Continuing education - Whatcha Reading?

I over 9000% recommend anything by Peter J. Carroll. If you haven’t read Liber Null & Psychonaut, def put it at the top of your list. It might be a bit basic for your level of praxis, but it’s an absolute showstopper. The Apophenion is likewise incredible. I think it could add a new understanding or approach or dimension to anyone’s praxis, regardless of their paradigm.


I’m on it!


:grin: :clap: I look forward to your review!



Ooo, adding this to the list! Cheers @Veil.


Yes! then we can discuss! :heart_eyes:

It’s a lot of academia and theory and then starts getting into rituals… would be so good to have a bookclub buddy though!


Started reading ‘The Book of Troth’ by Edred Thorsson


Thanks for the reminder, @Dankquanicus .

I did a review of the Blood Sorcery Bible here

Currently reading:

I will be working through this, but it’s more of a “here it is, have fun” thing and I want to make more of a longer journey that will likely take 6+ months to do.


Welp, looks like it does take a rather racist approach. It does not seem to be explicity so, but it suggests that Germanic and Norse Paganism should be practiced by people of those ethnicities because it is the “path of least resistance” for them through something inherent inside of them, and suggests that much of the troubles of modern Western society is due to following a “Middle-Eastern Religion”, yikes… :man_facepalming: So, it definitely incites hatred to “foreign” cultures and religions.

Now, I am aware that Edred Thorsson/Stephen Flowers (The Author) is a Satanist, belonging or at the time having belonged to a certain Satanic Order, so this is likely an attempt to demonize Christianity and incite hatred towards them specifically. And there is much sorrow and wailing and lamenting over Christianity in the book. It does much to represent Christianity as purely vile while glorifying the Germanic and Norse peoples, and it does this in an extremely reckless and destructive way, even though at the start of the book it claims that the Troth is for all, and indeed Edred Throsson’s order was founded because of disagreement with his old order over what peoples should be allowed to practice Germanic Paganism within the order. Although, Edred Throsson was eventually kicked out by the other members because he belonged to a Satanic group, believing he used his Germanic Pagan works to further his own goals, as I understand it.

Well, when it comes to occult books, even if the idealogy within it is complete nonesense, often times something can still be learnt from the rituals. So, off to see what can be gained.


Absolute nonsense. One of the first things they did was turn me elsewhere. I CAN call on them, but the path of least resistance isn’t typically “growth” in large measure.

My opinion, based on interactions not just as a beginning spiritualist, but reinforced as I continued. Except then, they could explain WHY I realized that. Few years between where I felt a little rejected, tbh.

Not so. We don’t grow from performing the SAME, whether spirits or rituals, when another current exponentially more in growth. (not the same as flipping current when it gets difficult)


I started reading ‘Celestial Gems and Sigils’, a translation of De Lapidibus and Liber Sigillorum by Regulus Hess, and commentary from Christopher Warnock.