs of the government. I was primarily looking for perfection between the 1st and 9th as an indication that the people will desire a more secular state, and perfection between the 10th and 9th as an indication of the government becoming more secular.

With all that said, on to the chart and interpretation:

The government will not become more secular, but the people will develop a tendency to become more secular in the next 10 years.

The people are currently unstable, swaying from one side to the other (Fundamentalist/dogmatic to secular, and vice versa), not sticking to one side or the other, and will remain so for a good while.
In the next 10 years, they will be very religious, but while having a good sense of religion they will also have a tendency towards secularism at the same time. So, a desire for a secular state, while upholding strong and good religious belief in private.

The government may be religious, but they are somewhat conflicted in that regard within themselves. Not having good faith (although, still having some faith in their religion), but remaining outwardly religious. In the next 10 years, the government will become more religious, and in a rather good way so. Their move towards more religiosity will be fueled by a third party, an ally of the government, acting at least somewhat secretively behind the scenes, and they will also act to influence the general public, and this will generally be in the open rather than actively hidden to the people, but perhaps the extent of their activity, and their motive, will not be known publicly. This third party themselves are more atheistic, suggesting an ulterior motive behind this action, but, not against the benefit of the people.

The outcome of this move towards a good religious attitude with a desire for secularism will have a good outcome for the people.

Caput Draconis represents the state of the religious beliefs of the people, and it is of the nature of Jupiter and Venus, and the figure representing the state of the religion of the government is Puella, ruled by Venus. Venus rules over Islam, so this suggests the government will still be strongly Islamic. Now, the people too, but perhaps a tendency to Christianity (Ruled by Jupiter) will have grown among them.


Will Civil War break out in Russia?

I have cast a chart on whether civil war will break out in Russia.

The chart is rotated to the 9th House, and the 10th House represents the Government and Leaders of Russia, while the 4th House Represents their enemies, the potential uprising.

This was a bit of a difficult chart for me to judge, but I will judge no, civil war will not break out in Russia.

The significator of the potential uprising, Puella, shows that the enemies of the government aren’t very eager to go to war. The government, however, are taking this matter very seriously, and aggressively, doing much behind the scenes to take care no uprising occurs.

So, they are combatting potential threats, being in contact with their enemies, working against them.

Puella also passes to the 12th House, forming a amicable Sextile aspect with the 10th, which I take as a further indication that no civil war will break out, the government’s enemies are not eager for war. Rubeus (The significator of the government) also passes to the 6th, making another amicable apsect with the 4th. So, not outright conflict between them and their enemies, but with the opposition between Rubeus in the 6th and Puella in the 12th, the government is not willing to negotiate much.

If the 7th House represents Russia’s current ongoing war, then Ukraine seems to be looking into supporting any potential uprising. But, if so, then Ukraine’s influence here is weak, and they cannot give much support.

Following what @hypn0s said regarding Populus, Rubeus forms a lot of conjunctions with Populus in this chart, so the government seems to me to have the people under control. Their enemies do not have as much of an advantage over the people.

This situation, of resolving any potential threats and such, will play out over a long period of time, however, rather than moving swiftly.

Also, Tristitia (Meaning “Sorrow”) appeared 3 times among the 4 Mothers! And Rubeus as the other Mother. This was an indication to me that much sorrow is currently around this war and situation. The government is still eager for conflict.


As I read Russian political situation, you are right! in putin sessions with security Council they are monitoring potential civil potential uprising and they are strictly controlling the masses, and also we didn’t see any civil chaos in Russia.
From this viewpoint your analysis are correct and in harmony with current situation


Wow! Thank you for adding that here. I tell you honestly, I didn’t look into the matter beyond that Wagner may have tried to start a civil war, so I didn’t know anything beyond that.

The general population is signified by Acquisitio, which is a figure of Jupiter. Not very warlike, which signifies that the population in general is not very eager for war or uprising as well.

The government’s secret enemies seem to me to also quite weak and don’t have much power.

So, it seems the conditions are not right on many fronts for civil war to break out.